Why does GTA:SA's map still feel so much bigger?
Why does GTA:SA's map still feel so much bigger?
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Variety and fog
Because it had actual things in the areas, and each area had personality that made them distinct from one another
harder to get around. Kind of like why morrowind feels big even though it's half a square inch
Variety, shorter LOS and mountains
>we will never get the awesome Driving School/Flight School again
Having three major cities helped, instead of one giant city that you never leave.
Even without the fog, GTA:SA's map is designed so you can't see the entire thing at once unless you're flying
GTAV has too many mountains filling the map
In GTA V there aren't any places where you can feel like you're in the middle of nowhere
they only used like 20% of the V map whereas san andreas used 100%
because half of GTA V's map is filled with nothing
I dunno but it's strange. Fucking Fallout New Vegas' map feels bigger than V's and that's a tiny ass map.
>los santos overview
>it's mostly flint county
Instead of removing the fog they should remove all LOD within the draw distance
Left map should be an example of bad map design, and it would have been back then before "realism" retards that think just because something lacking exists on real life it should get a free pass on videogames.
Because you were 9 when you played it
So is SAs
Are those two maps scaled properly? looking at the city blocks, SA looks smaller than V
i was acutally 6 when it came out but that doesnt mater
Fuck off autista.
Why don't they just release old games with normal models for all lods, reduced fog and widescreen fix?
And yet, I can't go back to SA after playing V
>1 city
>2 towns
>1 highway in a circle around the map
>3 cities
>12 towns
>highway network that goes all around the state
>tfw still playing SA:MP
>crash n burn server has returned some months ago
Does it really feel that big to you now or are you just going by old memories?
The issue with the map in GTA V is that everything loops back to LS. There's nothing else important or significant out there to make you feel like it's an actual world, they needed another city to hammer home that feeling of driving/traveling from one place to another. I remember how cool it felt in SA to be able to drive to another city, in V no matter where you go you end up looping back into LS, it doesn't give you the feeling of travelling to some other place and at least for me that kills the subjective impression of distance. The map needed another destination, like another city should've extended the map further to the north. Other than that I actually appreciated having large empty areas, that also helps with scale and fucking around in the pretty sizable mountains was enjoyable for a while.
Why did they focus solely on Los Angeles in V? It was the least interesting part of San Andreas.
I could never enjoy V and it's shitty multiplayer after playing the greatness that SA and the multiplayer mods were. To this day i would have SAMP any day over GTA:O
It's scaled to the in-game units, which is 1 unit = 1 meter.
it's fun with friends
Especially if you're mainly following the story, when you leave Los Santos you spend a long ass time in the small towns and two big cities before you finally head back, and it feels like you've been ages away
This. V's is way bigger, but you interact a lot less with it. Most of the map is just places that you drive through that are unmemorable. There's more stuff, but you don't live in it like you do in SA
Great argument, shitlord
SAMP's more fun with friends.
GTAO is a fucking crashgrab.
New vegas doesn't have cars, most of gta v's map is empty space anyway, while new vegas has lots of locations all around the map.
>user Has Been Infected With Syphilis, Gonorrhea, And Mad Cow Disease.
This. I remember liking San Fierro's hills and bridges, the strip and suburbs in Las Venturas, and the ghettos in Los Santos. And of course there was a lot of stuff in between: the Native American ruins near the dam, the dam itself, the various little towns (especially the one just north of San Fierro - it's a shame there weren't any houses there) and the deeper forests (whereas GTA V's San Andreas just has drylands and mostly inaccessible hills).
It would be great (not just for us but for R*) if they just added San Fierro to Online at least and gave it more wooded, accessible countryside.
not as fun as getting together with your bros and passing the controller around
V's map would be ok if the main city wasn't so shit.
Because San Andreas:
> uses it's space more efficiently.
>Indirect Roads
>3 Very Diverse Cities with 11 Small Towns
>Vehicles are slightly slower in San Andreas.
stay triggered cucklord. You don't know how good map/level design works, i do that for a hobby.
not as fun as jerking off your bro
On top of the story showing just how much as changed since you have been gone. Even more so if you took the time to do the gang warfare stuff and seeing all your territory lost.
Its all pace and space. You spend the first part of the game in that city where you never get to see the actual size of it because of elevation/buildings obstructing your view the whole time. Then your dropped out into the woods with nothing to get in your way and it feels like everything opened up on you.
Then he mission when you arrive in Fierro is you mostly in that slow ass van so the travel to the city and the arrival is alot longer then it would feel if you were in a banshee or something.
not as fun as a good old round of soggy biscuits
The disneyland effect
V has flight school though.
bros are not for sexual
Because in V Los Santos is large but very same-y and there's not much content there so there's no reason to explore it.
And the rest of the map is one highway that loops around the island pointlessly and a bit of desert with nothing in it.
when my skinny ass puts on a wig and dresses up as rikku and give one of my bros a blowjob I'm no longer a bro so it's all good
Having a platonic JO sesh isn't sexual.
