Based western devs


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Inb4 the Trump video

Sorry I mentioned it

those cucks and beta hipsters actually produced good games, how is this even possible?

>Comments are disabled for this video.

They used to be way better. They've been on the decline for a while, but not nearly as catastrophically as Naughty Dog or the rest of their ilk.

I don't understand what the issue is - am I misunderstanding it? Surely you can still emigrate to America for jobs etc, they're not actually banning people from moving to America?

Oh well. I still like their games. Guess I just won't buy them from now on.

Larian Studios

It's heavy vetting.

Basically they have to do a lot of background checks to make sure that you aren't or have ever aided/abetted a terrorist.

Liberals are calling it a Muslim ban because they realize most Muslims coming from the Middle-East would probably be terrorists or help terrorists if they could.

Insomniac is crazy, look at the quality of games and how frequent they are

> Spyro the dragon (1998)
> Spyro 2 (1999)
> Spyro 3 (2000)
> Ratchet and Clank (2002)
> Ratchet and Clank 2 (2003)
> Ratchet and Clank 3 (2004)
> Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)
> Resistance: Fall of Man (2006)
> Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (2007)
> Resistance 2 (2008)
> Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time (2009)

that's a AAA game every year except 2001 from 98-09, and all thier games were good, Resistance 2 being the worst one.

It becomes less impressive when you realize that most of them are glorified expansion packs.

Still quality though.

There mostly good but they've been getting a little bland, Rachet used to be one of my fave yearly series on the PS2 but with the PS4 and PSP they got so frequent and mixed in quality that I began to get tired of them.
I didn't like the reboot as much as most people.

I gotta play the reboot sometime.

They've collectively fallen for the "trump is hitler" meme and decided to speak out about something they believed was important (regardless of how well they actually understood trump's position or motives) while maintaining a perfectly civil tone.

What's wrong with this exactly? They aren't saying "anyone who supports trump should stop buying our games because they're racist sexist nazis". It's got to be the most civil and non-hateful anti-trump statement I've ever seen.

It's ok but it is a reboot, not a remake, the plots different, the cast act different, ect.
It's a lot closer to the later titles so Rachet is boring, Quark is less of an asshole, it's really easy, it's a lot shorter etc.
TBF I felt this about most of the later games.

Why do these stupid companies have to mix politics with video games?

Sucker Punch makes some great titles. Big fan of the Sly Cooper and Infamous games. Except Infamous Second son.

I liked Second Son better than First Light and 2.

Based as fuck


Visually the the new Infamous games with Delsin Rowe as the protagonist were amazing. I just felt that the plot and characters were a big joke.

I found the brothers fine, the 2 sidekicks were pretty bad.

I just couldn't get as immersed as I did with Cole. He was a fuckin badass. One of my fav characters in Vidya

To add to what the other guy said: a lot of levels got removed and the new ones are boring shit. Clank sections are a chore to replay. Jetpack is great but there's only like 2 sections and one short boss in the whole game.
Overall original is better but it's still an enjoyable game

Sup Forums has far more trouble separating the art from the artist than most other boards do.

So who of those employees are the from Syria, Iran, Lybia, Sudan, Yemen, or Somalia?

this thread is specifically about the artist though

>tfw you realize spryo and r&c trilogy came out within 1 year of each other

Will anything like that happen again?

I'm not that keen on how well it was received, it's by no means a bad game but I'd tired of people acting like it's a great remake and a perfect example of how to do them.
Even saying levels got removed isn't really correct since the game as a whole is so different, it's more like, "there are less stages than prior games and most of them are themed after the first game"


>ignoring gems like FUSE and Sunset Overdrive

>tfw insomniac were just a few years too early on the bright and colorful meme

Oh and also the new music sucks

I feel the same. Though I woldn't say the stages are "themed after" originals when lot of them are 1:1 recreation save from some details

Sadly, this.

But, generally speaking, its not just them. Several studios have gone into a decline.

Thats like every current videogame company.

IIRC the only difference between FUSE and Overstrike was the tone. FUSE was playable but it was about as generic as a third person cover shooter could get.

I refuse to believe the stories about how EA's EVIL FOCUS GROUPS sabotaged the game. There's likely truth to them influencing the tone, but it's not their fault the game was painfully average.

