So you're buying Baiken's game right?

so you're buying Baiken's game right?

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Accent Core Plus R is the only Guilty Gear game you need.

Coming to Xbox?

Girls smoking pipes is my fetish

>still not enough paizuri pics

Baiken makes my peepee tingle

Baiken triggers me. Her eyepatch is on her left eye, then it's on her right eye, and back again. Also, I'm not supporting GG until best girl is in the game.

This joke was never funny. Kill yourself.

elphy is the only girl for me

What joke?

What the fuck did they do to her moveset, design and voice?

>tfw they'll never her back her original outfit and pink hair

Edgy black/white outfit a shit

Except you've been able to buy her sign costume for ages now.

dont i fucking know it, her new costume is SHIT, the spikes cover her fucking cleavage from like every angle... FUCKKK she was so perfect

Best tits in gaming

Yeah, going to get it on ps4 and probably again when it comes to PC. I think I'm also getting injustice and marvel infinite when those eventually come out. This year is pretty loaded for fighting games.

GG is still the best though.

>Baiken only has 1 translated doujin
>Baiken barely has any doujins at all

Untapped potential man

Give it time, surely we'll get something now that she's in Rev 2.

hahahaha dumb brat. the real cleavage exists only in your mind. fucking idiot

It aint gonna happen. Just more fucking Dizzy and shit

Her breasts are exposed just right for me to make love with while I sit on her face!

all doujins are almost exclusively include Dizzy and/or Bridget

>Elphelt will never eat your ass
why live


Yup. Baiken was the one character I actually wanted.
I was never good with her in the original game but she was the one that stuck out the most in my childhood.
Haven't really felt motivated to play the new games until Baiken was announced.


Millia's game

Anyone else just a little bit disappointed with Rev 2?

When they announced that characters would get new moves I was hoping it'd be new specials or some fancy new normals. Turns out they just replaced some characters' normals with functionally similar ones and only a few characters got these new normals.

The balance changes were mostly minor and only one returning character in the form of Baiken. I'll still buy the game obviously, but I can't help to think Rev 2 should've had a bit more gameplay content. I guess story fags will appreciate new episode and story modes though.

Here's to hoping they'll bring back another character or two as DLC around or after console release.

You can unlock her old costume in the in-game shop so who cares.

there's probably gonna be a third new character that'll function like Sin and Raven

She is cool in concept but I just don't really like her buttons

GG just doesn't really have a character that suits me, still buy Rev2 though


Only if she agrees to beat me up.

Robo-Ky hopefully.

Also there's rumors of Anji showing up in Baken's story mode, and apparently normal sized Justice.

I realize the day of this post but I read this on gamefaqs way before april 1st.

So are the characters who didn't get a story last go getting one now?

when are they going to add fucking johnny

Yes, Jam, Raven, Kum, Dizzy all get story modes for arcade now as do Baiken and Answer.

I'll be playing it like I always have.

It would be nice if they'd add the rest of the cast back in before they add more new characters.

Yeah, Anji shows up. He appears to be wearing his old attire, but they don't show his face:

That's an opium pipe, right? Does she fight while stoned out of her mind?

I enjoy Jam and her ability to tell you what day it is.

she's sagging

>oh wow it's fucking nothing.jpg

thanks for sharing anyway.


Why don't they make anime like this it looks pretty good.


No that's a new shirt if nothing else. His old outfit was pecs city.

why are her boobs so far apart in this picture..?

>The balance changes were mostly minor
Well, the balance in Xrd from the start wasn't something ultra crazy either. Here, doing the same stuff as always, nerfing the top, giving help to some lows, randomly nerfing other lows for no particular reasons.
Like, among the good changes, Raven and Millia will both be much more enjoyable to watch and play, since they now have both some things to manage, and decisions to make. Raven can gain excitement crazy fast (and will require it to be as good as before), but lose it as fast. Millia has "to pin or not to pin", since she won't be able to loop her oki freely by doing the same launcher over and over again.
Elphelt will once again be less dumb. They kept the unblockables, but now will require you to at least YRC if you want to use it, meaning that you will do less damage, and won't be able to loop it as before, since YRC fucks up meter gain. Sin will rely much more on his food meter to do some nice damage, Johnny won't just mash K and beat some f.S.

Among the more questionable changes, I'd quote Leo and May. Like, why did they feel like taking away tools from them? It's not like those chars where in the top of the list. And unlike the nerfed top tiers, they didn't even gain anything fancy to toy with, they just lost things for no particular reasons.

