What are some games that redpill me?

What are some games that redpill me?

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You can't fight ideas with bullets.

I disagree. Nothing wipes an idea from someone's head better than a piece of lead ripping through their brain

implying corporations are bad

MGS2 allegedly does but the person that does the redpilling is an AI that is corrupted by a computer virus, so keep that in mind

I'll take them over commie/social governments having control over everything, but you're fooling yourself if you don't think allowing them the control they have isn't leading towards the same fate, with harmful side-effects in products, practice and punishment along the way.

"That's terror"


>government grows inexorably.
>corporations are the only ones powerful enough to have less of their money stolen.
>blame the corps.

>giving him the hat
It was referencing a Reagan speech when he said it

Well the AI's ability to simulate reality was eroded, but its ability to cognate was still largely intact, except for maybe its ability to make macro-scale truths palpable to humans.

>but its ability to cognate was still largely intact

I really would not call this cognate:

Because they control the government and make it toothless. Doesn't it ever occur to you that a government this big should be able to get SOMETHING done, even if it's something bad? Like Truman said, when you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.

The government we have is the worst of both worlds, it's too big AND it can't get anything done.

Social governments are just governments where that tax money is given back to the actual people instead of corporate welfare and military spending to expand our globalization efforts.

When they get out of paying taxes when they have far more of an ability to pay, the system expects me to foot the bill in their place.

So yeah I fucking blame them.

>government controlled by corporations instead of the people
>this is good

you should probably kill yourself

>Doesn't it ever occur to you that a government this big should be able to get SOMETHING done, even if it's something bad?

Are you implying that there are -not- thousands of federal regulations added each year? They are very good at doing bad.

>90% were self-employed


>tax money is given back to the actual people
Doesn't seem to be very effective when every socialist economy has (or is in the process of) resulted in overall poverty.

the australian aboriginals would disagree

>man pays off the petty thug in order to avoid being extorted by the gang.
>gang robs you instead.
>wtf I hate man now.

Im getting hella woke right now

It doesn't help that the vast majority of countries that tried socialist economies were poor to begin with. Distributing 50 million bucks 3 million ways still comes down to jack shit for the average person.

Ridiculous military spending and corporate welfare have sure done so much for us that it would cause us to collapse in poverty if it were to go away.

Deadly Premonition
>At times we must purge things from this world because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone that you love.

It's almost as if large socialist governments are terrible at allowing people to develop wealth.

By that only train of logic, they only went after me because he avoided it, so yes. I don't care if he's extorted, I only care what happens to me.

>tfw America is a megacorp with an army

Enter the Matrix

Lmao at this implication that taxes are theft and that a capitalist democracy can work just fine without them.

Fuck off socialist cuck.

Revengeance takes place in 2018 so it was definitely first and foremost a Trump reference.

Deux ex is alex jones the game


>I lack a spine, so I'll get mad at innocent victims.

That was the point of Truman's quote though. The inbuilt process of legislative deliberation through inaction was part of the checks and balances, it was a pillar of the constitution. But the constitution was written in 1787, 230 years ago. We've had revolution after revolution since then, a lot of the material is antiquated in relation to the order of things now. There are still precedents set in the constitution that should not be amended but the system as a whole needs a serious restructuring including certain facets of the constitution, but that will all take an act of god to happen. Basically everything is so consolidated and infallible that we're just along for the ride at this point and there is no changing it without masses of dead littering the streets all around the nation in a civil war the scope of which humanity has never seen.

You think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's candy bar shipment?

>it's another episode of 'americans can't tell the difference between socialism and communism'
Most governments in Europe are socialist and they are doing fine economically.

>What are some blue pills that redpill me?

*Most governments in Eastern Europe, FTFY.

And if I recall right, they're all pretty fucking low-end.

For this metaphor to work, corporations have to be entities capable of ethics or morality and not a mechanism designed solely to maximize profit.

corporations are people ;)

Well they technically used to be, yeah.

