Ringed City Thoughts

just finished it

>twin demons/demon prince were cool
>Spears of the church was definitely something...i think
>gael felt like i was fighting a ganandorf that snorted a truck's worth of cocaine and chugged about 2 and a half whales worth of monster
>the weapons were pretty noice
>twin UGS clearly best of them,stagger/hyper armor king

pretty good shit
i'd give it a 8/10

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Midir jobs pretty hard to lightning arrow and patience. I fought him in NG+2 and it was suffering. I can't imagine the HP of 4 tho. Gael felt like a good send off for souls. At the end of the earth, at the end of time, where all gods and lords are dead, a failure and a slave fighting for a better tommorow. Pretty neat.

What's the recommended SL for NG? I finally got around to getting both DLC and just started a new character but I'm through the Deacons.

2nd DLC is recommended at 100+, so you should probably be hitting 120~ by the end of it all.

Thanks user!

100 is recommended for some reason but I was able to beat it at around 70 easily. Just make sure not to wear any rings that lower your absorption such as prisoner's chain otherwise you will get raped

Is it ok if I skip AoA and just buy TRC? I just have money to buy one.

You won't really get who Gael is, or why he is doing what he is doing. But Its definitely way better than AoA, gameplay wise. Depending on what build your dude is, you might want AoA anyway just for more fun gear.

Good DLC. Nice areas and nice enemies.

Aesthetically pleasing weapons but they are only good for their weapon arts and they are shit for PvE.


I did it. AoA looks boring.

All the ring knight weapons are good for pve, barring maybe the spear. I can't imagine the dark weeb blade being any worse than a normal katana for pve, nor Gael's blade/spin2win deluxe greatsword being awful. Or even that weird crucifix halberd. Most of these are just decent.

Maaan I really don't feel like going through DaS 3 again just to get up to this point

If you have AoA, you can complete it to go to the next DLC.

I disagree. I didn't try the spear, though.

The problem with things like Gaels or the Ring Knight Straight Sword weapon art for PvE is that you get hyper armor, but the damage isn't insane and you may or may not stagger the enemies.

I do like RKSS visually, though. I think most other straight swords outdamage it at 40/40.

Princess Filianore is cute/10

>Fashioned with a peal from a Man Eater Shell

Did they seriously include this obscure stupid reference for no reason? From pls.

I don't mean to be rude, but literally every straight sword is viable at 40/40. Its actually fucking easy modo for DS3. Hyper armor is great, and you just have to learn how many hits it takes to stagger with weapons like that. The damage doesn't have to be insane for you to abuse the frames. Most of these weapons are just a base type normal weapon with some wackiness attached. Gael has really insane mobility and reach. Spin2win probably staggers like a champ. Spear selfbuffs and does sweeping attacks in addition to pokes. Weeb blade has a ranged attack and an ultra weeb flurry attack, with hyper armor to boot. These are all good things. If you really want the best (or easiest?) pve experience, just be a moaning shield + dark sword guy.

If you're getting hit, at all, from the twin UGS art, pvp probably isn't for you


I'm not saying they are not viable, I'm just disappointed with the variety I guess.

Whenever I try to start a new character, it feels like it is straight swords for 80% of the game, either until I get enough str/vit for a giant str weapon, or until I have enough faith / int / find good spells to make casting worth while.

I'm just bitter I feel like I have to complete the game once then start again at NG+ to have any sort of variety.

How rude!

You will do no such thing!

Have a friend drop you the items you want if you just want to do a build. I agree that the early game is pretty rough with weapon/spell variety. Atleast it isn't as bad as DS2 was with that variety. My pyro was stuck with a fire scimitar, soul arrow and fire orb until smouldering lake, at which point she turned into a glowing golden god of chaos frizbees. Try out the other early weapons, if you don't like relying on straight swords. They're the easy way out.

It's another hint for who her father is. She does claim to be the "daughter of the Duke", after all.

Try tongue but hole and let the feast begin

How could she be Seath's daughter? She's not a crossbreed.

I shall partake!

>Gently brushes magic vessel

>entire world dies within seconds

Her eyelashes are HUGE!

Do I need AoA to see an ending cut scene after the final boss or am I missing something?

>he thought there would be an ending

There is no ending cutscene. You take the blood pigment back to no name painter girl, so that she might paint Gael a cold, dark and very gentle place to call home. Otherwise, you're meant to stew with what the fire keeper's eyes truly see in that wasteland.

wait a sec I thought Gael did all that stuff for Filianore.

>tfw you like the lore introduced and thought the series ended pretty well from a story's perspective

Gael is working with the painter. He brings you to AoA so that you might show the painter fire, to aid in her painting. Afterwards, she sends Gael on a quest for a pigment made from the colour of the dark soul of man. You know how this ends.

