"Counter Strike is a SKILL based game...

"Counter Strike is a SKILL based game, so shooting is not as simple as point and click like it is in other first person shooters. It requires training, understanding, and skill."

Ok, so CSGO players like to have a bunch of annoying, counter-intuitive mechanics that require thousands of hours of mindless rote muscle memorization to master, in order to make the game less accessible and less fun for new players, all so they can feel "skilled" and "pro" at something. That's good for them and all, but why do they have to be such pretentious shits about it? Just because most FPS game developers decided to make bullets shoot where the crosshair or sights are placed, like how a gun works in reality, doesn't mean the game automatically doesn't require skill. Try to prove me wrong, "skill based csgo players".

Other urls found in this thread:


>like how a gun works in reality
>I have never touched a gun: the post

I'm pretty sure most guns don't require you to aim at the ground to compensate for recoil, user.

First of all, you're exaggerating about the game for the most part.

Second, you clearly have never spent a significant amount of time with firearms.

Do you have to do that to understand the game? No. But you do if you're going to try to talk about real guns and the way they work.

Oh, look, it's the same thread we've been having since 2013

>complaing about realism in an arcade shooter

Not him but CS:GO is about as unrealistic as possible when it comes to everything in it

Slides don't rack back with empty magazines

No bullet drop or wind for scoped weapons -- Even the older Battlefield games had this

Guns apparently make clicking sounds to let you know it's about to go empty which they don't in reality

Like every single magazine size is wrong

>Second, you clearly have never spent a significant amount of time with firearms.
If you're using an awp and aim perfectly on your enemy, but walk forward while you're aiming, the shot will fly somewhere completely different from where your crosshair is aimed. That is not how a gun works, obviously, unless real guns don't have barrels which are straight, in which case, please do enlighten me.

This is it, the counter strike competitive scene is over thanks to the shameful game mechanic user has discovered

It is not a good game. It would be dead by now if not for the skin market.

Then don't play it, OP.

What are you arguing here? CSGO isn't supposed to be realistic. If you don't like the spray mechanic fair enough but it's there for a reason

Man I've lived in Phoenix and Chicago and people always called them lightning bugs

Plenty of people still play 1.6 and source

There's nothing to defend.
CSGO has flaws. Every pro player hated it coming from 1.6 and even source and to this day every time the question of RNG arises everyone is against it.
Valve just doesn't listen and for all its flaws it's still CS but with more money attached to it so people play it.

>in order to make the game less accessible and less fun for new players
Doesn't stop it from constantly being in the top 2 most played games on Steam and having over 10 million unique IPs every month

>If you don't like the spray mechanic fair enough but it's there for a reason
What reason? Why can't they just make the crosshair follow the path of recoil like in every other FPS that isn't shit?

broodwar is just about clicking quickly

>beg mommy for her credit card to buy cs:go on steam
>after weeks of incessant pleading she finally caves and buys me cs:go
>load up
>"fuck the tutorial i got this"
>go online
>get shit pushed in
>make thread on Sup Forums
lmao dude I fucking suck at counterstrike but I can recognize that it's a fantastic game and that it really has an incredibly skilled playerbase

That's a lot of words just to say "im salty that I'm shit at the game"


Just play Quake user, where every shot goes exactly where you think it will. But then you'd have to learn the movements, and you'd be back here whining about dem annoying, counter-intuitive movement mechanics.

Ak47 is the most RNG piece of crap i've ever seen in video games.
Recently i've decided to play some csdm in CSGO.
It just won't hit, i swear, it JUST WON'T FUCKING HIT MY TARGET and i keep dying to some crouch spraying faggots.
On the contrary every time i pick up an M4 (any variation) i feel like an unstoppable god with almost instant ttk.
I don't like this unrealiability most guns have. One time i might kill someone, some other time i might miss completely.

Deagle is also terrible. First shot is accurate, second is meh but you can still kill someone but then it's a complete mess. If the whole team rushes me and i'm with the deagle i can only kill one player, maybe two at max and then i'm dead.
But hey i can pick up a cheaper tec9 or five-seven and spam ADAD+MOUSE1 untill i kill everyone YAY.

