Finally get to play Metal Gear Rising

>Finally get to play Metal Gear Rising
>Play on the hardest difficulty because i'm not a meow meow
>Got fucked in the ass by a motherfucking gekko

When did i get so shit at videogames? I miss when i was 13

learn to perfect parry.

>Playing difficulties out of order in a Platinum game

Start on normal you shit.

learn2parry scrub.

no seriously, i got up to sam without knowing parrying was even a thing. i'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat the game woth parrying.

without parrying i mean.

I thought you couldn't perfect parry gekkos since they always jump back, right?

*woth parrying

sorry, I meant what I said the first time.

Wait for 3mastiffs1twink ass rape

RULES OF NATUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SPOILER]

metal gear rising is easy as fuck you shit

thanks m8 that did the trick

The only fight you need to parry in is Monsoon fight. I completed the game on hard without really using parry anywhere else. I didn't actually use lock-on either. It was stupid as fuck but I can just be a complete retard when it comes to playing vidya.

I didn't mention how easy or hard the game was, idiot. Pretty clear you have no idea why I said that and just assumed what I meant.

Most of Platinum's games, this one included, remix their enemy encounters from normal to hard. Lategame enemies show up earlier and fights are tuned to be more difficult because of what enemies are grouped up, rather than the lazy solution of just having enemy stats going up and yours going down.

The experiences are actually different, and hard is adjusted to feed off of your experience on easy.

Repeat for OP and whoever else defaults to hard because most devs don't put this kind of effort in: Start on normal you shit.

I managed to beat monsoon without parrying, but i was completely stumped by sam. I wish i hadn't sold my copy of rising.

You are talking out of your ass. The only difference between easy normal and hard is the damage scaling. The things you are talking about are from very hard onwards, have you even played the game?

You can beat Sam without parry but the fight just becomes a stupid shitfest where you run at full speed all the time, keep your distance, see what he does, jump/run out of the way and then go runslash him and back off again. You can sometimes hit him with a proper combo too.
Using parry really makes that fight easier and especially faster lemme tell you what.

Why do you niggers always forget defensive offensive is a thing?

Oh. I wish I knew that existed.

learn to parry and tone down the difficulty.

Revengeance difficulty was too easy desu, made a joke of the boss fights
>there will never be a sequel

By hardest, do you mean you entered to Konami code to unlock Revengeance difficulty? Because that is where the fun truly begins.

Defeating Monsoon with 0 hits on that is my greatest achievement.

This, Very Hard was terrifying because parrying didn't give you fuckloads of free damage. I am way more proud of my Very Hard clears than my Revengeance clears.