>In short, it means that the Switch has gained enough sales momentum to likely give confidence to Japanese third-party publishers to further invest in the platform. Considering that Japanese games still sell globally, this in turn means that the Switch’s gaming library will no doubt increase in the coming months. With new projects announced off the back off of these launch sales.
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Fake news.
Thank you Donald
>posting this twice
>ask mommy what she thinks about Trump taxing imported goods
>"America can already produce anything it needs, it's not a problem"
>yeah but how about videogames
>"aren't those all produced here too?"
How do we get rid of normies, Sup Forums?
>investing all funds on a console that only sold well in 1 country.
That means all the good console games will be on Switch. Cool.
It will get the support from small third party Japanese companies such as NIS, Spike Chunsoft ,etc.
Pretty similar to VIta.
>west marketing
please delete this
where are the games though?
This E3 is going to be murder
H-ha ha, all games will come to switch now, j-just you wait!
Funny.. didnt the switch bomb last week on sales..? How is it out pacing the PS4 if it cant out sell the PS4 on a weekly basis.. right now..??? Where the fuck do these idiots get their stories. Check the famitsu numbers, it's selling well but not like these fake news sites are blowing it up to be.
Still selling less than the Wii U was.
What do you buy communist trash, you should be buying quality American goods. Like Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition.
just annex japan
this means we could get RE7? or Mass Effect Andromeda? or FFVII remake? or TitanFall 2?
What would the casus belli be?
>coming months
More like next year.
But this would be a good thing. I really need a substitute for my Vita, currrently the Switch isn't one because there is only Zelda and the only other interesting announced title is Xenoblade 2 (and even if they say it will release in 2017 I don't believe them) but if NIS, Falcom and/or CH would at least develop mediocre titles for the Switch I'd get one.
Still a little disappointed that Atlus didn't announce any Switch games at their stream some days ago.
The actual Japanese sales numbers strongly disagree with everything said in this article. Funny delusions tho. I mean, it'd be nice since the Switch is literally a no game machine currently and I kind of regret buying one since Zelda... you guys are either all ten or just blatantly full of shit because the game is literally nothing special.
Wooo copy paste dungeon spam, easy as fuck, only challenge is DID YOU BRING ENOUGH WEAPONS IN YOUR BAG? LEL. Fuck nintendo, I fall for this shit every time. Wii, Wii U, Switch, use em for a week, never touch em ever again cept for drunk mario games when company is over.
Delete your post please.
japan is our bitch already
we'd just ask them to get on their knees and they'd say "take order pree" in their fake ching chong language
likely since Capcom already said they're looking into porting it.
> Mass Effect Andromeda? or FFVII remake? or TitanFall 2?
Not likely.
n...no... this just CANNOT be true
Stopped reading there
> Copy paste dungeon
This is just blatantly wrong, all the dungeons are unique. You can complain that they're too short but not that they aren't unique from each other.
please stop
Maybe if you could daisy chain 6 Switches together and run off of their combined power
>wanting Andromeda on the Switch
remove this then
"In short, it means that the Switch has gained enough sales momentum to likely give confidence to Japanese third-party publishers to further invest in the platform. "
>The actual Japanese sales numbers
You mean these sales numbers that match up exactly with what the article is describing?
Isn't the Wii U outpacing both PS4 and Switch?
The more you know :^)
Buy 4k TV
Oh no we have to play on this small shit toy screen because we're normalfag wage slaves now who can only game on public transportation for 2 hours
There comes a point in a man's life were suicide is a realistic option.
no... we fought so hard bros
It's a pretty decent game desu.
Just everything to do with dialogue has that jankiness to it. Sometimes the camera even chooses an angle where you can't actually see the person you are talking to.
If by the fifth week sales are still around 3DS's levels I can safely say we've won.
The fuck do you think they care about? The only thing they care about is money. That's why the 3DS got all the support.
>to likely give
>to likely
Can't forbes into fucking english?
Sure Jan
RE7 is the only one of those I want.
I'd be more interested in whether we get stuff like The Witness and Talos Principle. Maybe Obduction too.
The reason jap devs put their games on PS4 isn't because of Japan or even because of the West, it's for China and SEA, markets that Nintendo has next to no presence and are making up for the shrinking console market in Japan.
>The Witness and Talos Principle. Maybe Obduction too.
this desu.
And RE7 is looking likely.
