sjws in gaming don't exi-
Sjws in gaming don't exi-
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rolling for 00
>at 0:18
Can this game not be a mess for 20 seconds?
Good god. Why are people still calling it a strawman at this point?
Kek, jesus christ, the more I see of this game the more I wonder how the fuck it went gold.
butt whores
Good advertising with a good brand name. It's like slapping "by Coca-Cola" on a can of carbonated urine. It'd sell like fucking mad even if nobody liked it.
advertisement and name dropping desu
i just dont get how people still refuse to listen
because Post-GG Sup Forums is filled with SJWs
pretty sure the trump presidency proved that, along with retards calling every single opposite opinion Sup Forums
Sup Forums was never merged in april fools because it was already merged with reddit. you can't do much damage than this
video games went mainstream when portal came out and that marked the end of quality development. consumers care not about quality.
>because Post-GG Sup Forums is filled with SJWs
Yea, I used to be annoyed by Sup Forums crossboarders but these days all the people complaining and whining about Sup Forums and cripple/pol/ are much more annoying.
It's a shame we genuinely can't get both sides to fuck off.
dang that's some fucking projection right there.
They effectively don't, as their games don't sell, and when they "hit" a big game is because the game is shit and the publisher want to try the stupid "shame into buying" tactics.
No matter how many transsexual black helicopters you put in a game, it will still get outsold by a good one.
We used to have actual games journalism threads which laughed at incredibly ridiculous reviews and journalism shit like Kotaku and even Jack Thompson, now we can't have any of that.
That's not projection, learn to use that term properly.
>Now I finally realized the reason for the Andromeda initiative - they filled a huge ship with all the tumblerist, sjws and feminists and launched them into another galaxy.
Pretty good for a youtube comment
it is projection, you're projecting what the anti-sjws actually do onto the nonexistant sjws, especially the part about reddit since Sup Forums is reddit.
you're one daft prick. here, sonny:
Sup Forums is a shill central.
cultural marxism is good (you) fodder that keeps product visibility (threads) at the top. that's why mostly shills use it to bait for attention. Sup Forums is also filled with normies so shills can have 90 percent of the board devoted to any AAA game in its first week.
A reminder if we followed God's law in the first place this problem would have never become a thing in the first place.
>*gravitates towards desk*
>"while others gravitate towards gender neutra-"
>npc in the back literally gravitates away as soon as she says that
This fucking game
Inb4 several samefag replies to himself despite this being an actual concern.
Topics can overlap retard, funny how games with people who are outspoken politically on the left 90% of the time turns out to be garbage.
Hm I wonder what went wrong.
>oh no! different opinions!
>better derail the thread while samefagging it, that'll show dem meanies!
I unironically get SJW shit at campus though when I defend white people because they're not all racist.
>tfw live in ultra-liberal city
this is 100% right and it was done on purpose, the people who run this website are hardcore leftie commies
not hiroshimoot but moot for sure was, and all the board managers are
Not using a Joshua retext what are you? new here?
Yup, I've never seen that crap shoved down my throat outside of Sup Forums. That is completely accurate. No way you're wrong about that at all.
>Talking to undergrads
I find it especially funny since the OP post is an example of it being seen outside of Sup Forums.
Not him, but here on an ultra-liberal campus even a lot of the grad students and TAs are annoying SJWs.
>people pretend to be SJWs to troll angry Gamergators
>Sup Forums pretends to be SJW to exaggerate the SJW problem
>real SJWs then think that this is the perfect place for them
>they flood the board
It's sort of like the boy who cried wolf.
Just read my daily newspaper, the biggest one in my country.
Feminism, feminism, feminism, save the refugees, feminism, pronouns, save the refugees.
>Talking to non-STEM undergrads
that's exactly what happened
Progressive garbage has overtaken western vidya on a massive scale and the board represents that now. It also doesn't help that the mods built a nice little home for this "progressive" way of thinking by selectively policing the board to make themselves feel better for the years of torture Sup Forums provided. Instead of deleting posts using obvious sjw shit like "racist" or "sexist", they spent their time deleting Niggerfield 1 threads, which was probably the closest nu-Sup Forums reached to old 4chins style. Now, Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 with some shitposting. Enjoy.
I had an ex drunkenly texting me last week, she asked me if I felt bad for how I treated her during our relationship and then apologized stating she wasn't trying to virtue signal me. That's the first time I've had someone actually use that term.
Also, I had some kid get a job where I work who wanted to transition and started wearing hair clips and shit to work. Every one of my spanish coworkers roasted him about it every day until he quit which was pretty cool.
I don't quite hate Mass Effect, I'm playing through it and it's keeping me entertaining while shooting stuff but the dialogue is terrible.
Honestly you could just use same pronouns for everyone.
>thought this thread would be filled with "REEEE GET OUT POL!"
>Sup Forums actually got tired of their shit instead
maybe because the april fools shit drove them off for a bit but let's see where this goes
>mfw Andromeda was so bad, SJWs couldn't even save it
Pretty much.
I mean if you want to "fight" the SJWs, go for it, but don't go derailing alright topics with it or it will just make me hate you and not give a fuck about your plight.
Andromeda's political shit, fine, Fury Road's pathetic feminist stories, sure, topic about which sRPGs are your favourite, fuck off.
>nu-Sup Forums will defend this
Someone has got to clean up the mess. Why don't you try, user?
I just like making fun of Sup Forums because they're more entertaining. This is 100% bullshit though but I'm still going to trigger them when they enter a thread and start screaming nigger and you can't stop me.
