Post-merge Sup Forums thread

Post-merge Sup Forums thread

Flags and IDs when?

Literally no reason NOT to have them. Only Canadians and HUES don't want them.

>deter shitposting
>prevent samefagging
>reveal who THEY are for everyone to point and laugh at
>less leafs acting retarded


Every merged board got along surprisingly well except for /mtv/ which was just a shitshow.

How does it deter shitposting? It just gives people more things to shitpost about. Imagine a thread getting derailed over a rare flag.

u must be new. heh. sage in option


If you want IDs reddit is always looking for more users

>everyone who disagrees with me is one of THEM

Sup Forums is basicaly blue Sup Forums and looks for every little shitposting nugget

if they made it so that once in a while a post had like a small icon next to it, everyone would just go "WATCH ME GET THE ICON"

Sup Forums doesn't deserve anything

>in before t.leaf, i'm actualy european

t. one of THEM

The posts in this thread show exactly why we don't need flags

Italian here. I'd rather not have people know where I'm from to prevent the constant Mussolini jokes. I'm fucking tired of it.

Also this

Why did Sup Forums start hating leafs with passion?

>Imagine a thread getting derailed over a rare flag
That's almost routine for a board with flags and they're doing just fine.

I don't care about flags, but I do want IDs. It'd curb samefagging and falseflag threads somewhat.

You can't make this shit up!
>assuming that would deter shitposting
confirmed as a little bitch

>t. Muhammad

Before merge:

After flags:

Same game, different teams

If I unplug my router and plug it back in I get a new IP, takes less wait time than Sup Forums cooldown time after a new post. ID system is useless

heh. k. sure why not do it just for you

Bantz LOL
Leaf LOL
Doing a poo desu lad lmao

redd/int/ pls go

We already had IDs like twice and it sucked

>unplugging your router just to change IP
you can do without can't you?

I agree with this

how can you call the current state of Sup Forums "fine"

t. Mussolini

sucked for shitposters

No, they aren't. I'm a Sup Forumsack and even I know having flags undermines the complete anonymity that Sup Forums was built upon. Also I'm from Texas. Fag.


Badmouthing weebshit isn't shitposting you dumb weeb.

Are you new? Sup Forums was always an exception

of course it's a fucking leaf though


>Flags and IDs when
Hopefully soon. The minor shitstorm from the shitposters wouldn't last long after they are implemented.


It makes me sad that you think all leaves are sjw scum instead of being sympathetic of the impending shariah law that I'm trapped in

The video game board. Anime trash keeps to its containment zone.

When we found out it was leafs doing the shitposting.

Thread-based User-IDs have literally no downsides. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

Death to frogposters desu

Anyone wanting flags or IDs is a retard. Just look at how fucking shit Sup Forums is right now.

>de leaf pol memes
>dae BR??
>mexico BASED XD

this is a video game board, not int


Hey, hey. Tone down your hate speech buddy!

It was shocking how fast I learned to hate Canadians. It honestly is 99% cancer coming from that country. Things like this don't exist in a vacuum.

If it's not shitposting then you have nothing to worry about if thread IDs get implemented, you can just continue "not shitposting" all you want.

>A day of shitposting about flags
>vs the literal years of shit flinging, samefagging and garbage Sup Forums has been producing
Nah, fuck off faggot. No downsides just like says.

What kind of "post merge" are we talking about here?

> cuckuba
/r/anime is that way, friend

but there a jap games and anime that have games
Touhou is literally all games but seems to have been chased out of Sup Forums for no good reason


nice bait. even op does not realize he create good b8. sage all field

>implying Sup Forums is doing fine
>implying Sup Forums is not in rock bottom
Something need to be done. Try anything new, see what's stick. /vint/ shows that anything remotely resemble identification deter shitposters.

MODS ban this filth

this is the kind of samefagging that IDs would prevent

>>less leafs acting retarded

in reality it just makes faggots get a canada VPN and shitpost 10 times harder

yeah. yeah.. thats it. come ere .. reel em good nice and slow

>/vint/ shows that anything remotely resemble identification deter shitposters.

