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What a shit game.

Atilla was objectively better in every imaginable way except for optimisation.

>No weapon switching for mounts
>No reload animations for artillery
>No naval battles
>No depth to campaign mode
>No formation spacing/special formations
>No burning mrechanics
>Single wall sieges
>No replayability

Fuck this game

well to be fair, atilla was the final expansion for rome 2 while warhammer is just the base game. you can see with warhammer 2 they are going to have navel battles and will probably add all sorts of shit. and thats not even going to be the final expansion.

fuck me man, your opinion is so shit here i am deffending a game i don't even own and am waiting to pirate in a few years.

>I don't even own this game
>I don't want to spend money on it
>But I'll still defend it

he's defending it because your opinion is bad enough as is

being an edgy contrarian isn't always fun, you know. I can nitpick any game and make it look bad

I cant help pointing out hypocrisy

>biggest gripe is no artillery animations.

>can only capture towns of your designated opponent race
what is with this shit

>>No replayability

This is really my problem because of how constrained the factions are in what they can do. You play each faction once and you've basically seen everything, legendary leaders don't do shit for me in that department. Empire is the only one one with replay value because you're in the middle and shit can go either way for you.

oh please. your opinions don't matter unless you have played as Surtha Ek, kicked archaon in the nuts during the end times and driven your chaos chariots to victory.


The dwarves always come out on top for some reason when im playing, petty sure the orc ai sucks

Even Empire feel samey after the second playthrough.

You have free reign to plan and strategise at the start but by the midgame you have to keep your entire Northern and Eastern borders constantly defended to stop Chaos fucking everything up.

Fighting hordes is so unsatisfying, especially when they constantly respawn and abuse the movement stances in the game to always be just out of reach.

>Fighting hordes is so unsatisfying, especially when they constantly respawn and abuse the movement stances in the game to always be just out of reach.

Use the mod to make it not unfair

Do you even know what hypocrisy means?

Most the things Warhammer lack have been prevalent in the series since Rome I, including officers in units, a campaign that's actually remotely interesting and repayable and sieges that are fun.

Yes i do

this game has the highest campaign and battle variety out of all the total war games. yes, the sieges fucking suck, especially in a setting renowned for its broken as fuck towns with all sorts of towers walls levels and magic shit. everything else you mentioned was just autistic cherrypicking,

you're one retarded motherfucker.

>No naval battles

Good. They put them in for Empire and Napoleon because it made sense for that era. It was never something that should have been kept for any of the other ones

I have never played any RTS, is this game good babby's first RTS? I wanna command some dorfs.

i'm angry
angry about elves

Gonna staaaab!

It's missing a whole lot more than that

Besides, unless you really like Warhammer, why bother?
Just get Shogun or Rome, or Medieval. You know, the games that are actually good

It has more replayability than any other TW title and more tactical depth as well. Formations are no longer needed when formation effects are permanently active on units and you no longer need to enter a formation for your retarded units to raise their fucking spears or shields.

Everything else you've posted is literally irrelevant and your opinion is pretty much trash.

>Besides, unless you really like Warhammer, why bother?
Because Warhammer has most functional unit variety and as a result the most tactical depth in the series. No other TW title comes even close. Magic, flying units, giant units, legendary lords and regular heroes ensure that the game is unrivaled in the series when it comes to viable gameplay and army composition variety and, as a result, tactical depth.

The one thing that TWWH does best is field battles, everything else is irrelevant.

Sieges are the best they've ever been, this has been discussed to death in previous threads.

Nah, it's just dorf units are overpowered in autoresolve. Try it out, you can reunite the badlands by turn 60 on Legendary without fighting a single manual battle.

Total War isn't really an RTS, it's closer to a 4X or baby Grand Strategy with real time battles

>unite the Badlands ezpz
>Grombrindal needs to go up to fucking Norsca for one of his weapon quests

It's not an RTS. It's logistical and strategical layers are separated into a turn based system, only the tactical battles are real time. The battles are fun though, but if it's your first game of it's kind it can be very overwhelming, with all the different units, bonuses and required micro to make it all jell.
If you want babby's first RTS try out campaigns of Warcraft 3 or SC2.

