What are some good games based on classic-era CN stuff?

What are some good games based on classic-era CN stuff?

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No idea if it's CN but I had a good time with it.

>HB garbage

Those cheap fucks very nearly killed the western animation business with their cheap, formulaic, mass produced garbage.
Thank fuck Japan saved it.

what's you're opinion on UPA though

I asked for video games, not your opinions.
WR is as classic CN as it gets

There's Turbo Toons on snes.
Scooby-Doo Mystery on snes was neat too.
The Flintstones & Jetsons game were also pretty good.

>Sup Forums wasn't merged with Sup Forums
>/ck/ gets to watch samurai jack with them today
I know Sup Forums and /ck/ are gay for eachother but god damn it

If we count Looney Tunes then the Bugs Bunny PS1 games and Daffy Duck Fowl Play are kino.


This. I can't believe anyone likes their garbage.

but it's good


>Implying Swat Kats and Top Cat aren't kino

I want the Generation Z out


Whiny and entitled, as expected from gen Z abortions.

You mean bugs bunny lost in time? That game was pretty good.

>Using "whiny" as an insult while in the middle of a whiny rant


This is a rant, a whiny, gen Z and entitled one:

This is one of the first games I've ever played

And it still holds up

it really does
