Mass Effect Andromeda 2

How will you fix Andromeda? I just finished the game and it hints at a sequel. So how do we fix Andromeda?

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Fire all the writers
Fire all the animators
Fire Mac Walters
Fire all the SJW'S
Hire Casey Hudson back

Give it the Mankind Divided treatment.
Seriously Andromeda was 5 years and 40 Million Dollars and this is what they give use? Hopefully it flops and EA has to kill the series

by not making another ME for 6 years and then make a remake of the first

>So how do we fix Andromeda?

Fire what's left of Bioware and form a new studio, not owned by EA, full of people who actually give a fuck about making video games. Then give them the ME IP and hope for the best.

Bioware has been cancerous for a good decade. It's time they went the way of Maxis, Pandemic and Bullfrog.

Don't forget that Casey Hudson presided over ME3, he did nothing to keep Hack Walters in check.

Drew Karpyshyn is the only person who should be brought back. Ironically, he's currently working at Bioware, but on The Old Republic expansions in Austin.

Set it back in the Milky Way
Seriously the Andromeda initiative was full of Cucks. The fact that the tempest didn't have canons triggered me

its ez. we just need to kill the lead writer

Give it to Obsidian.

>TFW Bioware moved the mass effect universe to a different galaxy to not mention the endings
I dunno whether to laugh or cry

>attempt to start the new game in the series on a clean slate
>still fuck everything up

to laugh is the only option

>How will you fix Andromeda?

You can't fix it. EA and all of its studios are design by committee developers.

>skipped out on Nier Automata got MEA instead

> FNV is shit
> KOTOR2 is shit
Great idea

Why? are you retarded?

Haven't bought a Mass Effect game since 2 skipped 3 because of the ending shit and skipped Andromeda because of its failed launch. Comfy playing nier and horizon waiting for Persona 5

Make the team of no mans sky work on it, muahahaha

>last game was utter garbage
>maybe this time will be better
>buy it anyways

as long as video game buyers continue the e-battered wife cycle it will only get worse. you thought it couldn't get any worse than me3. well, here we are.

People would definitely buy a remake / remaster of the first one - probably of the whole trilogy.

Knowing BiowarEA, they'd remake the non-graffix systems too though. Not sure I want that


>Usually buy one game each month
>See my choices Mass Effect Andromeda Nier Automata
>Loved the Trilogy never played the first Nier

Didn't you see the shitstorm before the release

Why would anyone listen to anything Sup Forums has to say?

>You get the option of saving both Ashley and Kaiden.

>Several characters get retconned to be gay/trans.

>make a remake of the first
No thanks, make a sequel to Andromeda but fix everything, mainly, disband Bioware and get someone new with experience.

The entire franchise is mediocre as fuck.
I can't believe people bought the first one, it stood in literally no way whatsoever.
Just a mediocre RPG with shit gameplay and full of boring fetch quests with a main story that consits of 5 completely linear missions.

It wasn't just Sup Forums it was all over twitter and most gaming sites where concerned over the quality.

Sup Forums was wrong about Horizon I hoped they were wrong about Mass Effect Andromeda

i dont want a remaster, i just want all the games with all the dlc in one package so i can play everything without biojew points, and just minor additions for things like fov, filtering, fsaa, etc.

Starved for choice
Name a better space opera RPG

Doing the opposite of what Sup Forums says has lead me to having more fun than the time I used to listen to this place.

No, Horizon was actual shit, it was just a mediocre Ubisoft-esque open world game.

It's not going to have a sequel because it got shit reviews, DLCs are going to wrap the loose ends.


>Buy the Trilogy on sale
>It's 2&3 missing most of the DLC
>Check the DLC is more expensive than the games
>Only finished the first game

The ME lore is nothing but bootleg Star Trek with muh ancient evil slapped on top of it.

Hire an actual writer that doesn't rehash reapers/collectors/darkspawn as enemies or ancient elves/protheans as old fallen race
Get dedicated servers for mp and cut the grind
Let us play as different races Pathfinder, the face animations are a joke anyways, who cares if it's less polished, let me play as a Salarian or Krogan

>It's not going to have a sequel because it got shit reviews
Does Sup Forums unironically think EA gives a fuck about anything but money?
Just how gullible can you be?
They released a turd like ME:A and it's at the top of the charts, this franchise will live on for a long time.

