Why is nobody talking about this?
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Bayonetta 3? or Bayonetta on PC?
Why is nobody talking about this?
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Bayonetta 3? or Bayonetta on PC?
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Bayo 1 on PC is not unrealistic
Bayo 1 on pc I think
Why would anyone think Bayonetta 3.
They would have to be retarded.
It's probably just a Bayo 1 port.
It's a port of the first game.
Maybe second as well, since wiiu is dead, but that's doubtful.
People said the same about Bayo 2 before it was announced
what're you talking about, Bayonetta's already on PC
If first game get port there is 99.99% chance the second will too.
Completely wrong.
Nintendo owns the second game.
well it's obviously bayonetta 1 on PC because otherwise why only put the april fool's teaser on steam?
>Bayo on PC
>All these delusional people think that will happen
Because pc gamers are not weebs
We don't need shit anime games like berseria, personna and bayonetta
No cause Nintendo gave money to do the second
go type "Bayonetta" in steam search, user
It's a port of Bayo 1, and ONLY Bayo 1. Sega loves porting 8 year old games to PC, and there's no way in hell Bayo 2 is getting ported to anything other than Switch.
>Bayonetta on PC?
How do you figure out this bullshit?
Gamers need good games and Bayo is one so we need it on pc
the link to that countdown comes from an april fool's joke where platinum put 8-bit Bayonetta on steam
>Bayo 1 native PC port with unlocked framerate
>Bayo 2 already fully emulatable via CemU
You're super wrong senpai
I hope it's ________both____
>Bayo 2
"Playable" is like the biggest buzzword in all of emulation, don't fall for it
Both Bayo1 and Vanquish
Fuck off leaf
Bayo3 would get announced at E3. It'll be a Bayo PC port.
Nintendo owns the second game
>Bayo3 would get announced at E3
Nintendo does directs user
Only Bayo 2 is exclusive to Nintendo. Bayo 1 is multiplat.
>b-but we don't need jap games!
>w-western games are good!
>has 2000+ hours in either dota or csgo
really makes those qpus align
>Why is nobody talking about this?
anyone interrested in bayo 1 already played it on their ps3, 360 or wiiu
b-but my performance numbers
Already played it on that sony overheating trash and i'm still hyped, hope they release vanquish as well
I'd replay it in 1080p and stable 60FPS
>Sega loves porting 8 year old games
Where are Yakuza PC ports?
So predictable
I take it you haven't played it on PS3?
It was fine on X360 though
So we're going to get Bayo 1 but not Bayo 2 as well? fuck.
Surely it'd be PC ports. It'd make sense considering the 8-Bit Bayonetta tease on Steam.
You will get one port a year and you will like it, enjoy Yakuza 4 or Vanquish next year.
Guys, it's not just going to be Bayo 1. It's going to be most of Plat's multiplat library. Maybe we'll get anarchy reigns and vanquish!!!
>Bayonetta 3 announcement for Switch
I would laugh my ass off if they just trolled everyone
T-thanks Sega sama, please stop beating me.
I played it on Wii U, the best-performing version of the game
See , Sega ports one old game to PC each year.
>2015 - Valkyria Chronicles
>2016 - Sonic Lost World
>2017 - Bayonetta
90% of people played it on sub-720p and with stutters
It's both Bayonetta 3 multiplat announcement, and announcing Bayonetta 1 brought onto the PC.
It's absolutely Bayo 3, but I'm hoping Bayo 1 for PC is real, because I had to play the PS3 version.
why are there any people talking about bayonetta 3?
fuck sake, this countdown page came from a Bayonetta 1 tease on steam yesterday, y'all are retarded and don't even follow what's going on before jumping to bayonetta 3 being announced at anything other than e3
it is going to be Bayonetta Movie on steam
>release 8-bit Bayonetta on Steam for free
>Steam achievements lead to countdown
What else could it be, Sega would have to be completely retarded to promote a Switch port of Bayo 2 through fucking Steam.
because it's exactly what Kamiya would do
Tease the PC community and then say "hey fuck you, it's this thing"
He literally gives no fucks
and bloodborne will get ported too
things are looking up for us PC master race, guys!
He just block stupide people he is very respectfull out off that
If they were drumming up interest preparing for a Bayonetta 3 reveal at E3 or whatever they'd do a HD re-release on all current gen platforms not just PC.
always no steam database info about the game ?
SEGA insider here. Let me shed some light on the situation.
- 8-Bit Bayonetta is the final entry in the series. Bayonetta 3's development has started and stopped about 12 times now, but has finally been cancelled. This is because Hideki Kamiya has begun to challenge his developers to 100% The Wonderful 101 within 3 hours, to test their worthiness to work under him. They get fired and blocked from his Twitter if they fail.
- The countdown is counting down to a mobile port of the first Bayonetta. It will cost $59.99USD.
- I hear Bayonetta 2 will eventually get a port to the Nintendo 3DS in 2019.
That's all I've got for you guys.
360 version through Xbone backwards compatibility is actually the current definitive way to play it, unfortunately.
bayo 1 is 8 years old. that shit is selling maybe around 100 units monthly thanks to wiiu
there is no reason to keep it hostage especially when switch isnt backwards compatible
>The countdown is counting down to a mobile port of the first Bayonetta.
This reminds me of something unpleasant.
>tfw was considering going ps4 pro instead of upgrading my 5 year old gpu after Nier's unoptimised port wouldn't run well on my PC
>Warhammer Total War 2 and Bayonetta get announced for PC
fuck yeah, I'm sticking with PC
You're right
They should port Bayo 2 to the Switch
>sequel never
It´ll be either Bayo 1 on Steam with some unique features or outfits or, highly unlikely, some kind of Integral version that includes both games
It can only be Bayo 1
Only Bayonetta 1 or maybe never ever.