Is rampant shitposting considered to be deterring shitposting?

How do we stop Leddit from taking over this site? They are now fucking demanding IDs, holy shit this place is changing to leddit 2.0.

What? Really?

you don't understand, it's not shitposting if we're posting it, only if people post stuff we don't like.

Who that?



nationality based discussion aint that fun. i mean, its just boring because everyone starts nitpicking. there will only be full of "t." and memes about every country.

you can quickly realize it on Sup Forums. everything turns out to be the same repetitive shit and cliches. and some countries, like swedes not being alt-right, poos etc, cant even be allowed to have an argument because of Sup Forumsacks with alt-right compass, and flag circljerkism.

We already have tried this several times and it always ends up shitty

It doesn't matter how much you hypothesize about IDs stopping shitposting, we already had them, they sucked, we removed them.

This. How the fuck will I shitpost if we get thread IDs? I want to shit up this place like the past few years. I love console wars and triggering pathetic weebs.

>Not being afraid of being called a Pastanigger
Clearly you haven't been here long enough

t. PastaNigger

user, I know you're baiting but thread IDs is not the same as user IDs

Advocating for distraction from board content

Sup Forums is for VIDEOGAMES, and all flags do is serve against that.
Fucking murder yourself

t. Canadian

because then the only response i'd get to any posts i made would be

>typical australian shitposter

>How the fuck will I shitpost if we get thread IDs?

It becomes easier to shitpost if you have a name. You end up with entire threads derailed by one attention whore.

See, now THIS is real shitposting. Console wars are funny at least

says the typical australian shitposter

>Sup Forums now wants mandatory tripfagging

yes i agree completely. how about we take this civilised discussion to the reddit table yes? more peaceful there

s a g e s
a a
g g
e e
s a g e s

hey sagekuru niggu

Only when flag is on, post id is a good identification for shitty bait and self larping debait.

You don't even know what a trip is do you? Please lurk more before posting, plebbit fag.

trips and i will let 2b sit on my face

>being so assmad and scared

Haha u lost ww2 and like pizza

You clearly haven't ever been to Sup Forums. Those fucking magicians managed to even turn IDs into derailing meme bullshit in half of their threads. As it stands, both flags and IDs will only aid shitposting.

You do realize Sup Forums is now the designated random board right? All of those pros are cons for Hot Pockets.

feelsgoodman when the bait reel em slow and steady

Will it stop the shitposting: no
Will it stop the xeno-butthurt: no

How the fuck did you get that from his post you stupid cunt

Ids per thread is a really nice feature to avoid samefugging and marketers

Cry more

Naah, since Sup Forums happened, I'd rather not have flags. My posts would just get 5+ (you)s asking what it's like to live in a muslim-invaded country etc

I think it's keemstars daughter

Can you remind me which boards got merged?

>Sup Forums now wants mandatory tripfagging

I could not tell you off the top of my head.

> Jew in ur id lel
But you know its clearly bullshit and you can stay out of it,
instead something like "1 post by this ID" or samefagging is only meant for shitposting and dumbass will fall for it then shit up the thread.

Yeah if you're 12 AND retarded.

No, it's some other youtube celebrity. Oddly enough, it sounds like something she'd actually say. You'd better send her some dragon dildoes and anal beads


>Post-merge Sup Forums thread
Sup Forums didn't get merged.


But that makes sense you fucking retard

>That one nigga posting from the Holy See
The Pope is a fucking shitposting weeb, I knew it.

I wasn't paying attention what's happened?

I honestly felt renewed, hope /vint/ becomes a thing so these kids go back to the youtube comment section or twitch, they don't even get half the jokes we say and get ultrabuttmad, it's not even fun...they're seriously mentally impaired...I wasn't like that at their age, fuck!

>Flags and IDs when?

fuckk off retard this isn't Sup Forums