Tfw your two main boards got merged

>tfw your two main boards got merged

>yfw you're in phone poster purgatory real Sup Forums

It's like old Sup Forums. It's great.


>can't see canucks and aussies anymore
it was fun while it lasted

It's okay. I can just tell you that I'm Canadian.

>tfw in phone
It's like the limbo

>merged boards aren't permanent

what boards were merged?

>what boards were merged?
From what I could tell there was /fitlit/, /cock/, and /mlpol/

The hilarious thing is /vint/ still exists.

/spa/, /can/, /mtv/, /mo/

>Sup Forums was slow
>not as much rampant shitposting
>people talked about video games
It was pretty neat

/outsoc/ too

/spa/ = Sup Forums + Sup Forums
/outsoc/ = /out/ + /soc/
/mtv/ = Sup Forums + Sup Forums
/vint/ = Sup Forums + Sup Forums
/mlpol/ = /mlp/ + Sup Forums
/mo/ = /m/ + /o/
/can/ = /c/ + /an/
/cock/ = Sup Forums + /ck/
/fap/ = /fa/ + /p/
/fitlit/ = /fit/ + /lit/


Shit that sounds hilarious. Too bad I missed it.

You didn't miss it yet. The mergers are still alive.

Today I learned board shorthands can be longer than four characters.

They should have merged /n/, Sup Forums, /t/, and /son/

/can/ is objectively the best

>bunch of 3DPD on the front page

So much potential

>not knowing about /trash/

Oh yeah. I forgot about them.

It should stay like that desu