Bayonetta 2 is owned by Nintendo and Nintendo hates PC!
Bayo 1 on PC. Sega wouldn't draw attention to the whole "Bayo on PC never" joke with their april fools prank unless they were actually planning to do it. It's like how companies never mention controversy or flaws in their product unless they're announcing some solution.
How did Bayo 2 sell anyway? I can't imagine it was very well, everything that isn't 1st party tends to sell like shit on Nintendo.
In Japan, Bayonetta 2 sold approximately 39,000 units in its first week of release,[51] much fewer than were sold of the original Bayonetta in its debut week.[52] After its third week of release, Bayonetta 2 had sold approximately 50,000 units in Japan.[53] The title was the seventh best-selling game in the UK in its first week of release,[54] but was absent from the Top 40 best-seller list in its second week.[55]
I just hope it will use Denuvo!
Genocide on poorfags when?
I know it's a shit source, but VGChartz says
> Bayonetta 2 sold 800,000 units worldwide
> Bayonetta 1 sold 1.21 million units on the PS3
If poor sales were the reason why Sega were hesitant to fund a sequel, then Bayonetta 2 performing worse than Bayo 1 definitely wouldn't instill them with confidence to release Bayo 3 as a Switch exclusive.
what browser or interface is that with the URL on the bottom?
A fucking leaf
The only game I want Sega to port on PC is Vanquish and then I could die happy. Bayo would be nice, but Vanquish is beyond god tier.
il would buy 10 copies just to tell sega to port Vanquish next
is that a new (you)?
>merging Sup Forums and Sup Forums when europe was sleeping
literally to point
Not a leaf tho.
>Vanquish 3440x1440 100 fps
>Mouse & keyboard
>New arcade highscore mode
>Coop multiplayer with new bosses where Coop is needed
i came
Oh, so that's what happened. Any other mergers after /mlpol/?
idk i was sleeping
Reminder that Platinum have NEVER ONCE gotten mouselook right in a game.
Expect a Vanquish port to have permanent, unconfigurable negative mouse acceleration as mouse movements are sloppily translated to analogue stick input values.
Expect Sup Forums to defend it loudly with a chorus of
>playing action games without a controller
They did it for every Plat PC release so far. If Vanquish happens it won't be any different.
wiiu version was hot ass, not as bad as pre-patch ps3 bayo but still ass.
Bayonetta 1 or some other reveal. No chance on B2 - but it doesn't matter, as it plays fine on Cemu, so we already have it.
(So does Bayo1).
I would be very happy with Bayo 1 and eventually Vanquish.
As much I would like another franchise coming to my favourite platform, Yobanetta 3 seems more realistic outcome.
>bayo on PC
>when CEMU is a fucking thing now
It'll never happen but here's hoping.
What makes you think that this will be Bayo on PC instead of Bayo 3 for switch? The 200k+ sales of Nier on steam?
promotional campaign for this started on steam
Such a overhyped shit game.
People keep saying "no chance on Bayo 2" like Ninty has 100% control over the franchise now because they financed that game.
Sonic Lost World was financed by Ninty and that got a Steam release too. You're talking about a game which was exclusive to a console that is no longer in production getting ported to a platform that the publisher doesn't view as direct competition, 3 years post-release.
I'm not saying it's guaranteed, but it's definitely in the realm of possibility.
Time to rev up those goldfaces.
Nintendo owns the exclusive publishing rights to Bayo2
Unless Nintendo starts releasing their games on Steam - Which is highly unlikely - it will never happen
Whilst it's good to have the release, the game is too old to justify gold faces.
Yeah, sorry. Just googled it and it turns out it was teased in "8bit Bayonetta".
Here's the countdown site.
Doubt it's for a Bayonetta 3 announcement. Wouldn't make much sense build up hype for a console game via an April fools Steam game.
Most logical conclusion would be Bayonetta PC port announcement. But you never know, might actually be an announcement for both a port and a sequel, with the port's purpose being to test the waters for PC versions of the other Bayonetta games. That's just me being an optimist, though.
Bayonetta 1 on PC, and possibly Bayonetta 3 announcement, I'm very doubtful of a release on 2. If this does good, maybe this time SEGA will understand that they can get more money by porting games people want to PC.
You wish, we Australians still got game
Sega is so incompetent with their slow trickle of PC ports, they waited long enough to port Bayonetta that we're already able to emulate the both it and its sequel.
Instead of porting Virtual Fighter 5 like people specifically asked for, making them the first major 3D fighting game on steam, Dead or Alive and now Tekken have beaten them to the fucking punch.
They wasted an entire year of work porting Sonic Lost World, a bad sonic game that sold like absolute ass on Steam due to its reputation, instead of something actually worthwhile like Vanquish, Jet Set Radio Future, or any fucking Yakuza game (Binary Domain proves that they can port games using the Yakuza engine to PC fairly cheaply)
Meanwhile they refuse to sell games on steam which ALREADY HAVE PC versions, such as Typing of the Dead, Billy Hatcher, or Puyo Pop Fever.
Interesting side note, Bayonetta's guns in Bayo 1 (Scarborough Fair) are red with gold shape charms, and her guns in Bayo 2 (Love Is Blue) are blue with gemstone charms.
In the teaser image from the countdown website, we see one gun. It's black and has a butterfly charm.
Not sure if that's significant.
But Typing of the Dead IS on Steam.