Whoever designed this is a retard.
And don't even get me started on counter-intuitive spray patterns that you need to learn instead of adjusting your crosshair by looking where bullets go like in 1.6.
This makes spraydown aces really rare.

Also the players, god. Terrorists just keep camping with awps and never fucking rush fast. This makes games really boring and i've had rounds where terrorists would save several times in a row because the time's up.

you're not aiming them right

if my aim is bad then how do you explain that when i use m4 i go on ridiculous kill streaks like 15+ people and 90% it's headshots.
There's something wrong with the ak.

former Western NC fag here
It was always either Lightning Bug or Firefly.

Quake has a higher skill ceiling than CS.

CS is not at all representative of how firearms operate in real life.

2bad no one plays it.

the m4 obviously fits your playstyle better

to be first shot accurate with an ak you have to be stood still and if you have the dynamic crosshair on it can show you how accurate your shot will be, if you move, it'll be wider, if you're stood still, it should be small and not moving

with an ak and deagle you have to generally be stood still or not moving very fast to be accurate at any range
but with an m4 you can move around a bit more and aim for the chest since headshots aren't one shot lethal, so firing in bursts while moving is a much better strategy with the m4

I think you should use the galil more when playing as terrorist, it'll fit your playstyle better

ur skins will be worth nothing

The image is clearly a joke. Or do you think people on the east coast actually call them Night Jews? The term is "firefly" or "lightning bug" interchangeably in New Jersey.

>That's good for them and all, but why do they have to be such pretentious shits about it?
have you never been competitive at anything in your life? competition is about being pretentious about it, you've worked hard to earn that right

For example, I constantly brag on Sup Forums about how I am one of the few people to not only still own a boxed copy of Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna, but I beat it in my youth without using any cheats or guides. I've earned that fucking right and none of you casual shits have come anything close to that.

>i dont like a game's mechanics
>millions of other players agree the mechanics are good and enjoy playing it
>game grows into one of the most successful competitive titles of our generation
>millions of players
>hundreds of thousands of people watch tournaments
>conclude that everyone else is wrong

you are free to not like the game, but I think its a bit egotistical to presume your opinion of a game you dont play is somehow more valid than the vast majority of people who do, and disagree with you.

and pcbros defend this

>No bullet drop or wind for scoped weapons
this isn't relevant with csgo's map sizes

>decided to go on a lan
>people want to play classic PC games
>decide on quake 3
>several people from the cod hit-scan era never played it or UT
>decide to go easy on them
>only evade don't shoot
>guy tries to shoot me with the plasma gun
>evade 90%
>"Wtf dude shit game i aimed at you all the time why don't you fall over"
>leaves match
>the concept of projectiles travel time is lost on him

here is one of my highlights from 1.6
I do this on a daily basis in almost every game (it's a 5v5 match btw) and it's natural for me to expect the same from csgo.
I have a feeling that maybe my playstile is not fit for this game at all and i'm trying to do something impossible.

CS:GO would have to be totally redesigned to make it so it's not RNG dependent. You can't even change anything about the weapons let alone core game design. People don't want new ideas. CS is still the same shitty game it's always been, but this time we don't have func_vehicle.

FYI the CS:GO general has a dedicated filter on Sup Forums to damage control threads like these

>valuing realism over good mechanics

U know what is cool about video games? They arent real. Its a game not a simulator. Realism arguments have no place in a video game forum.

hitboxes are a bit different in csgo

>dat kickback
>dat sound

why are csgo weapon so lame in comparison? animations are shit and they sound like someone did the recording in a tin can.

Everyone I know that plays CS:GO also hates it. So why do they play it?

didn't they re do all of the csgo weapon sounds

wtf, we dont call them glow bugs

>projectile travel time is hard

hanzo player?

>the game is realistic!
>the game isn't realistic!

Which is it faggots?

Ohio here, most folk I know call them lightning bugs, I never heard the term devils bug...

I like SMGs in csgo

the mp7, mp9, mac 10 and ump are quite fun
they're satisfying and force you to play a more rushing playstyle
and you move faster
and you get decent money with them
which can actually help if your team end up poor because you can buy them all expensive weapons in the later game once you save up 16000

Nebraska boy and I've never heard the term "devil's bug" before. It's always been lightning bug.


