Sup Forums tells me Thief: The Dark Project is a great stealth game

>Sup Forums tells me Thief: The Dark Project is a great stealth game
>by the third level it devolves into a Halloween monster spookfest with no sneaking required
What the fuck is this shit?

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it's not only stealth game. want more thieving -- play the second one

Thief 2 is better, when you play Thief 2 you basically don't even need to play Thief 1.

Remember this was like the first proper stealth game, so they threw in some action to try and keep the standard crowds happy.

You can sneak past monsters

Thief 1 is better overall

It's shit like the whole genre. The only good stealth game is chaos theory and even it is a 7 at best

>Chaos Theory
>A 7 at best

Just wait till you get to Return to the Haunted Cathedral.

Thief 1 and 2 are a million times better than Chaos Theory. Even a lot of Thief fan missions are better than Chaos Theory.

>no sneaking required
good luck getting a score with your sword and limited amount of fire arrows

play 2.
honestly, 1 is just typical gothic horror which has been done to death. 2 's setting/themes are really underutilized in games. the story in both is take it or leave it.

A good game.

they're both good

this is bait

You can literally ghost run the entire game

If you see a zombie and think you have to fight it that's your problem.

>Thief 2 is better, when you play Thief 2 you basically don't even need to play Thief 1

I'm currently playing 2 after i played 1 and that is a shit tier opinion if i've ever seen one.

I mean, he's right that you don't HAVE to in order to grasp the mechanics, but you would be missing out on an amazing game.

Which level had the best music?

>have to fight it

I'll give you that, you CAN ghost through the game. But fuck Return to the Cathedral. I dropped down in the middle of it and went full Van Helsing on their ass chucking flashbombs and cutting down zombies until there were no more zombies in the whole fucking level.

Meme opinion.

Playing this game right now; just finished The Sword. Comfy as fuck.

I prefer the house/thieving levels to the zombie/monster ones.

Welp, time for a new phone notification sound

I ghosted that shit, was a wild ride taffer.

>Thief 2 you basically don't even need to play Thief 1.
this is the "water temple is hard" of the thief series

The catacombs are the low point of the game, i think most can agree on that.
Considering this was pretty much the first game that every tried any gameplay like this they felt they had to throw in some combat along the way.
The catacombs get quite tedious at the first playthrough but on later playthroughs you learn to just avoid the Zombies.
The majority of the level is about puzzles and traps anyway.The zombies only come into play in the lower areas of the level.

The is the kind of bait that is blatant yet irresistable to reply. Well done user.

>not liking the spooky halloween action in thief
Fucking casual

Go and play Overwatch

Why were the new levels added in Gold so shitty?

because they were in the same mindset they used while designing thief 2's levels

Is there anything comfier than sinking a few hours into a good fan mission late at night?

A dank new FM came out today


The first game itself was just the devs Dark Camelot project retooled into what you see today.

Some areas may look familiar to you.