Anyone else excited about Fire Emblem Echoes? Hoping this is a return to their old ways or is this just a game that will be like Shadow Dragon and no one will care in the end?
Anyone else excited about Fire Emblem Echoes...
the game just radiates quality unlike shadow dragon. it'll be difficult for anyone familar with the series to resist
Most people probably won't like it because it doesn't play like modern FE's. Many people will probably skip this one.
Shadow Dragon was decent outside of shitty player models and animations.
Also having to get people killed to do the side quests plus the lack of support was saddening.
The latter. I can guarantee it will sell considerably less than Awakening and Fates in Japan, all due to not having romance and marriage. They could have just added that stuff to make more sales.
The gaiden chapters were there to help struggling players who manage to get that many units killed. Support convos weren't there, but support bonus were and every chapter there were talk options going on. That alone was already better than GBA's thing of waiting 200 turns adjacent to one another to see a convo.
No dual audio - no buy
>Not hacking your 3DS and using undub patches
you disgust me.
If you speak Japanese to understand the dub, just import and play it in your Japanese 3DS, that you obviously own since you want Japanese voice acting so much.
No, it looks casualized as fuck and has a bigger focus on waifushit. Just look at the front cover.
Awakening killed this series.
I did said no buy, user, nothing about not getting undub.
At least eventually, when I get around hacking second spare 3DS
not enough games yet to care for hacking yet.
>you must speak languages to understand quality of VA.
oh it's this bullshit argument again
Not like you ever played Gaiden, or even looked into this game.
No axe users, no weapon triangle, large open maps, no multiple weapons or durability, replaying areas and grinding is almost mandatory.
Gaiden was shit
Characters were uninteresting
Story was worse than the others games
Maps are the worse in every FE
Why would the remake be good?
It's not a bullshit argument here. You're missing out dialogue by using VA only. You won't understand what characters say as quotes, which plays part in their characterization. You'll also fail to understand cutscenes that happen to not be natively subbed.
This has nothing to do with "quality", just pointing out how stupid it is to miss content if you always go undub. Also Echoes' dub isn't even bad, you biased weeb.
They're improving in the uninteresting characters and bad story.
Plus you never played Fates if you think Gaiden's is the worst.
>It's not a bullshit argument here. You're missing out dialogue by using VA only. You won't understand what characters say as quotes, which plays part in their characterization. You'll also fail to understand cutscenes that happen to not be natively subbed.
>what is context
nigga, please. I've been playing and watching stuff with subs for at least decade. Cause my native language dubs are complete pile of shit. English ones are better sure, but why settle on better when you can go with original?
Just cause you are comfortable with your little shitty english VAs doesn't mean anyone is.
>miss content
I don't miss a shit, are you deluded or what?
No one who prefers dual audio missing anything, only gaining at best.
You don't have any exposure to any other language since you've been born or what? You are spewing complete and utter bullshit no one believes but you.
People are going to care by default, since Fire Emblem is a household name now. I want it to be good, but I'm very wary that they're going to fuck it up somehow.
I'm not big on actually buying it, since I can just emulate the game.
You're right
I haven't played the 3DS ones after awakening, wanted to start them but never had the time
>Hoping this is a return to their old ways or is this just a game that will be like Shadow Dragon and no one will care in the end?
No one will care precisely because it's a return to their old ways. By all accounts Gaiden blows and the map design is worse than Awakening's. Why would a faithful remake that doesn't fix its worst issues be good?
>No one who prefers dual audio missing anything, only gaining at best.
If you fail to understand what the characters are saying in instances where there are no subs, aren't you missing content? Unless you understand Japanese, of course.
And English is my second language, so yes. I had exposure to any other language besides the one I was born with.
>game barely fixes any of Gaiden's major issues
Man, if we didn't have Heroes, Warriors and a Switch FE next year this could've fucked up all of Awakening's hard work and franchise momentum pushing FE from a D-lister into a Nintendo cruiserweight.
Face it, beyond its touched up art style and basic quality-of-life stuff, this is still fucking Gaiden.
>game barely fixes any of Gaiden's major issues
Like? Maps I give you, even if Gaiden's maps are just an afterthought because the game is a RPG first, TRPG second.
But what other issues aren't being fixed?
>If you fail to understand what the characters are saying in instances where there are no subs, aren't you missing content?
stuff like that almost never happen. and if it does, context of action, stuff before and after cutscene, intonations and experience with being exposed to language helps a lot.
You may not be able to word to word translate what said in such cutscene, but you'll understand it without much of a problem.
Let's be real, cutscenes in games don't talk about rocket science. After sticking with language for awhile, you can pretty grasp whatever being said. You don't need to have N1 to see someone being pissed off or crying for help.
Main problem with not playing JP games in completely JP language is not the voice, but the text. Text is pain to learn, memorize and translate that's why I don't play purely JP region games aside of action/puzzle ones.
>And English is my second language, so yes. I had exposure to any other language besides the one I was born with.
then either you are completely dumb idiot, or you are just baiting shitposter. I dunno which one to go with. Or just naive newfag.
your pick.
cause you hardly ever find anyone who agrees with you aside dumb faggots who know shit about videogames.
Argument about missed out content makes you a complete laughing stock.
But you just proved my point, you double nigger. You know enough of Japanese to understand the dialogue, thus YOU aren't missing content of those quotes that aren't subbed.
>You know enough of Japanese to understand the dialogue,
understand spoken simplistic japanese != knowing language, you triple nigger.
initial "argument" was >If you speak Japanese to understand the dub, just import and play it in your Japanese 3DS, that you obviously own since you want Japanese voice acting so much.