The inherently random nature of the game leads to high highs and low lows. You might turn a corner and place a perfect Headshot on an AWPer in B site. Even though this is a 1 in 5 occurrence, you will crave it. Randomness combined with pleasure prompts humans to repeat an activity.

Sort of like when Mice pull a lever over and over if there's a 1 in 10 chance of receiving cheese.

it's a fucking firefly what the hell americans

Because the maps are tiny and movement is slow

Honestly if the gun slide stayed open when a mag was empty I'd like that.

Just think.

What if you poured 1000 of those Counter Strike hours into something productive? You would be the next Mozart.

You sound like an utter faggot that one one would ever want to be around irl.

>every time you reload you rack the slide
>repeatedly locking the bolt back on mac10
>ammunition count not based on magazines
Stop noguns. You're underage.

I would literally rather be a pro csgo player than mozart himself

the p90 is the only gun that does that clicking thing, and ive never shot one, but i have heard that it does that irl

This is a obvious joke, idiot. "Night jew"? Do you really think that's legit?

Yeah, they made them a lot worse.

Whoever says they're more realistic clearly never shot a firearm in their life.

The first thing you need to convey with firearms in a video game is their loudness. If you can't do that, stop trying to be realistic.

I have a degree in history

csgo's a lot more productive than that

>stand in one place and shoot at the wall

the most retarded advice i've ever heard.
if you write a super secret console command
>cl_showimpacts ()
it will show you that server calculates hits differently so standing in one place and shooting at the wall is counterproductive in it's nature.

>that require thousands of hours of mindless rote muscle memorization to master
Wow thats like, every competetive sport ever

If you know of that command, surely you've used it to stand in front of a wall and practice your recoil patterns. So why are you playing dumb, I don't understand the intent behind your post. Yes, there is RNG in where the bullets land, but they always follow the general pattern with slight RNG deviations.

wtf I love counter strike now

>Ok, so CSGO players like to have a bunch of annoying, counter-intuitive mechanics that require thousands of hours of mindless rote muscle memorization to master, in order to make the game less accessible and less fun for new players

Man up pussy. Video games were built around actual challenge. Games shouldn't hold your fucking hand you fucking puss.

see what he did wrong here was jump before shooting

>man up
>play a video game

Why is it always so easy to spot fat teenagers online?


Counterstrike truly has the most skill-based tournaments! These players have amazing aim!

North west indiana here, it's always been lightning bug. this chart is dumb.


both online

Why do propel get so angry at CS?

Is it because deep down they enjoy it so they want it to improve?

Is it people who played Quake once and now think themselves an authority on online shooters?

Is it just shitposters to lazy to come up with something new?

whats your point? a "pro player" is clearly using aimbot. man must be hard to become a pro :)

what is appeal to belief

Here is a LAN aimbot made public.


his point was its not supposed to be realistic

Damn I miss the 1.6 days. And half-life modding in general.

Is it true you have to pay for sprays now? Shame that valve spoiled their franchises

how much is stuff like this sold for?

yeah you have to pay for sprays, but really it's just valve making easy money out of idiots

if you want real counterstrike then play 1.6 or css

To be honest shit they sell doesn't effect the gameplay at all so I'm happy with it. Occasionally I get to sell some crappy drop for a few bucks to some retard too, game basically paid for itself and more for me

I'd by far choose this model over greedy DLC practices, like what Paracucks and CA does

oh yeah that's definitely an advantage of playing
I've probably made $50 from csgo over the years

too distracted by random itching to keep up a fake persona

>posts 'highlights' of gameplay
>literally silver-tier play, nothing special at all, esp. for a 'highlight'
>the game is broken, the ak doesn't work

Someone cheated in a competitive activity!? Pack it in boys, we're done.

And league of legends is the greatest game of all time.

A large casual playerbase (with absolutely no taste) doesn't make a game good

>doesn't constantly spam Q
Is this really 1.6?

How about we just all go back to 1.6 where skilled players don't get killed by run and gun bullshit every other round? I'm legit in favor of it.