Hello fellow leaf
>post unedited clip of a popular AAA videogame from a well known franchise
Feels good living in a country that doesn't give a shit about SJWs. Sometimes I wonder if Sup Forums is completely right and I'm blind to it just because my country isn't insane, then I realize I don't care and would prefer if they stopped shitposting anyway.
and im gonna keep screaming nigger just to trigger normalfags :^)
doesn't help the mods fostered this form of thinking as this user stated. Pretending to be an idiot in idology attracts said users but, it's up to management to balance those users. They failed because of their obvious bias. That whole modcat having a meltdown about "abused homosexual communists being targeted by nazis" shows exactly the type of people in charge.
Rofl is there a cosmic jordan peterson villain know the game too?
Looks like we understand each other perfectly fine then Sup Forumstard, look forward to doing business with you in the hourly jon tron thread.
That's probably because you're a useless NEET who rarely leaves the house
don't even care who that nignog is. Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about video games
I hate to tell you this user, but most the complaining about Sup Forums is samefagging and stupidity.
Most of us don't give two shits about Sup Forums so long as they're not annoying and don't spout their ideology all over the board like SJWs.
And even then, as much as SJWs complain about "anti-SJWs" not a single anti-SJW is fucking with my video games in any noticeable way, while SJWs are.
Stop posting fake tweets.
This phrase has no real meaning and can be applied to any group of people.
It is simple if you want to avoid SJW type games dont buy Canadian or Euro trash buy American or Japanese.
Gamers and game developers have always been predominantly liberal, because it's a creative medium, and liberals are more creative than conservatives.
Conservatives don't play video games.
>being against making up your own biological rules because you're a special special snowflake makes you a Sup Forumstard
Take it you fucking retarded Tumblrite
>10 seconds in the subtitles don't sync up with the audio and show completely different text spoken by a different character
bravo bioware
No thats wrong you spoon burner.
Just flood the board with loli, scat, and anime. Washes out the filth.
That makes me curious, are there any blatantly racist or red pilled videogame developers?
They're aliens I'll allow it in this case, are they even speaking English or is that just translation software? The only problem I'd have is if Asari always preferred being called females in the past.
project yourself out of a window you silly little cunt
People who criticize the president or want to talk about games on a gaming board instead of your moral crusade aren't SJWs you fucking inbred hick
>Nobody mentioned trannies, but a Sup Forumstard brings it up anyway.
I've always felt it meant to be a catch-all term for prudish politically correct douche-bags who are full of themselves.
this works alot
look at Sup Forums now. ponyshit literally drove reddit and shills straight off
Name three video games that aren't normie shit like Cawadooty and Madden that conservatives don't hate.
>This phrase has no real meaning and can be applied to any group of people.
"SJW" just means Marxist/Jewish in a slightly more politically correct way.
>bringing back the coal industry
Why are these people so proud of this shitty work tradition? There's millions of jobs to be had in developing and building better power sources.
It is.
>NPC's talk about pronouns
And if you think actual transgender people are anything similar to "ASK ME ABOUT MY PRONOUNS" shitheads you're disconnected
>band-aiding the problem
Don't you want your games with no political shit back?
So how has it lost it's meaning? Because some idiots misuse it and call everyone sjws every time they disagree with something they say?
or British, Rockstar is from Scotland
I was talking about the board. Games will filter themselves.
My heavy handing politics into video games you alienate potential customers. If the game companies are fine with that then it's their call.
instead its got SJW shit
If anybody, this word applies to people who don't call themselves politically correct. You don't see rightists holding slut walks, advocating alternate sexual lifestyles, supporting pornography and young sex education, etc.
Even Jack and Anita would tell this guy to tone it down
>american games
What games would those be?
>Bioware forces their political agenda into video games
>NeoGA/v/ forces it as "anti-SJW" are just as bad as SJWs!
Do you have the entirety of the board in your pocket or something, buddy? That's a lot of "us" in there.
>Spouting their idealogy all over the board
All I ever see is Sup Forums doing this.
But I do see rightists supporting free speech, open dialogue, and actual debate.
Though I use "rightists" in a very general sense, since nowadays anyone who isn't an SJW is considered "right," including people who hold classically liberal beliefs.
>There's millions of jobs to be had in developing and building better power sources.
Yeah, nuclear. Shame leftists ban building new nuclear power plants because it's too efficient and they would rather spend trillions in taxpayer money on shitty solar panels.
>Thread to bitch about SJW shit
>Slam full of Sup Forums propaganda
But I thought SJW were invading?
Hmmmmm... really... burns my... dread....
I'm literally seeing SJWs spouting their ideology in this thread as we speak.
Sup Forums might be annoying, but at the end of the day Sup Forums is just a board on Sup Forums, while SJWs actually exist in the industry and are actively influencing it.
No, they're already here.
They've been here for quite awhile.
Though I do find it funny how anyone who isn't anti-Sup Forums is seen as pro-Sup Forums, really highlights the black and white mindset of these posters.
>supporting pornography
That is an issue...why?
Wait, the right enjoys porn too. Good ol' American blonde fake titty, tummy tuck, monster cock, camera at the dude's hairy asshole UNGHHH FUCK ME, porn.
>anti-SJWs control the entire federal government
>SJWs made video games you don't like
>Anti-SJWs in the government want people to not pay for abortions
>SJWs in the government want people to be arrested for saying mean things
Really gets those gears turning.
There are no right-wing game developers. They all think video games are Satanic tools to teach kids evolution.
>I'm literally seeing SJW spouting their ideology in this thread as we speak
Okay, and where would that be?
Rightists reject pornography. Consumption of pornography has skyrocketed in the modern world as successive generations shift leftward. The right is monogamist and sees temptation as a sin.
>It's okay for us to clamor for censorship!