Hm... really makes you think....
Hm... really makes you think
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Really gets the noggin joggin.
really stretches my legs
really shat on my street
this really gives heathcliff a run for its money.
Where's the joke fuckley
really percolates the ol' grey matter
>has to read jack and Jill out of a book instead of just knowing it
>pokemon creatures
Comedy often falls flat when you don't understand what you're joking about.
Way to knock it out of the park there, Gary.
Further more, why does that book have so many pages if it just has Jack and Jill in it?
really activated my almonds
>things young people do that old-farts dont
passes as comedy when the senility kicks in
At least this one has some situational irony.
OP's comic is just fucking nothing.
>Pokemon creatures
Did Hillary Clinton write this?
I think this comic is as stupid as the next guy but the book's title can be made out, it says "Nursery Rhymes".
>H-hye guys, them there kids are playing too much pokeymans on their internet slabs!
>How awful that they aren't breaking their legs climbing trees and other pointless stuff that never aided anyone's development in an ever changing world and society!
>Better stick to the way I was raised and denounce any change ever!
I can;t stand parody and political artists like this.Every single one is an elitist, hypocritical faggot.
>jokes about how our generation is fucked
The truth isn't always funny, especially when people have been joking bout this for years..
Daily reminder that Gary is a millionaire and more respected than you or I will ever be.
What did he mean by this?
Old people have been telling the same joke for hundreds of generations.
It's not true and it's certainly not the height of comedy
this is some nxt lvl shit right here
It's pretty subtle actually
The kid has autism because the mom is way older than the dad
That's why he plays videogames all day
>I like this country.
I hate this country.
>The kid has autism because the mom is way older than the dad
Is that how it works?
My parents were in their 30s when they conceived me and I have autism.
People are fucking stupid.
Nah the current leading hypothesis its vitamin D defficiency , older mothers just have a higher chance of birthing down syndrome kids, which is a non issue since you can kill them before they are born.
the incidence of birth defects increases with the age of the parents, especially the mother
pretty much. Everything past 25 is pure gamble. But thats only for first child
You know what they say, a little childhood trauma builds character.
I chuckled
only for first child? what's your source?
also this sort of information would be damning for unwed wiminz in their ~30s who also still hold onto the hopes of starting a family
Elsker pondus.
Honestly even if the Sup Forumsacks here will blame them, having children before 25 is kinda hard and there is a lot of legitimate circumstances for still being childless in your 30's.
No one really know what causes autism, but in my observations, the common denominator is crazy as fuck moms.
Autism is not a psychological disorder though.
>Everything past 25 is pure gamble.
Oh bullshit, it's always a gamble and the increase in risk isn't that great, it's just better to have your kids younger.
well yea i know that
all the jobs are taken up by boomers so a family started in your 20s would have to be supported by the grandparents unless you have 2 dedicated adults who land well paying jobs some how
this might change in 5 years, i think as more boomers start to leave the work force
Why is that lampshade so off-center?
I don't know why but reading this made me laugh my ass off
Thanks user
More respected than me? Sure, that seems likely. More respected than you? user, don't be so modest.
Hey this comic pretty much predicted streaming, it was only off by about 10 years.
t. 35 Year Old Single Woman
Really engages your neurons
This artist does amazing tits and nipples
Who's the artist?
sauce? google gives nothing
our kids will be fetching water again because muslims will fuck up the first world
tbf kids are weak as fuck these days and have a hard time standing up for more than an hour or focusing on anything for more than 15 minutes
What is this comic even trying to convey?
moving to america to draw some insane shit would be great! i mean if i get paid
Sup Forums wants all those under 25y olds to marry old rich men or something
And today we live in a world where Pewdiepie makes $4 million a year. Who's laughing now?
I like how the author literally knew no other video game except Mario.
>Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after
>Wow, that was fucking pointless dad, you think you can actually read me a story that has more words on it than a can of coke next time? I mean, this is the one thing we do together and you're going to bring that shit to the table? Fuck me, just read the buttons on the tv remote next time, at least it'll last longer.
gotta fetch em all
when the bones heal, they become stronger
also climbing trees is good for developing a strong grip and keeping fit
ah, I remember this one. One of my favorite artists.
user it's a comic from the NES era, video games were the exclusive domain of children thanks to hardcore advertising by nintendo promoting video games as the exclusive domain of children, and the only well known character to non-game-playing normies was Mario.
>breaking your legs just from falling out of a tree
should'a drank more milk faggot
Also when you fall on your head you become smarter
That whole book is a really sweet collection, would recommend. There was a whole section with misunderstood comics, too.
Getting sad panda here, can anyone just type the name of the artist/manga?
Name of the book?
Not being able to bypass sad panda should be a bannable offense.
i guess it would be better to stay in doors and become an obese lump of flesh that no one, not even a parent, could forgive for allow themselves to become that way
then again that can happen to if you become quadriplegic as a result of climbing trees
still the benefits of climbing trees is greater, notwithstanding the danger
The PreHistory of The Far Side
Old men still increase the odds of defects being present in the child. 50+ year old dad just as bad as a 35+ mom
the cat has your pipe
Thanks user, I'll give it a read. Sounds really interesting.
Young adults smart enough to land well paying jobs young are also self interested enough to do more fulfilling things with their money than spend it on a child
The qualification for being a young adult is an ambitious attitude.
To be fair, people like Plato or whatever weren't dealing with a technological upheaval that completely and utterly changed the face of society every 20 or 30 or so years. It may just be grampa whining but we may also be legitimately fucking up the new generation by giving them unlimited access to youtube to forever record their dumb childhood bullshit, logging everything they do to information giants who sell the info at their leisure, and allowing them to idolize and make millionaires out of stunted developmentally challenged manchildren to serve as their own rolemodels. We don't have precedent for these kinds of things, nor in 30 years when sexbots and VR holodecks are a regular everyday thing and all the kids will be practicing getting their anuses fisted while they suck each other off in a soma fueled daze, or whatever the new craze will be.
>when the bones heal, they become stronger
your bones become equally as strong after the healing process is complete-- they don't become stronger
Sadpanda captcha when
ah i learned something new - only during the healing process do they become stronger
then they return to their normal durability
Anyone got that image that is a compilation of several "makes you think" pretentious comics in one jpeg?
This ones great though
when that happens...
Pls respond
Is that a 2005-era Playstation 4?
Yes, and your post is profound evidence of that.
Climbing trees is fun tho. I would still do it if I wasn't so fat and old
Google how to bypass sad panda you dumb newfag.
I did, downloaded the Chrome plugin and made an account but it says my account does not exist
why wasn't I born 30 years later
The parents are thinking of the future. That comic was published in 1990, so it's a NES
>pokemon creatures
>Pokemon creatures
The cartoonist doesn't know whether the plural of Pokemon is pokemon or pokemons, so he attached a superfluous word.
Just read the pastebin you tard.
Damn kids and their gizmos and their loud music