I must be playing some other game then because this really is not the case. Same gimmicks over and over. I'd rather of had 20 shrines that weren't shit quality.
>Metascore 75
>not breddy gud
Sure thing IGN
I just hope both do good so there will be good games for people who have either one. Enjoy your games everybody.
Even if we assume this is true, the PS4 is multiple years old while the Switch is multiple weeks old.
Name 2 (two) games being switched from the ps4 to the switch
How about now?
I think what they are talking about is that Switch is selling even faster than PS4 was at launch. Despite releasing in March.
>3rd parties may invest in the platform
>therefore switch is taking over
Do you get paid to shill or is this autism
weak bait, different platform
fucking sonybros
>America can already produce anything it needs, it's not a problem
Hey your moms a fucking moron
Didnt the PS4 sell pretty averagely at launch? Doesnt matter cause this isnall bullshit
yellow is fine but brown suit it more
And what's exactly wrong with that sentence structure?
We had this thread yesterday and it was already debunked. Go away shills.
There are more people playing it on a ps4 though
No.. just no, this cannot be happening. Everything we fought for... all the time we spent.
All for NOTHING?
>PS4 sells out for 5 months after launch, only people who pre-ordered were steadily receiving units until then
>Switch can be found in stores just a month later
Reminder the SWITCH will NEVER EVER reach 50 millions.
I bet it on my grandpas life. Screencap this
lol april fools
xDD tortanic amirite brother
That's funny, I remember Nindrones crying about how Sondrones were obsessed with sales when the PS4 was winning
But regardless, does it really surprise you that a country where the majority of the population ride trains every day would be buying a portable system more than a home console?
the twist is his grandpa is already dead
>Implying it will even surpass the Xbone.
manifest destiny
How is that wrong?
I implore you guys to delete this
All i ask for is guilty gear and marvel on it. literally all i ask of you nintendo.
Switch is close to 1 million units in Japan.
With splatoon it will get to about 1.5/2million.
With Mario Odyssey and Dragon Quest XI it will get to 2/2.5 million.
That's 50% of the 4 year PS4's sales in under a year.
If it gets pokemon/animal crossing/Yokai watch or monster hunter? The switch will EASILY overtake the ps4 in Japan
>That's funny, I remember Nindrones crying about how Sondrones were obsessed with sales when the PS4 was winning
And before that I remember sony fans crying about how Nintendo fans were obsessed with sales when Wii was winning
And before that I remember nintendo fans crying about how sony fans were obsessed with sales when ps2 was winning
How about worldwide you weeb :^)
Vanillaware, please... please sweet Jesus.
If not I guess I might also buy a PS4 further down the line, but 13 Sentinels would want to be really amazing. Sad thing is, I would've bought a PS4 already if Sony weren't retards and had added Muramasa Rebirth and Dragon's Crown to the PSN. Fucking morons.
>2.5 hour battery life
This is the only thing preventing me from buying it.
Let me know when they release switch XL that has a 5 hour battery life.
This isn't news. Nintendo has always been more popular in Japan than Sony. Switch won't be any different. Once Switch has Splatoon 2 and MonHun it's going to explode in popularity. nintendolife.com
>This board
Buy a portable charger
>unoptimized WiiU garbage killing the battery like a fatso and cheesecake
>somehow means Switch battery is trash as a whole
You say that as if Switch will have muramasa and dragon's crown, two vita games I might add.
I literally don't care because western games are garbage
You are saying it like unoptimized garbage isn't the norm.
>mutlipats and games Sup Forums shitposts about for xbox and wii
That idiot also said that Netflix splitting streaming from physical dvds would ruin the company.. Pachter is a literal retard.
Japanese want worldwide audience now. Its why P5 is on PS4.
And PS3.
>didnt the switch bomb last week on sales..?
Where did you hear this?
I know, it's just that there's enough announced for the Switch that I was confident in getting it for Zelda only. I'll eventually get a PS4 if Vanillaware doesn't release anything on Switch, but I would love it if I didn't have to buy another console. And if Muramasa and DC were on the PSN, I would then have no qualms about buying a PS4 as my Vanillaware machine.
Anyways, I just hope the next big MonHun is released on Switch.
540p in handheld mode sounds pretty optimized to me
Yup, sony has a worldwide audience on lock.
yet switch is selling less than wii u
really makes you think
The only reason P5 is on PS3 is because nips would rage if it wasn't. The system still does well over there.