We know that Seath is really into genetic experimentation, so maybe he did something to her? The only other Duke we know of is the spider fetishist from DS2.

My guy is up to the start of NG5+, fuck that

this is the plot for every souls game
>ominous object that obviously shouldn't be touched

The new DLC is pure suffering in NG anyway. Everything has so much HP. But this is actually on par with artorias of the abyss, so RIP you I guess.

Any tips for Midir?
I've tried staying close, far, alone, with two other people. it seems like at any given time some part of his model is doing damage.
>inb4 git gud

I killed him with lightning arrow. The only problem comes from phase 2 where he does the sideways flame breath into trample 2+ times in a row. It works especially well if you have a melee buddy, since his AI gets super fucking confused when he is fighting a ranged guy and a melee guy. I did it with a 40/40 pyro build with crystal chime +5, 2 miracle rings, sage ring+2 and fire stoneplate ring +2. Dress appropriately to guard against fire.

Bonk him on the noggin once or twice when he's open and the run away from him slightly to his right. Long weapons are better since you won't whiff.

I did the DLCs at 60ish in NG though

couldn't it just be the unnamed duke of the ringed city?

Nice job friendo. That doesn't make FROM's suggestion of 100 any different tho. How close was Midir/Gael to 1hko'ing you?

just stay the hell away from him and then attack his head once or twice once he tires out

and when he does his "fire breath downwards into godzilla beam" attack, run in really close as soon as it turns into a beam and hug his face

What happens if you kill Gael in the Ringed City before starting Ashes of Ariandel?

Gael three shots you with 27 vigor unembered meaning 1000 hp no problems there

You can enter the Painted World through the scrap of the painting that Gael left behind.

You kill Gael in the future.

AoA is the present so he will still be around

Man, I'm jealous. He was 2 shotting me with 33 at NG+2 with certain combos. That sounds pretty good.

which is it?

What happens if you kill Gael in the Cathedral before starting TRC?

He respawns

My immersion is ruined.


thats just what undead do, they respawn, your character does it all the time.

Those giant enemies that summon the ruin knights are the coolest enemies in the game.

What is the Dark souls 2 connection though? Vendrick sent them? And ruin sentinels are the same?

Seems dumb.

Then why is he permanently dead when you kill him as a boss?

because he fully hallowed after he got drunk on the dark soul

this is already all established stuff, once you fully hallow you die for real

Hazy story/gameplay segregation.

Essentially this though. Its pretty amazing to think about for him though. He uses sunlight spears and way of the white corona, which dates him a character to Gwyn's time. This old ass slave nigga was there, beginning to end. Only hollowing at the very end, moments away from completing his task. A slave of all people, of all the figures in souls. Sent to die on the front lines, only he kept coming back.

>no Velka
>no Gwynevere
>no All Father Lloyd
>nothing on the faith angels
>a previously unknown child of Gwyn again shows up
>no Furtive Pygmy
>not a single goddamn thing about Londor
>worst of all no serpents
>the final boss of the series is a literally who that had no real relevence
>just bullshit taken out of their asses that doesn't explain shit and doesn't fit into the lore

>final boss of dark souls
>autistic santa claus that runs on all fours

>wtf dark souls 3 is shit too much nostalgiafaggotry

>wait wtf where's all the old recurring characters?????? WHERE IS FRAMPT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Why does everyone have such a hard on for the serpents

>no serpents
>that huge hole in neo-firelink shrine after demon prince wasnt enough

God fuck off Vaati. As if people don't complain enough about obvious callouts to other games.

Only good part about this DLC is that you can finally properly roleplay as Donald Trump and build walls


You want your serpents? Go look at the statues at the Swamp bonfire.

The faith angels and Londor were Dark Souls 3 things and the idiots dropped it. Adding some literal who as the end of the world boss was so shit.

The serpents were revered by the inhabitants of the city but they don't show up. We have no answers.

Because they are important to the lore and we don't have enough info on them. The DLC answers almost nothing and has Dark Souls 2 references of all things.

>not a single goddamn thing about Londor

The Ringed City is the capitol of Londor you dense cunt. The Ringed Knights armor desc hints at a growing dissatisfaction with Gwyn's overbearing rule, and Londor emerges as the logical progression of this rebellion.

It's not hard to extrapolate nigger.
>Pygmy's basically enslaved with seals of fire
>Undead unsatisfied being denied their nature
>Serpents show up, tempt niggas away
>Londor founded


>Adding some literal who as the end of the world boss was so shit.
No, fuck you. It was perfect. I would have honestly been furious if the final boss was some old callback/reference.

>The faith angels and Londor were Dark Souls 3 things and the idiots dropped it. Adding some literal who as the end of the world boss was so shit.

gee i wonder why this city ruled by the undead that housed the literal dark soul has all of this londor imagery could the two be somehow related?