Germany, France, all of Scandinavia.
Most of Eastern Europe is authoritarian and/or ruled by a corrupt oligarchy. Stop making definitive statements about things you know nothing about.

I have to ask, what is your solution? That we go full anarcho-capitalist and just have no taxation and public systems at all? I'd rather not have to pay a toll every time I get onto a new road because the roads are privately and the owners charge you for using it. No real army in the event of a war, we'd have to go back to mercenary armies. And private cops? Man you think they're gonna be looking out for you if they're not on your bankroll.

privately owned*

its pretty scary
especially considering shit like everything done in the middle east. Panama, Chile


how come he did not go as far as 1890 when corporations just hired pinkertons to shoot unruly workers dead?

everyone take a look at pic related

Because verifiable statistics on what he's talking about didn't go back that far.

someone did not read people's history of america

Authoritarian is neither capitalist nor communist, it can exist comfortably in both since those are economic systems, not social ones. The opposite of Authoritarianism is Libertarianism.

>"When the people are weak the state is strong; when the state is weak the people are strong. Hence the state that follows a true course strives to weaken the people."
>Shang Yang, 390-338 BC

This shit ain't new, but nobody talks about this.

is this real?

what gaem?

I'm not saying the elite haven't always exploited the masses in some form previous to that, I'm just saying we didn't have exact data to back it up beyond "everyone knows it's true"

wtf i love ubisoft now

i am dying the deus ex background music makes it so much better

there is copious data about most stuff that has happened in the western world after 1700


France and Germany are half-and-half, leaning more towards Capitalism but have a larger welfare system and taxation than the US. Meanwhile we all know what terrible nightmarish shit Sweden is succumbing to.

Full-socialism results in stagnation and is why most of the first-world avoids it, megacorporate-fuckery aside.

>Meanwhile we all know what terrible nightmarish shit Sweden is succumbing to.

Yeah but would they be succombing to it if they didn't let in all the muslims? Like Milton Friedman said, you can't have open borders AND a welfare state. It's one or the other.

>12th dimensions
>gravity bleed
>google funded supercomputer hivemind consciousness
>psychic vampires
>ai controlled by pedophiles
Have I just been redpilled?

Why though? You don't get to say what should exist or not.


Sup Forums, did you miss the memo that your board merged with /mlp/, not Sup Forums? You sure are desperate for attention today.

No of course not, experience tells us you have to make sure your side is thoroughly conditioned against the idea and THEN kill everyone that holds it with bullets. Just bullets aren't enough.

We were talking about socialism, which pretty much every state in Europe practices in some form, and which has very little to do with communism as americans tend to assume. Making sure your working class is able to defend their rights and make a proper living strenghtens democracy, not the other way around. Good job completely avoiding my arguments though.

Capitalism and socialism aren't anti-thetical, they can and do exist side by side in most of Europe. I repeat, socialism is not what cold war propaganda imprinted on you, it is not communism, it is not state controlled economy.
Sweden deserve what they are getting for doing the opposite of what the US is doing. They deny educated hard working people and send them away and take in all the human trash that wants to live on welfare instead.

Low birth-rates were allegedly a bigger cause towards Sweden's decline than allowing muslims-stampedes in, which (to the gov't) were partly-justified in hopes of raising job numbers more than overall splitting.

>angry We are not a hivemind.
Every polticial view is okay here.
Pedos are ok here
Go back to ledit.

Good thing the Mudslime will help with those birth rates then!

>Low birth-rates

Yeah but other than incentivizing having babies, the govt can't really do anything about that other than hope people start having babies.

Shut up. Politics are involved in a shit ton of games.

Not bad.

Spec Ops: The Line

now watch the full thing


I mean you're not wrong, but the ones going to europe seem to have no desire to integrate into the host culture. Say what you want about the mexicans moving here, but their kids born here act like lazy dumb Americans like everyone else, so at least it's not some massive cultural shift.

>nearly 4 hours long
I dont think I have the time