Because the battles in warhammer are fucking awesome

Instant quest battles is the only gameplay affecting mod that I actually run. I don't consider it cheating since AI gets quest weapons as soon as it reaches the required level too.

Going really heavy on the Bendlydick Cucumberpatch vibes there, CA.

Meanwhile Warhamme has
>Wizards and lores of magic
>Massive monstrous units with unique characteristics
>Varied rosters with great look designs
>Fantastic battles with decent AI
>Interesting settings with great looking battlefields

>No naval battles
That's a plus
>Single wall sieges
Also a plus, sieges suck regardless
>No replayability
That's subjective, but also false

>>Interesting settings with great looking battlefields

Pretty interesting indeed, a shame you end up playing on the same battlefields over and over and over again

>Bendlydick Cucumberpatch

I've seen this name several times now, what is this meme?

>he doesn't play Hitler Elves and send out his Herald of the Hunt out to every corner of the map to sack every settlement in sight for millions of gold

Look up Benedict Cumberbatch

he has a silly name and people make it sillier

Oh shit, he does look similar.

Op on the right shortly before making this thread

What would be truly great is if they actually got him to voice Teclis.

plot twist: they get him for Mazdamundi

How do you counter cavalry as dwarves

Quarellers and block formations, usually.

More gun. Use longbears/ironbreakers to absorb charges.
You're fucked.

Dear man-things,

Your warlord, Karl Franz, is very stupid and not very good at backstabbing. Dwarf-things (us) are much better at kill-kill and our breeders are much prettier. You will all squirt the musk of fear once we come down from the hills, led by Thorgrim Grudgebearer, Horned Rat curse his name. The only way to stop us is by leaving as much warpstone as ratmanly possible outside of your sewer entrances in every city. We need this to defeat the most potent of potentates, the most illustrous of illustrouses, Grey Seer Thanquol, Horned Rat bless his great name--you would do well to erect monuments to him lest you incur his wrath. He is incredibly furry, handsome, and has a very long tail.



I dno, naval battles were kind of ok in shogun 2, the main problem were probably a lack of how many naval units there were. A lack of variety in units was a problem in that game overall.

naval battles in Warhamz 2 are confirmed to be auto-resolve only

>play Empire
>chaos zerg rushing the North, Kislev has fallen
>electorates are still killing each other instead of SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS
>still have to complete Ghal Maraz quest

Are the Dorfs campaign more fun than men? Humans seems to be fucking retarded.

>you will be able to do literally nothing wrong with 6 billions skaven

Empire is pretty much RNG whether the counts get along or not. You can play Bretonnia if you want a more consistent human experience.

Dorf main campaign is a bit simplistic, especially with Grombrindal, but Clan Angrund can be pretty challenging

orks will fuck you up in the beginning, but if you can manage that then it's pretty much a steamroll. dwarves absolutely rape the vampire lords

Meanwhile they've said that each LL will run his own subfaction, while with elves factions everything pretty obviously, who will lead Lizards?

Mazdamundi is confirmed, probably in Lustria, Kroq-Gar is likely, probably in the Southlands

>in the Southlands
I doubt

>playing Karl Franz
>get Middenland to confederate with me
>defensive and military alliances with almost all the humans left
>some of them keep attacking my shit, then when I push them back, they beg for a peace treaty
>if I decide to chase them down, someone on another front will begin to harass me by breaking the peace treaty I already forced them into
>run all the way over there just for the people I was fucking up to do the same thing

this is not podracing

Steam page mentions the Southlands and that's the other place Lizardmen live

pretty hyped to play with high elf sword masters desu sempai

sometimes you just gotta let them siege or start raiding, then they can't get away

Ambush stance my boy. 90% I don't even try using it for ambushing, it just makes the AI forget you have an army and they rush in to do something stupid.


Stop playing videogames, Khazrak, you have a brayherd to run.