Easily GOTY

>EA and all of its studios are design by committee developers.

This. Fixing Andromeda would require fixing Bioware and that ain't happening as you're as they're just another EA studio. I wonder if they're already living on borrowed time.

Yeah, I too loved Ubisoft-esque collecthaton open world game #5980731590836150983759071763509831, and I loved that fucking manfaced monstrosity that's in the cover.

DLC also literally never goes on sale because it's tied to those moronic Bioware points or whatever they're called.

And if you have already played KOTOR?
Or just don't care about Star Wars?

Also consider that KOTOR was several years old when Mass Effect was released, that has an effect on people (stupid people but people none the less)

>They released a turd like ME:A and it's at the top of the charts
It wasn't, and no one is going to buy a sequel to a game that got 1/5 reviews from every mainstream dudebro media outlet.

Continuing Andromeda would be a mistake since no one even finished it in the first place, not really a large fanbase there. Making a completely new ME game is what they are going to do because they actually want money like you said.

If you don't care about Star Wars why would you give a single fuck about Mass Effect?

You know how much EA cares about sales? So much they wouldn't disclose them to their shareholders during a meeting call for Inquisition and instead used "hours played" as a metric of success.

Maybe it's time you branch out rather than settle for mediocrity, user.

>It wasn't

>no one is going to buy a sequel to a game that got 1/5 reviews from every mainstream dudebro media outlet.
Since when do reviews or quality affect the sales of a videogame?

What do reviews and sales have to do with anything?
The most sold game of 2016 has a 76 in Metacritic and a 35 userscore.

Aloy is Cute. Cute!

Yeah, Aloy is beautiful.

I seriously don't even know why they bothered calling it Mass Effect beyond just name recognition.

>familiar classes OUT
>Paragon/Renegade system OUT
>choices, for the most part, OUT

Andromeda could've been literally anything else if not for familiar terminology.



>guise how do we fix mass effect 3
>guise how do we fix mass effect andromeda
* eventually *
>guise how do we fix mass effect andromeda 2

It's a shitty game by an even shittier developer and it doesn't deserve to exist. It should tank hard and teach those faggots a lesson.

Pull it. Shut the stdio

Many people wait for reviews to see if a game is worth buying, if they see bad reviews they are not going to buy it.

Now the people that blindly bought it were surely disappointed and will be real cautious for the next ME game, if it would be Andromeda 2 they probably wouldn't want to spend another 50+ hours with that bland cast they don't care about.

Making a new game set in another galaxy would be an easy way to unfuck themselves.

Skipped out on Nier too hope it's low sales will force a price cut also have a backlog to finish and Persona 5 is coming

>Paragon/Renegade system OUT
This system shouldn't have been in the first place.

>choices, for the most part, OUT
Since when have choices had ANY effect on this franchise?
ME1, save the council or not.
ME2, choose you color of the star in TIM's office at the end.
ME3, choose the color of the galaxy.

The reception Andromeda is getting is the reception that ME1 should have received, this franchise has been nothing but pure garbage from the beginning.

>Not buying platnuim so best game in years

>Many people wait for reviews to see if a game is worth buying
Clearly not since god reviews are not tied to sales.

>Now the people that blindly bought it were surely disappointed and will be real cautious for the next ME game
You are talking about the masses, those people don't give a fuck, those people are the kind that keep COD alive, they never read reviews, they simply buy the game the moment they know it exists.

>if it would be Andromeda 2 they probably wouldn't want to spend another 50+ hours with that bland cast they don't care about.
Didn't stop ME2 and 3 from outselling the previous ones.
Not that any of them give a fuck about the characters because they forget every videogame they play after a week or two.

Don't you understand that the people who buy these games unironically like them?
It's the same for Skyrim and Fallout 4, those idiots unironically like those games, even though they have absolutely nothing going for them.

The loss of the paragon/renegade thing is the worst for me. It was one of the major parts of the other games and it just made Ryder boring to do conversations with since you couldent just be a xenophobic dick to everybody. They were just kinda passive and apologetic with different tones to say it.

Plus it was fun seeing the character transform depending on how good or bad you were.

