Now that Sega released 2 giant flops in the Miku franchise back to back do you think they'll port their games to other...

Now that Sega released 2 giant flops in the Miku franchise back to back do you think they'll port their games to other platforms to make up for their losses?

>Now that Sega released 2 giant flops in the Miku franchise back to back

prove it

>it will be known as the Rin franchise from now on


>Now that Sega released 2 giant flops in the Miku franchise
I suppose you are talking about X and FT. None of them are flops. At all. X sold as much as F and F2 if not more, and FT was in the top 10 of sold games in Japan around christmas.

Oh I know, you are Nintenbro and want Miku in Switch. Or worse, a PC mustard race. Well, bad luck. Not gonna happen.

I wish

But PC has the best in the franchise.

>tfw Luka is the cheapest of the Cryptonloids, right now
>Even cheaper than MEIKO and KAITO
How do we save Luka, guys?

Look, bullshitting aside, is V4 Luka really that bad? How do you even know? Do you mess around with Vocaloid software? Just because she is cheaper doesn't automatically mean she is the worst.

The worst will always be MEIKO. But Luka was once the 2nd more popular VOCALOID, and now...

And now what? I doubt you even have the stats to back up your claims for either Luka or Meiko.

Turns out, I do.

They should just take the gameplay and do a game with normal music 2Bh

Don't get me wrong. I love jerking of to 2D girls as much as the next guy but let's face it, the music is mostly shit.

>light orange-rin
is that right?


>the music is mostly shit.
You a shit.

I'm not sure how X did, it wasn't as well received but I would expect Future Tone to have done much better.

I do hope they decide to port though.

What am I looking at here?

>fapping to vocaloid

Offing yourself right now would only benefit society. You take up so many resources and give back nothing. Think about how many successful contributions you have made beyond yourself. Your parents feel shame every time they see you, but say they love you anyways knowing you'll never mutually be in love or reproduce willingly with another person. Once again, ending it now will ease the pain for later, you worthless piece of autistic human garbage.

What's the best game to get into the series with on vita?

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd.

Thanks user. Out of curiosity why is it the best to start with?

Not him, but PDF2nd has a lot of the famous songs that really helped make Miku popular. Most of the songs were in the past games, but it makes a perfect start for newcomers.

Because it has more songs than F, some of which are classics from the PSP games and you will like that rather than find it repetitive if you are just coming to the series.

F has its fair share of good songs that were completely new to the series, but when it comes to Vita in particular, the game doesn't run at native resolution for some reason, probably optimization, being the first game of the series for Vita. This results in graphics looking a little more muddy, which is not the case with F 2nd and X.

Keep in mind though. F second is the easier one and maybe better for a beginner, you might find it too easy after F 2nd. Most people also started with F, and most veterans like F for having more unique songs.

X is a completely new ballgame.

Cool thanks. Is there any DLC worth getting? From the little I saw there was only cosmetics and costumes on sale.

>F second is the easier one
I mean F, just F, don't know how I messed that up.

On difficulty F 2nd is harder than F, not by much but noticeable for beginners. Some of the people who started with F made note of that.

No there is a song pack for F 2nd that bring even more of the classic songs into the game, but just play this for now. Think about DLC later.

The song bundle DLC in F2 might be worth it if:
- You like the game and want more
- Can't buy Future Tone
- Can't play the original PSP ones

Percentage of Loids used in new songs, by weeks.

The color coding is terrible I can barely differentiate who is the top yellow one and the bottom yellow one.

The color code is not the best one but I think you are at least partially color blind if you can't tell between yellow and orange

I can make out the colors on the pillars I can't recognize the names in the graph, like does Gumi have that many songs? Seems unlikely and she is supposedly the lighter yellow.

On, that. Well, think that the graph takes into account ALL songs uploaded on Niconico, not only the popular ones. The VOCALOID world is still very active, and there are many news songs uploaded each week. Most of them will never be even remotely popular though.

Is Future Tone a good game? I find it disappointing its digital only but I hear Diva X had barely any songs which seems like a good trade off

>does Gumi have that many songs?
You wouldn't think so from the threads on v but she's actually pretty popular as far as Vocaloids go

I enjoy it. some of the tracks/notecharts are medicore quality, but theres over 200 songs most of which are good so I don't mind. It's a lot more difficult than other diva games as 10 stars in previous games are the equivalent of like 7.5-8 stars in FT.

He asks if the best game in the series with 200 songs is a good game. Unless you miss Easy mode then it's the Ultimate in Project Diva.

But if you are new maybe you should start off with older games.

I want to get a PDF2nd for the Vita, but I only have a 4GB memory card. Did they ever release a physical version in the west, or will I have to import? I can't read nipsribles, and the newer games have a lot more bullshit to navigate when all I really want is a portable equivalent to Future Tone where you just pick a song, pick a difficulty, and just fucking play.

I know they use her a lot for Rock but having more songs than Rin and Len that had such a head start, the slightly darker yellow. Damn...

Good for you. F 2nd is probably the game that had physical in all regions, yes even Europe that always gets shafted on physical for Miku games and they overestimated sales so there are a lot lying around. Mostly for PS3 but there should be a few copies left for Vita as well.

The problem with Future Tone is that it's obviously made with the Arcade controller in mind, because it is the Arcade game ported over.

That makes some of the harder stuff on controller pretty damn frustrating.

I guess you are right when you consider people here made their own controllers.

It's very good but its insanely difficult if you wanna thrive on high difficulties. Dual wielding is expected as soon as Hard, and you're gunna need to practice songs with intricate note hold combos. They do let you use a mix of arrow/shape symbols to help better parse the incoming notes, but they really didn't accomodate controller players as much as they should have.

>They do let you use a mix of arrow/shape symbols to help better parse the incoming notes
People actually use the arrows?

I dont know about other people, but it does help me get into the flow better. Without the arrows I dont think I would be dual wielding as much, and I flub more holds.