Ordered on bestbuy on June 12th, still listed as "preparing" I know your pain, they better plan to overnight it on Monday

Good luck. Meanwhile I will probably get my copy from Best Buy early like I did with Nioh.

awww yea. Best Buy shipped my gamu.

What are you doing to pass the time?

Uni work. But the last 3 days have slowed to a fucking crawl. Tuesday never ever

playing toukiden and ff brave exvius

i thought i was the only one that was still waiting for it to ship. First time ordering from amazon does this happen every time?

>Ordered a motherboard, imported it from Amazon US to Mexico
>Stuck in customs and wont ship till monday because no work in weekends only in the custom office it arrived
>Weekend ruined

I know how you feel OP.

And the worst part is, it is in a city 10km away from mine.

>i know how you feel
No, you don't.
OP is waiting for a game to enjoy himself while you are just waiting for shitty mimicks in order to meme.

>order something online "for convenience"
>takes multiple days to arrive, complain that it's taking too long
>walk into a store and buy it, takes 5 minutes at most

why the fuck do people like you even use amazon? if you're not alright with waiting for it, just go to the store m8

>mfw I cancelled mine and just bought it on psn

hahah eat shit amazon shitters have fun with your 2nd nintendo switch.

I've only preordered once from Amazon and it arrived release day but at like 6PM. Seriously considering preordering from the gamestop 5 minutes away and just picking it up myself in the future.

If you have amazon prime you get discounts on new releases

I use amazon when its cheaper to buy it on amazon and not in store. which is usually the case with most things.

Nigga you're gonna be fine. I get my games from Amazon myself.

It's the same thing every time. Game ships out Sunday night for a Tuesday arrival. Starting tomorrow it should go into "shipping today" status

Did you get two-day shipping? They'll probably ship it tomorrow and then you may get lucky and get it monday. It all depends where you're at too.

Normies mad about normiesona

You do know that shipping before release date may be considered a violation of release date so they don't update shipping info until the day of. I've had them do this dozens of times, but it's always arrived on time.

>lose PSN account

Woops I lost my games

how do you lose an account? im not fucking retarded.

Havn't you retards learned about getting anything "day one" from amazon yet

A friend of mine got his early yesterday. Jammy bastard.

Amazon is bretty good at getting things to you on time, I bought a new keyboard and was sure it wouldn't get here on time since it was preparing to ship for 2 weeks until the day before it was due to arrive and then they overnight shipped it.

Because its 47 bucks with prime. I'm not that impatient so why not wait a little bit? This is why I don't hype myself up for stuff, it makes you look like a little bitch like OP there.

>not having it 9 days ago

I'm not a thief, user.

Because it's $5-$10 cheaper, on my doorstep when I get home from work, and always in stock? Literally never had a release day game arrive late or cost extra and they have been my primary source for the last decade.

You need some lotion nigga damn. Look at those crusty ass claws you got there, how old are you? 50? And what the fuck are those beat up bobos on your feet?

>being a fucking cuck

Mine shipped as of 3 hours ago.

You lie.

Did some places sell it early? I've seen a few people with it already.

Mine shipped yesterday.

I'm probably not gonna be able to play it until the next weekend tho so it doesn't really matter.

Yeah, stores have had it for about 6 months now.

No it didn't don't lie to me

Everyone in NYC got it on March 23rd

Why do you think I care about your god damn Amazon orders? Are you gonna start sending me your bank statements too? I'm fucking sick of this shit.

Yeah it did. Didn't order from Amazon so that might be why they shipped it already.

The place I pre-ordered from pretty much always has it shipped so that it arrives a day before launch anyway.

>Live in third country
>Stores just start selling the game when they get them and don't give a shit about release dates

NC Son!