Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey

Are you hyped for SMT: DSJ?

Who is that gril? That's not my spess muhreen, Brock Brichouse.


Did Strange Journey have a "kill your Friends" ending?

There's no route where everyone makes it

eh, kind of. your "friends" all turn into avatars of their alignment, so depending on your choice of alignment you have to kill the ones who oppose yours.

Yeah but I mean your crew.


Looks like another low-effort port of a DS game.

The 3DS now has more ports of DS SMT games than original SMT games made for it. Fucking crazy, it's literally one generation earlier and for a handheld that can still play DS games.


I only ever did one route in SJ, I'd buy this if it has crosssave or something but I'm not starting from sratch again

I got all the way to the final boss in neutral route but then I gave up and watched the ending on youtube because my demons were shit and I didn't feel like grinding for another 5 hours

what a magnificent ass


Can you still trust Mastema?

of coursh

Yeah if they don't fuck it up. I feel like they'd fuck it up or change it to be more weeby


SJ is good but a fucking wreck to actually play through

God I hope the soundtrack doesn't sounds shittier on the 3DS

Why is there some geenric animeslut on the cover?

Space marines are scary to otaku

how would they implement that

I know they want to keep that oldschool SMT feeling with the sprites but I wonder if any of you're crewmates will get portraits now that Doi is Doi-ing stuff.

I kind of doubt it though.

Its sad enough that this sounds like it even might be true considering that they start to pander to Persona babys in the mainline SMT games.

They do.

At least we'll get to see what based Anthony looks like.

They're all gonna have portraits now

This. I'd kill for a remake of something that hadn't already been released in English. Our only method of playing SMT1 in English without emulation is a fucking mobile port. It'd be nice to play SMT2/if/Devil Summoner without resorting to piracy, and to actually be able to buy these games. Bur nope, gotta remake SJ and change it to appeal to an audience that didn't care for it the first time around.

>Creator's Massage