>Atilla was objectively better in every imaginable way except for optimisation.
Nope, the UI of Warhammer is 10000000% better than Atilla's shitty UI. Bad color scheme, bad for mousing over things, just bad overall.

Thank God for no Naval Battles. Navy battles are God-awful in every single Total War game.

You're right on everything else thoguh

No you don't. There was no hipocracy.

Total War is not an RTS. If you want an RTS then you want Starcraft or Command & Conquer or something.

I am fucking hyped for W2

I wish they announced a date though

>teleport for 500 gold
Wow that was tough


you need to fight Norscan tribes and take one of the Norse Dwarf settlements, not just the quest battle

>Total Warhammer will have largest campaign map in Total War history

Have like 10 melee guys and 10 quarrelers. Surround the archers with melee guys. Then let your quarrelers kill everything that moves.

>final version of the game will have at least three End Times scenarios
>there will be instances where they overlap

>confederate Bordeleaux for Alberic
>wasted 3 of his points in the first blue tier that aren't +150% income to ports
He's the best LL on the campaign map right now in the game, can turn Marienburg or any good port into churning out 8k+ gold per turn and the AI doesn't even pick the right skills.

Are these the lies they said before release?

It's an empty claim anyway since you won't interact with 70% of the campaign map. If you're playing dwarfs you have no reason to go west, unless you feel like conquering the world or something

>you have a stack
>NPC has a stack
>it costs too many peasants
Brettonia gets weaker by confederation

we'll have to see how they deliver on their promise of the giant campaign map, but the multiple End Times scenarios is just speculation

I thought CA are british company

>not going west to remove dirty elves

They're not lies at this stage. Fuck knows what they'll do when it comes time to merge the 3 games they're planning.

>only use knights because Loeun
>disband the other stack
wow that was hard

>doesnt disband AI armies

Any confederation I make I disband all armies and destroy all buildings.

They are, those are all English accents.

t. Scotsman

>If you're playing dwarfs you have no reason to go west
but you will have to deal with Tomb Kangz and Chaos Dwarfs and Ogres when they're introduced

Why didn't you secede yet?

because dwarven infantry are all infinitely better than anything orks can produce until black orks but the dwarves will control pretty much the entirety of the south east by that point and orks starting position is fucking awful while the dwarves start next to door to a potential ally within the first 5 turns and have basically zero opposition taking 5 cities right next to them

trying to fight dwarven armies as an ork player on legendary in the early game is just complete cancer, its basically impossible because on legendary dwarven warriors (the worst line holding infantry in the entire dwarven roster) can single handedly take on 3 entire units of ork boys, have the morale to endure repeated cav rear charges and have the armor to take basically no damage from ork archers

i imagine its lore accurate but it gameplay terms it means you literally cannot fight dwarves unless you have either a stack + a waagh or 2 stacks v 1 dwarf stack

Soon, mate.

Leaving the EU is the biggest mistake the UK government ever made in terms of keeping the Union together.

Then you get sabre-rattling today about how the UK government would be happy to go to war with Spain over Gibraltar and more Scottish people just see the Union as a pain in the arse.

You are chilling with your bros when this guy rolls in and slaps your infantry lines. What do?

>>No burning mrechanics
>>Single wall sieges
This annoyed me the most. There was literally no reason to gut these aside from sheer laziness.

laugh as my grave guard annihilate them all

Square formation.
Utterly rapes Chaos in particular.

>implying you can
You have just as much independance as London allows.

>Grey Seer Thanquol
Bless his ratty little heart.
You can't hate someone who manages to singlehandedly summon Skarbrand completely by accident.
Or is such an utter fuck up that the Slann consider him more dangerous to the Skaven than they are.


Sending this motherfucker

Net + shoot.
Cavalry charge it and laugh.
There's a reason why I send an army of Crypt Horrors into Norsca.
Never even fight them.
Yes, fight my Chosen.

I don't play anyone else.

Fucking what?

I know it's easy to forget the Midlands, but they do exist ya wazzock

>They are, those are all English accents.
Then why most of their teeths are ok?

Because you are relying on tired tropes that really don't mean anything nowadays.