Has your copy shipped yet? Because mine fucking hasn't

Has your copy shipped yet? Because mine fucking hasn't

i dont care about getting it early you cant download the jap dub until launch day anyway

the english dub is fucking awful

Mine shipped Thursday, got it Friday. Dub is light, nothing special.

Amazon hasn't even asked me to pay for it yet

I don't wanna cancel since I'm getting the steelbook case, but if they don't ask me for payment by tomorrow, I'm going to. No way am I waiting a few days to get this because Amazon was too stupid to do their job and collect my money

Yeah this sucks. Been playing two days with shitty english dubs already

Got it since yesterday. Haven't played it yet.

Anyone from Mexico who preorderd from Amazon, has it shipped yet? Mine is supposedly shipping on the 4th and arrive on the 17th-20th. It's fucking bullshit.

Nope! "Shipping soon"
I was really hoping to get it early, but looks like it's not going to happen.

Goro traitor

You probably live close to a shipping center. BotW shipped the day before release. Got it release day.

When do they typically ask fro payment? I'm in the same boat as and I'm wondering if they'll even get it to me on time at this point

is anything censored

I'm They'll charge me tonight or Monday.

>expected to ship March 31st
>April 2nd
status: s h o o k

The completely removed the Velvet twins cooperation. Thanks SJWs.

Mine is shipping the 4th from Amazon even though I got my preorder in like june. Sucks.


everyone with some small knowledge about akechi and oda saw that coming. and his face screams backstabbing piece of shit, also his persona is robin hood, the only thief persona in the group that came out to the people as a piece of shit at the end of the unromanized story

No, I work at a selling retailer and I already have my steelbook copy set aside for pickup.

Wait. Are you for fucking real?

Why does it seem like anytime an anticipated game comes out you retards just forget how amazon works? Christ. If you preordered it with prime 2 day or just paid for release day delivery cause you're a poorfag without prime, you're gonna get it on Tuesday. If it still hasn't shipped that means you just live near a shipping center. I look forward to typing this up, word for word, next time a big game comes out.

Doesn't even matter because the JP voices aren't out till Tuesday =/

Already playing it since Thursday.
Eng dub is iffy.

Well I wouldn't be worried about it getting here on time if they would just fucking charge me already

yes they also removed all strength personas because that was their arcana

Mine hasn't shipped, but at the same time i've had orders in the past not ship until the day before and still arrive on time.

If you ordered from Amazon, they process your order and collect the payment when they ship it. If the price went down between the date you pre-ordered and the date it is shipped it usually takes a day or so for them to process a refund of the difference

Have you been living under a rock. Sup Forums has been up in arms over it for months.

It's 9:20pm in Hawaii.

[citation needed]

Yes but
>5-10 working days for delivery
so I'll be lucky to get it next week.


People are lying to you. You can try and look for it yourself and won't find shit.

Being shipped right now


Mi TYH edition comes in 5-10 days
what the fuck

Ships the same day my medication comes in. So I'm sleeping in for like 3 days


Cause there ain't no such thing as half way crooks

This whole situation is surreal. Never thought I'd see the day that this shit is finally almost releasing.

I've been sitting on this screen for like 10 minutes

Post your hype face

Chump. What kind of shithole do you live in that you can't download it?

who /june7/ here?


Buying SRW V first because waited a month for the goddamn restock, I assume hunting down the P5 steelbook wont be as hard because there are more places to buy it from.

Soul Hackers, ya dingus


real talk fellas should i get this game

is the gameplay and/or writing actually good or are you weebs just in it to bone the waifus

>Have amazon prime
>Expected delivery
>April 5-7

Digital Devils

Stay away normalfag

June 25th but It's still the special edition
>Tfw normalfags are hyped for this

Yes. Yes.

Right here. Still hasn't shipped, though.

Unbreakable Diamonds

>Pre order page gone from jb hi fi when it is priced AU$79
>Price sky rockets everywhere else

Buy it and then post on Sup Forums how you will never trust weebs again because the game sucks.

persona is normie as fuck though

Doesn't fit

I will forever remember you, fuukafag.

You were too pure for this board

>Order my copy on the 28th from JBHIFI
>Three days later
>Persona 5 webpage disappears from their website completely
>Order still hasn't shipped

I'm losing my mind. Usually it ships three days before release and it's on day delivery.

I am so sorry

Who's publishing the game outside murrica and nipland?

I cancelled and re-ordered for a FFXIV Amazon promo, so I'm only June 14.

>Amazon Prime
>pre-order almost a year ago
>Expected to ship April 4th
I'm gonna kidnap one of their god damn drones!

AtlusUSA. There are only ENG and JP dubs

Like retard I ordered online so i'll be waiting a week at least.

Should have just walked down to walmart or gamestop or some shit the day of release. Steelbook case isn't worth this.

Deep Silver

Deep Silver in euro and aus/nz.

Quentin's Diamond Dogs

>mfw I live near an Amazon shipping center AND got to hang out with one of the coders behind Amazon Prime Video.

Lucky fuck got to meet his waifu and lives in Japan now for Amazon.

I feel ya mate. I hope JB will have a stock left on release day and priced at 79.

I thought it was gonna be Sega

Is the PS3 version getting the jap dub too?

No WAY bro! That is incredibly relevant to this Persona thread, thanks for sharing!!!

i have it since friday, english dub is great and also there are voiclines in battles etc. which dont have subtitles so you will miss out on stuff if you play with jap voices

I Know right?

pls no bully

>english dub is great
>Sskamatoe and Tuckamucky pronunciations all over the place
Nahh I'd rather wait until Tuesday thanks

Fuck. And here I thought I was all set now that Potter-kun has a canon name.

>He doesn't know some simple japanese one liners
Step up your weeb, senpai.

Wait you name the group?

Me, i got the take your heart edition for free. It arrived like 4 days ago but im waiting for the japanese voice patch.

>english dub is great
You have to be paid to have such an awful opinion.

No, mine hasn't shipped yet. Anyone else who pre-ordered Take Your Heart from Play-Asia, has yours shipped yet?

Had it since Friday. Played two hours then had to stop because Sa-KAH-muh-tow.

Never played a persona before. I'm I safe to start with this? Last jrpg I played was the FF7 release on ps4.

More like Ser-Kah-mo-toh

Amazon finally charged me today, but still hasn't shipped yet.

What's his canon name?

Akira Kurusu is his name in the manga.

Shujin Kou

Wh-which is it

Shujin kou lmeans "protagonist" it's not a name let alone a canon one

You can just google it and see that one of them is telling the truth. Delete yourself.

No bully

You're probably fine just diving in with 5. Each game is its own story with only a few re-occurring characters between games, so you aren't missing out on anything.

My birthday is 4 days after launch. I don't know if I want to open it early. Oh well, I have class anyway.

Same here

Gonna go with Phantom Thieves.

That's like calling your dog "Dog".

Amazon normally has release day delivery for game preorders. They usually use next day or same day to fulfill them, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

I am worrying amazon.