What they could do, if they really plan on milking Online for a long time, is make San Fierro DLC. Just add a new continent in the north with more normal forests (and less inaccessible dried up rocky ridges), and at the other end of that continent there's a small town that leads into the Golden Gate bridge that leads into San Fierro (which is L/U shaped so that there's an actual bay). That would make planes useful, driving meaningful, areas without towns nicer, farm/ranch player homes an option, and boats/yachts more useful/interesting.
Unfortunately, they're just going to suck GTA Online for what money there's left and move on to whatever's next for them, probably pulling the same online jewery on Red Dead Redemption 2.
>alamo sea
Do they really label it as a sea? It's a lake at best desu
of course not
it's based on the Salton Sea, which is a lake
One of the reasons I disliked how the game unfolds in V is due to the fact that the entire map is open right away.
For me the GTA experience was always getting to explore and know the map one area at a time. Sure, the areas were always separated by some contrived bridge collapse or whatnot but you had something to look forward to.
And with new areas came new factions to deal with, new cars to find, new weapons and so on. The sense of progress was there throughout the game.
IV also dropped the ball on that one a bit because the Jersey part of Liberty City was kinda shit and nothing of any importance was there (true to life).
But in V, with the constant switching of characters and the entire map being open it always feels like you can do anything at any point, but one you romp through the map the first time there's no reason to revisit anything.
In that regard I think III was most successful.
First area was slummy, second was the big city and the third was mostly focused on rich houses (with expensive cars) with some projects and airport thrown in.
>Jersey part of Liberty City
technically it wasn't Liberty City
>Especially if you're mainly following the story
Yeah, that's exactly it. You were actually going places, traveling back to another city after you fucked around somewhere else for a good while actually felt like a journey despite how tiny the map actually is. In V it's always like you run off to do some errand and then quickly head back home. Actually, that's exactly what you're doing. Now that I think of it, in the SP the 3 protagonist system also hurts the impression of scale, you basically teleport around the place and kill any impression of size. What the did in V is kill the illusion of distance, despite the map actually having way, way more scale.
I fucking swear SA had better graphics than that when I played it
It can look alright with mods
>[yeyo music starts]
That's a neighborhood in The Sims 3
Does anyone remember hot coffee?
Back when it was the right who advocated censoring video games rather than the left.
funny how that was such a big deal but now the new Mass Effect has actual nudity in its sex scenes and no one cares
Who Crazybob's CnR here?
Well in that image, most of the object are at minimum LoD and there's no fog or heat haze effects to blurr out the LoD effect.
who /heavyrp/ here
I'm a rapist
I was the only one of my friends who managed to get a copy before it got "banned". It was pretty cool.
What a dumb controversy that was anyway, it would be as though people tried to get Skyrim banned because you can mod sex into it that isn't normally available in any way
>tfw you were neck deep in playing GTAIII and you buy your local vidya magazine and see that Vice City is coming out
>tfw you were neck deep in playing Vice City and you buy your local vidya magazine and see that San Andreas is coming out
holy fucking nostalgia
For anyone in here, play San Andreas again. It feels so goddamn small, now. It's all just nostalgia.
A sea can be inland, it just needs to be salty.
I sort of am, I just role play as an anarcho capitalist, and kill anyone who violates the NAP.
the variety makes it good
I'm a pig. And i take no bribes.
>tfw in 15 years GTAVIII will be out and V will feel pathetically primitive
Quality/variety over size.
The maps in IV and V are so large and boring that i don't even know where i am half of the time
>We're going BACK to san andreas!
>Map is completely different and in no way san andreas
>Only reason it is san andreas is because they fucking said so and i guess because of los santos and chilliad
>No san fierro or venturas, which are a staple in everyoness mind when they think of san andreas
If the map had no name you wouldn't hink 'this is san andreas, we're in san andreas' you'd assume it's some brand new place but because they said its san andreas, it is now san andreas. shit sucks
it only feels small if you mod the draw distance, the way the map is built still makes it feel big
It doesn't feel small at all. It may look small, but when playing everything fails so greatly distributed its ridiculous, devs would never would be able to make something like that again, having so many resources has spoiled them and made them lazy. GTA SA was an example of good map design and space usage.
Even then, it still is a great fucking game.
Nigga pls.
In both SA and V it was obvious you're driving around LA.
I'm pissed they just made one city too but whatever.
Is this a PS1 build?
I played through it again recently and it still feels big
When's the last time you played a PS1 game?
who /spent hours looking for monsters/ here?
It's a mod that disables all view distance related shit but also makes the weather look like shit.
I used to play it every day and it's pretty big.
>somehow i put dozens of hours into this when i was a kid
how? that map is unbelievably small
I still cri evritime
my buddy and i always tried to find leatherface since we heard rumors of him being in the woods
>youtube search mysteries of san andreas
>ms paint opening
>X files theme begins to play
Playing through it right now and it feels way bigger than V.
Well you obviously didn't because that is a sims 3 neighborhood, dumbass.
It being in a completely different art style didn't tip you off?
>jumpscare near the end of the video
fucking hell