Consider the following

>New stealthy Steam update
>Steam friends status now automatically hooks into your media players like
>It is now broadcast to your friends, what music files you listen to and what video files you are currently watching

How fucked are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

its 2017 literally nobody uses your scrobbling nigger shit so nobody gives a FUCK nice thread retard
add me up losers

They find out that I'm watching +15 anime from this season, so basically nothing new.

I'm not ashamed of my interests.

>Currently Offline
>Last Online 91 days ago
We could have been best pals but you're offline


I swear to god if this is sharing me watching blowupgirls to my friends I'm gonna have to be slightly embarrassed.

>more friends than games

really makes me think what kind of poorfag retards are on here

that's so "ironic weeaboo with more friends than games"

add me up losers

add me up loser

>being this desperate
heh... nah.... faggot.

add me up loser

Is it 2009 again?

you wish

Making fun of dead people has it's consecuences.

add me up loser


You will regret this.
Very soon.

literally who

I really miss the look of that UI.
I hate the new one we have now. Is there a skin available for it?

I have only weebs on my list so I don't care

Doesn't even accept you gay

>[clips4sale] Mom's Birthday

they would see something more degrading than that on mine most likely

just get a superior steam skin like OFGS if you want old green steam or minimal steam UI for a small boxes metro is ok if your into traps and fem penis

Not at all since I gave up caring about most games on steam and only log on maybe once a month. I've played everything worth playing. I haven't bought a new game in over a year

>using in 2017

I thought everyone used Spotify nowadays.

>It is now broadcast to your friends, what music files you listen to and what video files you are currently watching

this was fucking annoying enough in the days of irc why would you want to bring this shit back?

Just so you know, even though this feature isn't implemented like in OP's pic, Steam and Origin are very well aware when you watch some cunnies and cheese pizza while running their services. If and how Gabe/Moore use this against you, is yet to be seen though

no they arent you paranoid retard

i have no friends so not at all

Guys, I just checked my friends list, I dont see anything like that.

Can someone show me this happening on their friends list?

Fucked for life.
I watch hentai time to time, and listen to japanese lesbian sex noises.

My fap fodder is stored on an encrypted external harddrive. Should make you think enough to realize how fucked I would be if this was implemented

>he doesn't share his porn with his friends

I don't have anyone on my friend list.

>user is now watching PORNHUB - (FutaxMale) Spank me like a good slut.mp4

Trade in those scrobble points for prizes

>listen to japanese lesbian sex noises
Best taste, those nips go all out when making anything about sex and those mouth and sticky sounds asmr clips are no exception

Not the other guy, but especially the sticky noises

You are right to praise them and I commend you for doing so

>your friends


Who not invite someone to be your Friend, user?

Not everyone is a fucking retard like yourself, mate.

Well, I guess it might be hard for you to find a friend as retarded as yourself, but that is not a reason to give up!!

>being social is retarded
Spoken like a true autist, user

>No u
Most pathetic reply I've ever seen.
Not an argument.
Murder-suicide yourself

I think I'm starting to realize why you don't have any friends


Holy fuck, no wonder why you don't have any friends, go die in a ditch alone.

Gas yourself back to your subreddits you utter cancer.

>waaah stop disagreeing everyone on Sup Forums are neets waaah go back to weddit

Oh no, they're going to find out I'm listening to 名探偵は知っている.ogg!

Nobody cares, user. At worst, somebody recognizes the song and strikes up a conversation with you about it.

Unfortunately, if someone recognized this, I've already left the thread. I don't trust Sup Forums.

Fuck if I care.

Have they fixed non-steam game screenshots not showing up on friend activity?

forgot to say this but I'm not done with it

>This little self-awareness
Fuck off child.

>wah i'm too much of a faggot to even try to interact with other people because i fear they will realize what a complete sperg i am.

Quality projection.
Stop replying you absolute spastic faggot.

How ironic of you to say that

And again, with zero logic or thought put into it to boot. Nice work

>N..No you!
You lose, i win. You would do a shit friend, but you make a good clown and oh boy i'm up for some entertainment.

Again, how ironic of you to say that. You pretend that not having any friends is a good thing because you're in denial that you're an unlikable faggot.

Not an argument, refutation, retort and is absent of any coherency.
Stop replying as you're only espousing some quality self-fellating nonsense to feel 'intelligent'

I never expressed the contrary. You're arguing with your own narrative

No you didn't, but it sure sounded like you were implying that.


how do i turn this shit off?