But overall, I like what they're doing with Rev 2. Just hoping that we will get one or two more characters with the console release. I really like what I see with Answer and Baiken, so they can actually make another well designed and interesting char to goof around Let's hope that the next newcomer is either Gabriel or Pope

It's expensive and time consuming.

>It's expensive and time consuming.

>they made 3 games in 3 years

>time consuming

Each model takes months of work.

Compared to the workflow involved in making a typical anime episode, the pace of making a model in xrd moves too slowly to be practical.

Was that ever released in Australia?

>No that's a new shirt if nothing else. His old outfit was pecs city.
Looks like he's wearing a bathrobe now

>nice FAT tits
>Looks fun
>Sexy voice

Yeah man.

Is there anywhere I can see her color palette options?

Kimono, Bathrobe. Patayto potahto.

PC release date WHEN

She has one arm

>They ruined my waifu in REV 2


Only color palette needed is the Christmas one


i literally can't anime games anymore.

I tried playing senran kagura and i stopped like 4 times to fap.

My tastes are so vanilla it's suffering.

it's ironic since everyone else that comes here seems to develop more obscure bullshit fetishes in less amount of time

man Id like to unwrap that present. Would really stuff her stocking if you get me. Get a real holly jolly feeling.

I want to have sex with her.

>I have to do actual combos instead of brainless j.H

>I tried playing senran kagura and i stopped like 4 times to fap.

I wish I had the vim and vigor you had.

>wreath on a door

no fucking way

Her setplay was perfect and beautiful. Fuck you.

guilty is like the less anime of all anime games you should try it, it's nothing like senran kagura which is basicaly a fap game

That is some impressive detail

.it's totally not a waifu game guys my anime is less anime than your anime look how cool I am everyone!

>Game has female characters

You didn't even play the game, so why do you complain?

yeah i know. i played guilty. Just that pic related makes my dick take control. Happens way too often. It sucks 'cause there's not enough good h-games around to satisfy me either. So fuck.

man just play Faust

I want to but i know i wont find anyone to play this game. SO it would be money wasted.

Oh, good reminder, faggot. I need to see how they changed Millia. I've only watched Baiken footage so far.

I do. I went to WNF last week to play and am going to EVO

I'm actually playing Elphelt at EVO because I don't think I'll have enough time to adapt to the Millia changes.

Replacing normals is something I really wish they would stop doing. Just put the new ones on a different button for fucks sake.

I say that as an eternally salty Taokaka main.

Team Red is not Team Blue

But when the model is done, then there's no need to make more though, and you can keep reusing the shit out of it, for years even, depending on the model's quality, until it starts to look outdated, that's how pratical 3D models are. It may take a shit ton of time to make a model that good, but once it's done, all you have to do is animate it, whereas traditional animation you have to draw each frame every time for every episode, for every season, rarely you'd get the chance to recycle drawings for future episodes or seasons.

The only thing that would take more time than a regular anime, or even a 3D anime, would be bigger production time, but once it's done, you have all the assets ready to be used and reused as much as you possibly can, and you can pump out new episodoes or seasons way faster.

Yeah, but its something that happens in both games, so I thought I might as well say something.

>female characters = waifu game

Imagine being this fucking stupid

I'm pretty sure certain attacks have their own model though to keep the style in place. Like when Raven's arm turns into a paintbrush.

Or maybe they just extrude it. Idk.

The game basically does not do 3D animation the traditional way.

>game has female characters
>must be a waifu game

that depends, it isn't censored, right?

>baiken is agender, asexual and differently abled
didn't know Sup Forums was full of sjws now


What game is this?
How are the waifus in this game?
Is there a spectator mode of sorts?

Is Jam still shit in rev2?

>tfw they made Sin's million stabs followup do a gorillion damage

I mean, Sin doesn't hit hard enough holy shit.

How long will the waifufags last before they drop her?

Arcs has a hard on for Sin. Nigga won Evo and the Arcs invitational and he's STILL untouched for the most part.

It's pretty amazing

You can nerf Sin, but you can't nerf Machabo.

This picture would be perfect with some areola

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
The girls are good
If you set up a lobby you can spectate a setup that people are playing at, but there's no exclusive spectator mode
If you're talking about a model viewer there's a "Digital Figure" mode if you're into that

>baiken is agender, asexual
Anji being her morality chain says otherwise.

Weak bait.

just look at how many days dizzy players lasted.


He's been changed drastically though, he needs to play full calorie whore now where you need to go all in with your specials, making him hungry very fast but also gain those back quick. He can no longer play well roundedly due to this changes like before where he can just play a clean footsie game and suddenly kill you when you fuck up

I like how Baiken basicaly shits on him if he gets too chummy with Beak Driver too