Which campaigns to expect?
Which campaigns to expect?
The one where you shoot the germans.
The one you save Europe from the communists.
The one where you save Europe from the jews
Nobody is going to make a game about 1920 Poland
The one where Soviet guys did everything and America pretended they were important for some reason.
The Winter War so one can snipe hundreds of commies.
German campaign
Nip Campaign
And an American campaign
would be cool
Gung Ho Micheal Bay America campaign that's being done to death in WW2 games.
The one you bomb civilians then pretend the germans are villains for doing the same to you.
They better amp up blood and gore like in WaW.
This 2bh
Maybe some British fighting this time
I wish we could play as Germans during successful German campaigns for once.
>Leaf campaign
>Kiwi campaign
>BLACKED campaign (colonial troops?)
CoD waw 2008
l4d2 2009
both game with amazing gibbing.
Why they fuck did developers stop innovating
THIS. I'm fed up with all WW2 games being about the Americans & Russians.
you mean when you save Europe from the fascist pig dogs ;)
anzac only did anything relevant in WWI and canada would be pretty much the same as america or britain
I don't know, but wehraboos on here will get salty regardless.
the one where we bring freedom to those towelheads
ww2 isn't fun without combined arms
im betting you'll be playing as the germans
Finland Holland Scandinavian campaign would be cool no pun
The one where you are commonwealth troops in south asia
Well, since leftards hate Russia again for hacking some old hag, there would be some ebil gommies, but not actual gommies, because gommunizm is good now.
Also, there would be a lot of shitskins of all kinds on the "good guy" side.
>Maybe some British fighting this time
Only CoD WW2 game without British campaign was World At War.
Educate yourself.
>fascist pig dogs
go back to tumblr
the one were Ross gassed the jews
Here's the deal Sup Forums, you get your Nazi Germany campaign set in Africa
But you play as a black Nazi
Are you satisfied?
find the black people unit and the muslim units
make campaign based around them to promote new politics
>people still pretend anglo-bolshevik alliance aka "allies" were the good guys
It'll be about how you, a brave African American transsexual gender fluid 4 star General single handedly take on the evil white RACIST of the world and make it a better place for all womynkind.
Maybe get to c4 a flak 88 or two
go back to Sup Forums ;)
And ultimately fail in the end
>black nazi
>implying blacks can be as evil as whites
nazism is a white thing, like any other evil thing on earth.
These days If you are against illegal immigration your an evil white supremisits. Doesny matter if your as black as night. These white teen's will still call you a Nazi.
Hopefully Ruskies during the rape of Berlin.
The campaign where you team up with the communists to save the jews, create the proxy state Israel and let all the jews migrate to USA, who then create plans on how to destroy nationalism and spread """tolerance"""" in the USA and Western Europe.
Finland winter war would be fucking great
I just want a german campaign on the eastern front, from poland to stalingrad and Berlin
My dad works for nintendo and he says the leak is the world at war remaster, the actual game is ghosts 2
Call of Duty World War 2?
It's another "First level is D-Day" episode.
Wish it was actually about a nazi soldier, just to change the perspective a bit.
this, best part of WaW
>still playing COD in 2017
Get out
Stop lying to me user...
They should do a German campaign just to be different.
You ever just stop and think how crazy it is that fuckhuge war actually happened?
Would love a North African campaign. Playing as the chindits in Burma doing raids on Japanese camps would be cool too.
how do CoD campaigns manage to be so fucking boring despite WW2 being the best war ever?
Operation Sealion when?
Make a campaign following the Devil's Brigade through Italy and the Alps.
I honestly don't remember any WWII game delving into Italy.
Are there any good USA vs Japan WW2 games?
Cod waw
Pic related had some levels in Italy. Even had some Italian weapons which was a nice change from the norm.
might aswell make a french campaign too if they're going down the incompetent losers route
>the foundational unit of North American special forces and joint taskforces
>incompetent losers
Rising Storm
usa brits russian
>alright guys, brainstorm for cod ww2
>we have do make it more diverse than bf1
>b-but sir, half their cast were black, how do we top that?
>first off we make our protag a woman
>fuck, why didn't i think of that
>and she's a black jew working for the resistance
>and we make her the person who actually killed hitler
>amazing, this is why you're the boss, boss
>you fucking know it, now start coding that shit
>mfw reveal trailer this month
But it'll never happen because Nazi's were "bad bullies" and Nips, well people don't care a lot about them which is a shame.
>Maybe some British fighting this time
They are the baddies
Killing the heroes
You nazi scum
It'll be like Taliban doing terrorist missions and killing civilians and US and Allied forces.
You Nazi
Time to bring back Captain Price.
How about the Winter War except it's a horror game because you're playing as the Russians?
Lol do you actually believe in this shit?
Son go do some research.