ME2 had the best cast tho, and they actually talked in that game.

because this is re-skinned inquisition more than mass effect

ME2, like all Bioware games, had a set of walking archetypes with no depth of their own.
In fact, it hurt ME2 because you spend 80% of the game dedicated to these people that you could hardly give a fuck about since they are only here to be used in the final level, and in the end it made ME2 a glorified side-quest.

Oh yeah, they'd likely bring their "progressive" shit into it too. I'd just want a prettier game


That's DLC dummy

Good, the last thing future ME games need to do is be similar to previous Mass Effect games.
The only way to make this franchise worth something is completely tear apart what the other turds tried to build.

Fuck off with your reddit speak.

>Financial and Critical success
>GOTY candidate
Go play your niche Japanese games faggot

>Financial and Critical success
>GOTY candidate
Are you speaking of Horizon, Dragon Age Inquisition, or Overwatch?

>Go play your niche Japanese games faggot
No, i'm happy that the Japanese industry is dying and I couldn't laugh harder at how little that piece of weebshit Nier Automata is selling.
400k copies, I heard, and they don't even have a budget to make any meaningful DLC.
400k more copies than it deserves, but it's good to see another flop anyway.


That's DLC you faggot cuck. Your mom is a whore.

Can't unsee, holy shit.

Be 20 dollars by may
Wise waiting especially since the games out today

Get rid of the female devs, they dont work and just get carried by the guys doing the actual work

>Get rid of the female devs
Get rid of everyone
They are still western trash, they are all fucking worthless, only japs and some slavs remember how to make good videogames.
White people haven't developed a single decent videogame in decades.


Yea because its mostlt the progressive sjw whores they hire, they think they can use the playform to move their agenda its pathetic

No, it's because all white developers are worthless, they are unoriginal, talentless hacks with no ambition.
You have Nier Automata, you have The Witcher 3, and what the fuck is the best western trash can come up with, Call of Duty?
Just make ilegal developing videogames in Europe and America.

Game is good and fun and i enjoy it.

They ll just have to patch up the animations and andromeda 2 will be great.

If you get rid of the SJW shit you'll have non-SJW games, but they'll still be developed by burgerclaps, they'll still be shit games.

>Wah wah muh SJWs
>Wah wah y cant i be a hateful bigot in andromeda
Good thing the dialogue options are limited for that since Andromeda screened individuals and bigots werent allowed.

Shit the milky way, Andromeda is for a great progressive future

>Good thing the dialogue options are limited for that
But the other option is you telling him that he's an alien too.

Yeah, he says "you are an alien too like us, so we should work together and he concludes that being alien is irrelevant, it is about what kind of alien you are"

The Kett are boring and uninspired villians. Their reapers lite without the intrigue

There was nothing intriguing about an ancient evil awakens.
This entire franchise is nothing but a compilation of tropes that worked in other franchises but that have been run into the ground making Mass Effect boring and predictable.

What if the aliums don't have a concept of bigotry?

You explain to them what it is and usually they have a brain and realize why it is bad unlike some humans.

if you bought this game get the fuck off this site and go back to neofag or reddit

lol no

Stay mad, i also use reddit, tumblr, furaffinity, facebook, twitter, bsn and even wow forums

>make Cora not look like a dyke
>make Suvi bisexual
>no more Liam. He's shit.
>make the character customization not suck ass
>don't hire unqualified tumblr artists to animate the game
>introduce more than 2 new alien species
>have game be introduced far enough along to wear you don't need to be doing the same fucking thing on every planet you come across as a major plotpoint of the game.
>this also means more planets that are already settled and have their own thing going on. Yeah being the one to start a settlement is great and all, but best planets in Andromeda already had a bunch of people on them by the time you got their. It's more fun than driving around an empty planet that kills you for stepping out of the car
>Somehow have the Initiative be able to quickly travel to other clusters. No relays is the challenge, however.

Get rid of Hack Walters. Seriously, the series hasn't been good ever since he was put in charge.

Brown girl LI.




>I am a bigot who wants to play big tough conqueror
And that is why you werent approved for the andromeda iniative :3

Give the entite budget to the guy that made NieR: Automata so he can make another NieR game :^)

Am I part of the super seekrit nier shill club now?

Funny how i enjoyed and loved all games bioware made after mass effect 2

MAYBE you are the issue