What is the last game you bought?
What is the last game you bought?
Night In The Woods.
Next one probably gonna be Persona 5 on my PS Triple, then probably a switch with Zelda when they're back in stock
Horizon zero dawn
Persona 5
Gravity Rush Remastered. It was fun, but wish I could refund it because with how short it is I don't see myself ever picking it up again.
Dead Rising. Somehow I completely overlooked that entire series.
Breath of the Wild. Most worthwhile $400 purchase I have ever made.
What is that?
Mass Effect: Andromeda
not OP but that's just cheese with quince sweet, very common combo
I think I bought saint's row 3 for like $3 in a steam sale
i've been waiting for factorio to go on sale
has not happened.
is this is Magician's Red reference?
kingdom hearts hd 1.5 + 2.5 remix
KH 2.8
Im pretty late on the ball but I saw a box with the pin and went for it.
It's not going to
Persona 5. Now I'm waiting for the fucking japanese audio DLC to go live.
SFV couple weeks ago
Right out of the gate, it's probably gotta be the best fightan for anyone to pick up,
I started to get the hang of the moves fairly quick. That feels strange coming from trying the KoF demo, which I also was able to get okay at but it wasn't nearly as fun. Playing keep away in a fighting game seems cheap but is satisfying anyway.
I just pre-ordered Destiny 2. Queue the replies calling me a cuck and telling me I'm ruining the gaming industry.
The dev said it will never go below 20 bucks or something
Killer is Dead. Mika best girl.
Does he hate video games.
All the new content they make is added to the game for free, so he refuses to let the price go below some amount, think it was 20.
Snake Pass. So far it's a cute game, if not a bit tricky to get down.
NITW is the last game I pirated. Not sure about Holowka, but Benson's a commie so he won't mind me fighting da power.
Breath of the Wild. I bought Hollow Knight before that, so between those two, Overwatch and Rocket League I'm set for the year.
Rivals of Aether. Pretty fun but I suck.
Salt and Sanctuary on the Vita.
It's fun, very referential to its predecessors. Doesn't the game itself so much luckily.
I want a PS4 to play Nier. And Bloodbourne and Nioh.
Hyper Lighter Drifter since it was -50% off
Silent Hunter 3
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition.
Mostly because it was cheap and I was curious, and I'm already a tabletop 40k fan. But actually because of the cheerleaders and playable amazons. Hhhhhnnnnngh
All Star Battle, pretty fun
That was months ago; I haven't bought anything in ages cause I've been playing stuff I put down cause I was shit