So now this guy has effectively killed Shadowverse. Is HS worth playing again with the new expansion? It seems like they're learning from their past mistakes.
So now this guy has effectively killed Shadowverse. Is HS worth playing again with the new expansion...
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new expansion isn't out yet, don't jump ship just yet
SV is an unbalanced mess now. What made it fun was that it was HS but balanced. But now HS is more balanced so there really is no reason to play SV anymore.
>not killing the opponent on turn 6
lmao cuck
>balanced in any way
who are you cucks kidding
What makes SV preferable is that it's possible to get most cards entirely for free since it's way more generous with gold. And the new stuff only came out a few days ago so it's kinda hard to say how things will settle once everyone figures everything out.
But the new expansion came with 2 new legendaries per class, they are definitely trying to make the playerbase to spend more money
Real scummy desu. At least legends are only a one of in HS. Much more viable for f2p.
aggroshitter/roach detected.
how mad are you that the devs are shitting on the aggro meta
I still had enough vials to craft at least one class's legendaries and I haven't played in a few months. This really isn't a game that rewards or requires whaling at all thanks to vialing. It's got the typical Cygames daily premium thing but if you really think you need to drop a hundred dollars on packs you aren't going to get much value out of that.
Meanwhile that's basically required in HS since legendaries are way less common per pack and gold is handed out far less often.
This guy hasn't done shit to wreck SV, what wrecks SV is that big fucking 8/8 9-mana NANOMACHINES immortal haven bullshit
just like how daria killed Shadowverse? yeah every expac everyone cries about 1 or two cards and completely spazzs out over it.
Grimnir doesn't mean shit to my 1 gorillion skeletons that I can summon.
Fuck this thing especially
I can save you.
[angry rattling]
Given that Aggro Shadow is more alive than ever, not very.
>Viable for F2P
Never a more untrue statement has ever been uttered on Sup Forums
There are more fun decks in comparison with the last expansion. The game feels pretty balanced now.
is sv kill?
Did this thread survive the merge?
Luna is the cutest.
OP's being ironic right? how is this ten mana deal 4 shit gonna do anything in constructed when turn ten win the fucking game has existed forever
So what's the best shadow dick now?
Dragoncraft is what's massacring everyone. Pendant adds an additional 1 damage to each of his slashes, making it 8 damage to face and board. And since ramp exists (on top of them discounting their higher cost cards), Dragoncraft can FUCK people fast if things go in their favor.
mass skellingtons
Minion Masters
Weebverse is still infinitely better than Hearthstone by the simple fact it doesn't rely on RNG to determine a winner before a match
>JO is legit tier one
This is some preschool "Well MY card can't take damage!" "Oh yeah, well MY card is immune to EVERYTHING!!!!" stupid ass card design.
>4 (FOUR) damage for 10 (TEN) PP
>effectively killed
cry harder aggroshitter
If you started with vanilla and don't have all cards f2p then you are doing something wrong
How do I run Vagabond Frog
>good opening hand
>playing against dragon
>tutors for frog
>stuff to buff frog
>cyclone blade
If it can't be damaged and can't be affected by other cards how the fuck are you supposed to kill it?
You cant.
When it says nothing affects it, it means it.
>not Stealth Pepe
is this the luna thread?
You don't. It's like Satan, you have to rush to end the match or get fucked.
Its really not so bad right now. The meta needs time to settle, but that makes it the most fun imo.
You don't. Win before t9 scrub
what the fuck, i thought this thing came out of an amulet ala seraph?
No, Hearthstone isn't worth playing. It's in such a bad state for new, and returning players, that people like Trump, Lirik and even the playerbase itself are actively making it clear it's not worth playing unless you dump $200 or more into packs, and that's if you get lucky with RNG draws for good cards.
Hearthstone is in a bad state.
Nope, no summoning condition.
>Let's give the ramp class the most healing in the game to survive aggro/tempo
>Let's also give them the unconditional best AoE removal in the game to beat control
>Let's make all of the neutral legendaries synergize with ramp
>Let's give it the most storm minions in the game along with a 13/13 turn 9 storm combo
Literally fucked.
Shadowverse was good up until now, but this makes Hearthstone's RNG look balanced.
Like someone said these devs were MTG pros right? I can't believe it.
my Silverbolt deck still works fine. Only deck I lose to is the million sneks from blood
Taunts still work though, so it is possible to win after the enemy drops it
Honestly not having Odin after Seraph was dropped was a worse feeling.
He's probably the best 3PP on-curve play in the game right now considering he's a neutral 2/3 ward. On top of that he's an unconditional 4 damage to face finisher if it ever gets to that point. He's so good any deck that isn't aggro is running him.
>Retards complaining about aegis are the same Retards that complained about seraph
t. Havenfag
And yet some of the new legos are really questionable on how useful they really are.
>Elf Queen
>Restores defense by using shadows
>Deepwood Anomaly
>8 PP card that allows you to win the game if you can attack the leader directly with it.
Elf Queen is just a slightly more potent Fairy Beast. I've yet to see it make a real difference, as you have to kill Silverbolt before turn 6, or have an OTK combo much later and i get unlucky with wolves
I also have 1 Deepwood Anomaly, never gotten it to hit face but it does eat up removal and/or evo charges. I hesitated to put him in, but I do appreciate his lightning rod for removal
It seems like the one card who can actually fuck it over is Kaguya, who is...a havencraft card. Just pray he isn't using elana or odin after he puts that.
Elf Queen isnt questionable
You run one of her and can easily heal back to full HP, she is the strongest heal in the game.
run Homecoming
>Deepwood Anomaly
>Turn 8 Get DoD'd/banished next turn
i run 2 Homecomings, 3 Will of the Forests, 2 Fairy Beast and 1 Elf Queen. i fucking love a clean board state
if DA gets banished, means my white wolf probably won't
>Taunts still work though
Hi I'm the card the Haven player always has in hand with Aegis
decree would like to have a word
Actually Silverbolt is doing really fine. That deck actually has the 2nd highest winrate right now. 1st is aggro shadow.
Try him on a Pendant Dragon and tell me if that isn't cancer.
He's the best 3PP 2/3 drop in the game right now as well to the point that if you are running a control deck, you'd be pretty stupid to not have him. He needs to be nerfed from dealing 4 damage to maybe 3. If not that, then change him to a 2/2.
I believe it, not having looked at the rankings since the xpac. I only lose to terrible draw luck or OTKs that have time to setup because of terrible draw luck
What's funny is that, like I said, it has the 2nd highest winrate right now, but is the LOWEST usage right now. Looks like those who know's the ins and outs of Forestcraft are the ones playing it. The rest moved on the the popular ones.
I wouldn't have complained about this card