Is it true there's a PVP boss in The Ringed City? Like Old Monk in Demon's, I've heard there is a PVP boss in it, but I don't know if it's true.

So lets get this straight.

Gwyn gave the ringed city and one of his daughters to the pygmy as thanks for helping get the Lord soul

Daughter falls in love with pygmy becomes his waifu, they then have daughters.

These daughters are destined to seek out kings who gather Lord souls at the end of days, and just hang out and betray their kings (Nashandra, sunken King) but over the cycle of dark/light began to fall in love with mankind (emerald herald, ivory Kings gf) and begin to try and help the Lord soul (help break curse, level up) as you go along your merry way.

Firekeepers eyes mean that all Firekeepers are a collective conscious from the first child, but the souls that exists beyond the cycles purposely gimps itself so it doesn't feel like shit all the time

They always pull the lore out of their ass. I honestly believe Bloodborne and maybe Demon's Souls are the only games they might of thought about it ahead of time.

Lore only exists to try and give you an explanation for why they decided to come up with all the random shit they throw around in these games. I dont know why anybody expects shit or even cares about the lore in the fucking first place.


Contrarian. There are lose ends to tie. Velka would have been the perfact final boss.

The ringed city predates Londor. We don't even see the church or fight the third sister. The past Londor doesn't tell us anything about the future one.

Yes man, there's an Old Monk 2.0 and it is glorious.

Spear of the church. Argo summons a dude and you fight it and a painting gaurdian.

And that Painting Guardian is another player?

> 2 literally who's battle it out at the end of the world, both transfixed by their 1 duty to keep from going mad
>To make this right, to make some corner of the world different from the wasteland that unfolds before them
>Everyone else in whoville is long gone, so literally all that is left is these two nobodies
>all the magic and intrigue of the world has faded away, no gods nor lords

No, the other player is literally an invader. The painting guardian is just a jobber enemy that can heal the invader.

>I dont know why anybody expects shit or even cares about the lore in the fucking first place.
Because it made sense but was vague about everything. DaS2 took a shit on it and DaS3 answers nothing. Just following what the first game established would have been good enough. This DLC was supposed to save the series, not add more shit no one cares about.

Green smelter demon would have been the perfect final boss. In phase two he calls upon the red and blue one and you fight against all of them before they fuse in the final part of the fight.

>always reserve pvp for when I finish the dlc
>get to the church where you fight the spear
>it's another player
>home bone and disconnect internet

He is way harder than some shithead that comes in.

>There are lose ends to tie.
I hate lorefags. This series has never been about satisfying conclusions.

Well, I hate PVP, so I may just go offline before that battle.

It literally walks into your R1's. The only hard part is when he backs off and throws bananas at you while the invader fucks with you.

Yeah, because that is a good ending. That sort of ending is for the creatively bankrupt. They threw away the good will most people had.

Got that right, guess jobber wasn't the right word for it.

the DS3 casual filter is getting invaded by yellowfinger heysel in the swamp and then invaded by a human player at the same time and getting fucked by a giant crab while running away from both

It fits really well with the whole decaying theme of the whole series. For as much cool shit there was, it was never about that. It was always about the waning flame, and how much worse things got overtime. Always more gods toppled, more abyss spreading. In the end, all the grandeur was for nothing. I honestly don't know what you were expecting. We never got the full picture, or even half of it. It was always little tidbits that gave the world weight. There was still some of that in 3 even. The world that the firekeeper sees if you give her eyes is the very one you fight Gael in. That is why she gets so fucking spooked.

That still makes him harder than the summoned player. His R1 spam is a pain in the ass if it lands.

He is just and NPC to make the fight not a pushover.

Seriously, am I just lucky that absolute shitters got summoned for me or does this happen to everybody.

Spear of the Church is a fucking insanely stacked boss fight if you get a competent invader

it's almost impossible to lose as a human boss

Compare banana spam to a fuckboy with dual greatswords with lightning arrow spam backup. Its just dumb.

But even the first game had a ton of lore just explaining silly shit because of all the cut corners and content throughout. Like there was even dialogue recorded for a conversation with Artorias but that shit didnt make it either. The lore always read like excuses for me.

I guess your right. I haven't faced some PvP tryhard yet.

I remember how I killed as the old monk. Unless he had scrapping spear but buddies.

Vendrick's kingdom seemed like a nicer place than most before everything went to shit.

Hey Sup Forums, I've been dying to finish up my collection of DS but don't have the funds for the third DLC. Can anyone help a poorfag out on Steam?

>Third dlc
What did he mean by this?

>two almost hollow nobodies and likely the last living things in that world
>battle it out for the one thing that will create a new age
>both Gael and Ashen One will give it to the same person either way
That was a great ending. It is a shame that people wanted answers for an item description from a game released in 2011 rather than something that was fitting and thematically great.