Nintendo Direct IMMINENT

Direct in like 40 minutes by my count (which is probably wrong). NOT an April Fools.

Other urls found in this thread:


>wiiu games
>"this is no joke"

good joke

Switch VC confirmation
Mother 3 VC announcement
Screencap this

haha gottem!


its 3:21pm. Dumb ass. Here's a (you) for you.

I'm surprised there wasn't a sticky!


The new SMT Switch is up!

Jesus I forgot the trailer was showed off on April 1st.

Stupid Nintendo can't even get the year right.

I'm really glad Sup Forums was wrong and #FE turned out to be a good game.

Sometimes Sup Forums is just contrarian for all the wrong reasons


>I'm really glad Sup Forums was wrong and #FE turned out to be a good game.

Why would a true statement end on a cringe reel?

>wii u

It's the truth, it was a good game. Still on damage control huh

Because it's blatantly wrong perhaps?

It's not, don't worry.


>wii u and 3ds
may as well not even watch this shit






Damn, that Lucas shit was two years ago.

If they had given it a good story it would've been GOTY. As it is it's a very good RPG.

>It's been 2 years since KowaSHITai was properly revealed
Fuck that game

>it's blatantly wrong
Except it's not?

>If they had given it a good story
The story it had was fine

You haven't even played it

>tfw Fatal Frame 5's localization was announced 2 years ago to the day

>Except it's not?
Nah, it is.

Why would I bother playing idolshit?

>The story it had was fine
It was serviceable at best. It didn't make the game any worse, but it sure as hell didn't compliment the miles better gameplay and dungeon crawling. I could omit this in any other game genre, but story is pretty vital in an RPG game.

I'm sorry NeoGA/v/, it is a good game

Nah, Sup Forumseddit, it's shit.

Not him, but can you give me a quick rundown? I don't mind idolshit

>this is what was anounced:

>this is what we got:

But I still don't mind the idolshit.

Well excuse me for not being a retard that thinks of gay high school idolshit when thinking about either SMT or FE, let alone both at once.


>Still on damage control huh
The irony, Cody.

Did he make this pathetic shit too?

Yup. Now he's so desperate to find something to defend, he digs up literally who websites that gave BotW a 7-8.

So where is it then?

I remember this guy, pathetic

I asked what made it a good or a bad game not your autistic spergout.

right here

False advertising, you reading comprehensionless retard.

A sequel is more likely than you think user.

It's almost been a year since then and it'll be a year in the Summer since auditions IIRC.

But how does that make the end product bad, you absolute fucking mongoloid. Answer my question or fuck off.

Stay delusional, dude.

>promise something and then give something unrelated instead
>deeeeeeeh y is bad!?
Why do I even bother with mouth breathers like you? Conversation over.

>Flase Advertising

That "advertisement" was merely introducing the concept of a crossover of 2 franchises.

You saw no gameplay footage or even cutscenes of what the game's style would represent.

It was merely an announcement of a crossover of 2 franchises.

Good that you can admit your utter uselessness in this subject. You shouldn't have replied in the fucking first place if you didn't know jack shit.

>a crossover of 2 franchises
Which is not what we got.

Well if nothing else, there's still hope because Avex has still not announced their project yet, and the songs sung in the audition were #FE songs as well as Mamori's VA being one of the judges.

In the mean time, pic related will hold me over until potential announcement of a sequel gets announced.

It wasn't a traditional crossover, but we got demon-versions of characters of an FE game in a modern setting with gameplay of an SMT game.

If you ignore the idol story stuff, it's got good elements of both including the weapon triangle of FE and weakness, resistance and nullification statuses of SMT.

Sure the monsters should've been SMT demons but I think making a Persona-esque (to the point of using Ibun Roku in the Japanese title) spinoff of FE worked out pretty well.

Oh yeah, it also successfully managed to bring Toi8's art into 3D quite successfully, making for some pretty great visuals and general colorfulness not seen in many games nowadays.

>Counting the Weapon Triangle as a plus

Fire Emblem aside, how would you say it makes the #FE combat system worse?

It's just a method of knowing weaknesses, but you're parading it around like a feature on the back of the box. That's like saying Pokemon features advanced "Type System"

>weapon triangle
>literally just strike, pierce, and slash

Remember when the Switch was going to be a third pillar co-existing with the Wii U?
I feel lied to

The weapon triangle is the cornerstone of Fire Emblem gameplay and since the user at was trying to make a statement on how the game combined gameplay elements from different series I see nothing wrong with this. The weapon triangle isn't a cornerstone of #FE combat, it's a part of the triumverte of old turn based combat, borrowed weapon triangle (FE) and magic system (SMT) and the new Sessions.

Remember when the same happened with DS? Considering your post, of course you don't.

Remember when the DS was going to be a third pillar co-existing with the GBA?
I feel lied to

>Remember when the Switch was going to be a third pillar co-existing with the Wii U?
No, because they never said it would be. Wii U is done, Zelda was the last first-party game Nintendo will release for it. They said 3DS would stick around, not Wii U.

But that mechanic didn't bring anything to #FE. In Fire Emblem the weapon triangle is used to make you deeper consider unit placement and what units are in the party to make sure you don't accidentally get hit by a unit you're weak to. Because spacing doesn't matter in a turn based RPG, the mechanic is reduced to a set of weaknesses and resistances.

They actually did say something to that affect. Can't be bothered to look it up but I'm pretty sure Reggie said the Switch wasn't intended to replace the Wii U.

I'd argue otherwise. While there is no spacing in #FE, your character weapon will impose a weakness upon it and depending on the situation you will be advised to switch that character out. If you are facing powerful enemies or a boss with an axe, you should switch out your Lancer before he gets a hit in that might crit and initiate a session which can wipe you out. Since switching characters doesn't use a turn, I'd consider it as close as you can get to combining traditional turn based combat to SRPG combat.

*Clarification: getting axed as a lance user initiates a session did it crit or not. It only needs to land.

Took that to just mean its not a traditional home console, and the Wii U isn't getting support from Nintendo or being stocked in stores anymore.

GBA was still supported for a good year after the DS came out and I expect the 3DS will also get new games at least through the end of this year.

I have yet to complete the game, but I don't remember any moments in which the enemies also had the ability to switch out with characters you could see. This just means you can change your party around the enemy's weaknesses freely at any point in time. In mainline SMT, swapping out took a turn, so you had to commit to the change. In Persona (4) you could defend with the character with the weakness or equip them with skills to get around their weakness.

Oh cool, my meme thread is still up.