Why can't devs work together anymore?

>Volume 3

similarly, pic related. Sly 1-3 are fantastic, and every Infamous game has been great, with the only fault being in Second Son's somewhat lackluster story and obnoxious MC. They made up for that a bit though with First Light.

Hatefulness doesn't depend on tone of voice

The statement is "fuck you, you don't have a right to the country you built and that you call home" no matter how civil the manner it's being delivered in

Pirating games is separating art from the artist, actually, and it's what a lot of Sup Forums does in every case like this


>The statement is "fuck you, you don't have a right to the country you built and that you call home" no matter how civil the manner it's being delivered in
That's merely your equally biased interpretation of their biased original statement

First post best post

Why do people like First Light so much, it removed all the superhero boss's and enemy's and replaced them with regular thugs, walking selections and a final boss that is just a unlosable QTE.
Hell, Delson was better than Fetch, Delson grew slightly as a characters even if he could be a little Donte like, but the only thing that was fun about Fetch was speculating that she fucked her brother.

They didnt

All the good staff left long ago and those that remained took admin positions, this is what happens when you drop a smash hit new ip

This thread is a great example of why Sup Forums is shit.

There's no room for interpretation

Either what one man or one community builds is theirs, or it's not

In financial politics this separates capitalism from socialism / communism and it's the same here

I can't believe these cucks used to be my favorite devs of all time.

I fucking loved Insomiac throughout the PS1 and PS2 days, and even the early PS3 days I still liked them even though they were kinda slipping with game quality.

Fucking hell Ted, why did you do this?

I'm not gonna let it affert how much I like Spyro and Ratchet but fuck this man. Insomniac is dead now.

I gotta say though, their logo has always been god tier comfy and Iove how they did their companies splash screen logo's with integrating it into the game world.

Why don't we have Underrail threads anymore?

Is there actually proof that a lot of original staff left after Ratchet

It would make sense why they were god tier in the PS1 & PS2 days, while just good to average in PS3 days but now they are just irrelevant tier.

>want to play Spyro
>don't have my PS1 or PS2 anymore
>ePSXe Is a piece of shit and only works when it feels like it

Literally the most based mother hubbards in the west. Manhunt 2 was the only game of theirs that sort of disappointed. If we ignore that it's wins only across the board.

beging ya to have sex

Huh? I already have a gf fag.

guess who doesn't belong here, facebooker

Haven't made a good game in over 10 years.


We will when the expansion pack comes around.
The weeks after Underrail came out were imo one of the best threads in recent years.

Stupid retarded scum devs.
they're actually shit because they didn't release their games on PC.
Do they hate free money?
I hate them so much

Though it is. EA saw more profit in an generic shooter other than what Overstrike could have been.

That explains why they went to shit when they decided to stop making Resistance games and decided to make Sunset Overdrive. Now everything clicks into place.

Generally, I get this feeling that there's been an excessive large amount of influential people who've left the industry, being kept under wraps by lead industry figures in fear of deterring consumers from buying their games and bad publicity.

All these AAA studios are just AAA in their studio title these days, with all notable talent being long gone.

But 3 of their games are on pc

That's actually a scary notion to think about but one that could be real. I mean when we hear of all the good talent leaving a big name studio that gets bought up? Where do they go? I mean sometimes we hear of them going to no name or small time indie studio's but sometimes nowhere.

I wonder how many truly talented industry legends are out of the business now or stuck in poorfag indie studios.

I want to believe that a lot of the shortcomings of the reboot were because of the movie tie-in. Part of me hopes that if they continue with the reboots and a Going Commando installment then it would be improved without a movie to hold it back.


Their old staff made good games

All nu-insomniac is done has copied mechanics from old R&C games to make a mediocre new one and titles like FUSE and Sunset Overdrive

>Stopped making games 60fps because 'muh graphics'

Fuck no

This is scary. At least when EA buys up a company, we know to avoid it.

At least they were honest about why they stopped doing it.

>comments and like/dislike still disabled

only 3?
All their games should be on PC and optimized

>le FPS matters neo-meme

Reminder that "based" refers to a lifestyle of positivity and tolerance, not "anything right-wing."

I thought based just meant doing things you believe are good for the people.

Or when sometime does something you like that is good for you or your group you call them based.