Gotta make sure that we downplay the oceans of blood and son, brothers, husbands, and fathers the evil white man has lost to secure the Western World for Africans and Arabs.
how about you do some research ;)
>Sino-Japanese War
>Italian shit
>French Campaign
>Finnish Campaign
There's nothing they can do unless they want to rehash
>Stalingrad/Eastern Front
All over again
>the muslim units
I don't think that's a good idea if you're trying to promote some progressive shit, because the muslims were fighting for the nazis due to their mutual interest in eradicating the jews.
I already did, that's why I'm telling you to do the same. After that you can say whatever you like. Just don't go around screaming "Nazis were big ugly bullies" just because your history teacher said so.
>Algerian-Colonial Units entering Germany
Might be cool
>69.99€ base game
>39.99€ Season pass
everyone that buys this deserves to get hit by a car
Big red one had you land during husky and take Anzio. You even fought the Vichy French.
What the fuck
We are reaching pre-euro prices here.
Considering units were segregated it might actually be cool to see a black unit in charge of digging trenches and shit get caught up in some fucked up action and then be stuck behind enemy advancement and have to get out. There's your diversity quota filled and actually an interesting and fresh situation for WWII gaming.
Although they'd go cringe level heavy-handed and have some redneck white soldiers jeering "nigger!" at them or something as they were heading out because the fact the units were segregated wouldn't be enough to remind people that racism existed and wouldn't satisfy the white guilt of the devs enough.
>nazis were big ugly bullies
but they were ;)
Essentially why I haven't bought a new game almost since the beginning of this gen in 2013.
AAA games are only barebones DLC support structures now, and the industry got away with it because gamers are the most braindead retarded consumer market on the planet, due in no small part to a large portion being teenagers spending their parent's money.
>implying defeating the germans isn't enabling the communists
>American campaign in Normandy ( main missions )
>Russian campaign (4-5 missions)
>french resistance campaign ( 1 mission, made to counter the fact BF1 made the french DLC)
>British campaign somewhere (2-3 missions)
>American in Japan as campaign DLC
>redneck white soldiers jeering "nigger!" at them or something as they were heading out
This sounds entirely plausible. Why would it be "heavy-handed"? "Racism happened and is shown in a game set during Segregation era" is "heavy-handed"?
I'll leave your bait alone now lad.
I wouldn't even pirate that shit game
But your first post was the bait, son ;)
I don't think we'll have a German campaign.
Well, it's Call of Duty, don't act surprised if the game is shit
>cod always been my shit
>weapon class customization and killstreaks is fucking sweet
>activision goes full jew mode after mw2
>cod is ded on pc
I miss the golden age of mw2.
>People expecting multiple campaigns
It'll likely just be US Rangers.
Staying on your island, pissing your pants and waiting for big bro to come save you wouldn't make for a very exciting campaign
Knowing how they handled "No Russia" i go and say that following gonna happen.
>You will play an insider of SS troops / Gestapo
>Your characterer is jew but trying to hide it, giving you lots of "stealth" missions
>Your characterer will get caught and the game just throws the holohoax to you, you will live the ghetto raids and all the way to Auswitz
>Later when Auswitz is freed by US troops, you will get Thompson and get a payback.
End game.
>World War
>Good guys
They got their campaigns in almost every WW2 CoD game, and they were the weakest almost every time.
>This sounds entirely plausible.
Based on what? Red Tails?
>Red Tails?
why not? It's one of the best war movies ever made.
They were baitposter, they won after all ;)
>start the campaign of cod ww2
>it's in the future FUCK
>but wait we got time travel now
>you play as the future SAS time corps
>have to go back in ww2 and help the allies win from behind the scenes
>can choose to bring future gear or stay classic with ww2 to blend in
>globe trotting the biggest events during the great war
Sup Forums go take a fucking shower adn leave this thread
your stench is unbearable
This, it's totally reasonable:
>segregated black unit heading out to dig trenches
>suddenly they're stopped on their jeeps as the white drivers hit the breaks in front of the entire platoon of white soldiers in the camp
>the white soldiers begin jeering and taunting them like animals, shouting "coon!" "nigger!" as the black soldiers nobly and powerfully do not respond
>several of the white officers approach the jeeps, "Don't listen to them," they say, "Here we brought you some supplies." They hand off a crate to one of the segregated soldiers, who opens it to find it full of watermelon rinds and fried chicken bones
>the officers guffaw with laughter, "Dumb niggers!"
>"You were slaves you know," the white driver slyly calls back to the blacks, "You were all nigger slaves and we, your white masters, still own you. Dig those trenches boy. We should be joining with the krauts against you folk to be honest."
>the blacks stoically resist the taunting as the jeeps finally pull out
>the ranking officer of the base sees them as they're leaving and salutes them with his left hand, holding only his middle finger straight, much to the glee of the other soldiers
>later on, as the unit digs, the white drivers stand over them with whips
The subtle nuances of racism having happened and being shown in a game set during Segregation era would be deftly implemented in this way.