>I base every point I make entirely on assumption and then am critical of others because of my own pathetic shortcomings
Gas yourself

>tfw I always post profiles of people I don't like in these threads, pretend to be them, and watch Sup Forums roast them for me as my personal army
feels good senpai tbqh

So like... some podcasts and some videogame tracks that just get immediately overwritten by the game I'm playing at the same time?

I mean maybe I'd be kinda fucked if it was porn, but even then literally nobody would be surprised and there's only one guy I have as a friend on Steam whose opinion I remotely give a fuck about.

>add someone on Steam
>talk briefly
>they start either ignoring me or treating me like shit
What the fuck, it's almost literally every time. I'm not making a pest of myself, I message every few days if not longer sometimes, and they always turn down my invitations for vidya.

>bro you're a pathetic weeaboo faggot that's why
A lot of the people I add are """weeaboos""".

I base my assumptions on Sup Forums's demographics and I'm usually right, it doesn't even seem like you want to change and try to get friends, enjoy the loneliness, there are people that seeks just that.

Because most of them don't want to play videogames.

I mean I've turned down invitations to videogame in the past, but that's because my internet fucking sucks.

But I know that's not true because they play vidya with others all the time.

>You just suck at vidya
I have literally never played with some so they don't know that

Those are Sup Forums friends for you.

I made two /vg/ friends, people I still talk to regularly five years after we "met" and we even play video games

Nobody wants to play video games.

I only keep friends I know irl or people I've talked a lot to, if they don't talk to me for two weeks, see ya, removed.

>I'm usually right
Nice humility you flaming retarded faggot.
Stop asserting your horseshit and kill yourself back to your subreddit already.

The key to making friends from Sup Forums is to never add someone from a thread for finding friends.

It's hard, but that's how you find the people who actually want to play video games and the people who are usually really chill.

I mean that's fair enough, but I also have like one friend I talk to maybe once a month and is actually pretty cool.

On the flipside you have my uncle who removed me because some subhuman German weeb called me racist (against Germans).

Sup Forums's demographic is mostly lonely angsty teens or manchildren that usually talks in a very hostile way caused by childhood trauma IE bullying, when you point out their faggotry they immediately start flaming you telling to go kill yourself or "GO BACK TO REEEEEEEDDIT" in an autistic manner. They also think high of themselves and see themselves as intelligent or attractive and blames the world for them being lonely.

Haven't really had this problem myself, though I guess some people could consider me to be the type you're complaining about.

I try to make it quite clear that I'm a weeb when I post my profile, and warn that we probably wouldn't have much to talk about if you're not one as well. Yet other people still add me, and I notice 5 minutes in that I don't get along with them, so I intentionally keep my replies short, don't bother to start conversations and remove them after they haven't talked to me in a few days.

A lot of people also seem to call me a bully even though I'm not trying to be malicious in any way, and I suppose some people might consider that to be treating them like shit, when I'm just trying to be friendly.

What's your profile user?

>being insecure over what you do

Don't mind my recently played stuff. I'm doing my annual card farming.

haha it reminds me the days of MSN Messenger. you could broadcast what are you listening etc from media player. sometimes people were forgetting about it and watching porn etc. lol good old days

Is this real? My friend list is still the same.

>281 friends
Why on Earth would you ever need more?


Are you that cute anime girl?

>animu profile
>shit taste in games
>member of Sup Forums groups
I wouldn't talk to you either.

I wish there was a way to completely censor a game from your play history on Steam. I want to play Rabi Ribi since I like every Metroidvania I've ever played but don't want to look like a weeb pedo to IRL friends and family on my list.

The obvious solution is to stop being 14 years old.

Really, nigga?

there are like 8 really good hot metroidvanias on steam right now yet you want to play the weebshit one which makes ppl think you're a pedo? what does that say about u?

I have family members on my friends list that even think anime girls with boobs are for pedos let alone the fairy girl with a flat chest and a tiny ribbon covering her nipples on the main image for the game. I have absolutely no issues with it, I just have stupid people around me.

Make your profile private do everyone, then.

I've played pretty much all of them that have been on sale so far. I already bought the game.

it's what?

>>add someone on Steam
>>talk briefly
>>they start either ignoring me or treating me like shit
That why you only add someone you know irl or play often with
the only people I have in my friend list other than my friends irl are dude I played 6month with before adding them

Why do you have retards on your friend list?

Why are you so insecure that you're afraid of playing a game they might disapprove of?

Why are you such an underage little bitch?

play some hollow knight nigger

Add me if you want:

Only public profiles.

he did nothing wrong