I do not speak Japanese. What so hard to understand? Yet to exposure to language I can get by audio wise with support of subtitles, and can deal when there are none (which almost doesn't happen you triple nigger)
Then you backpedal to missing content. Which no one who at least briefly familiar with JP media misses. Not to mention that this supposed content hardly exists.
you like your shitty English VA, I got it. Go defend them elsewhere.
>No MU
Whats there to be hyped about?
Just any JRPG out there nowadays, Fire Emblem included, has quotes during battles that aren't subbed. So yes, I stand by my point that unless you understand enough Japanese to get what those means, you are missing on content because those are relevant to characterization.
You quote my post that started this whole thing, but then you went
>you must speak languages to understand quality of VA.
When quality of VA never was my fucking intent in bringing this whole thing up.
I wasn't backpedaling. I said something, you interpreted it the way you wanted (quality of voice acting) and then after I clarified what I meant by bringing that up (the fact that you miss tidbits of characterization and content for sections that happen to not have subs), what do you do? You go "nah fuck you I know enough Japanese to understand those". Which just goes with my original thing of unless you understand enough, you're missing out.
Does that clarify it enough? In no point I defended English dubs in particular nor said anything about quality.
Actually, I did say that Echoes' English dub was good, so I guess you could say I defended it in that case. Sorry.
But it wasn't a general thing. It's a specific case.
>quotes during battles
come on triple nigga, are you serious? It's blatant attack/defend/damage shouts and that's about it. Come the fuck on. Even completely clean to japanese media person will not consider that as missed content. You are grasping for straws here.
>When quality of VA never was my fucking intent in bringing this whole thing up.
suuuuure >Also Echoes' dub isn't even bad, you biased weeb.
but ok, let's close that issue.
Your initial argument is pretty similar to old overused ones that "if you don't understand the language you can't understand VA quality" bullshit going around always. So I jumped a gun there.
I'd like to say sorry about that, but even that bullshit argument makes more sense that your "missed content" one.
No one misses content out of bloody attack shouts. No one sane at least.
Sorry for this whole thing. Still, I do like to understand those and there's always those games where characters have long voiced only chats during a battle with a boss and whatnot, like the Tales series. For me they are missed context.
Thankfully lots of people who make patches or undub do sub those battle quotes nowadays, so I guess everyone gets to be happy.
I was gonna get the LE but now that it's sold out, I may just pirate it for now. See if it comes back in stock later.
>Sorry for this whole thing. Still, I do like to understand those and there's always those games where characters have long voiced only chats during a battle with a boss and whatnot, like the Tales series. For me they are missed context.
I get you, honestly. But you overblow it way too much out of proportions. This stuff is so irrelevant so much in most situations, that 0.01% when it actually makes you miss something important is neglectable.
You just can't call that missed content, cause it's nothing but minor irritation because you hardly miss anything overall.
Sure, if you are huge fan of particular franchise that may suck to have such localization issue happen. But for most people who are not that crazy involved in franchise - they can deal with this small chance of missing out on few characters interactions.
That's why calling it missing content is quite ridiculous in my eyes.
Anyway, hope you'll have fun with FE, and hope it won't be localized badly.
I'm skipping game completely cause no dual audio.
People are going to buy it because they are hype due to the last two games, but then many will show not much interest and will shit on it for not understanding older FE games like this one
It's no Battle of Revolution or anything but I guess it'll do.
Literally just pre-ordered my euro special edition.
Are we in for a new Golden Age of Fire Emblem?
Dare I hope for a new Advance Wars?
most influence I can see this having is adding towns and possibly dungeons to future games if the reception of those is good. will probably decide the Fates of future remakes too
" The official guidebook for Fire Emblem Echoes: Another Hero-King to be released on 20th April 2017 for the Nintendo 3DS.
In the system section, we explain in detail all the basic mechanics necessary to play the game, such as the alternating two main characters, class growth, flow of battle, dungeon exploration, village and street base conversations etc.
The core section of this book, the tactics section, covers Chapters 1 to 5, as well as the new Chapter 6 added after the ending, and includes detailed battle maps with strategies geared for Normal mode play. Of course, Hard mode tips will be provided. Also included are all the items obtained from base and village events, as well as dungeon maps.
In addition, in the data section, there is complete overage of units, skills, equipment, forging, provisions, medals, renown and so forth.
It’s a comprehensive guidebook that provides full assistance to those journeying through Valentia."
Base convos and new ch 6 confirmed
>chapter 6
We will combine both armies to battle a new super boss?
>after fighting Duma, we need to kill Mila as well
I sure hope so. I want to make Dagda proud.
>Make Dagda proud
We're not going to fuck Marty, what are you on about?
Your Char isn't Fire Emblem enough, user.
I totally forgot the two of them have the same name. Well I know what jokes are going to happen if FE5 ever gets remade.
user was talking about SMT dagda
man, I can't wait to see Zeke in Echoes
one of the coolest dudes in the series that spawned my fave character archetype
Mila is already dead
ach, it's been years since I've played Gaiden
any idea what a good ch6 postgame boss would be?
A tie-in to Archanea/Marth would be cool, if a bit fanservice-y
Honestly if IS think just because Echoes's sales is decent and they wanna do a return to the root FE game with just a shiny graphic for 60 buck on the Switch. They gonna be fucking disappointed.
Not touching Echoes, hope that there enough oldfags to keep their outdated FE on life support. No waifus, no MU, no S-rank, and no buy.
What if there is no boss and chapter 6 is purely a post game like Sacred Stones' Creature Campaign?
This is already scaring the autist and new babies away and talking shit about it.
>muh no mu
>muh no support for waifu
>muh no weapon triangle
>muh no dragon waifu
>muh no axe users
>muh no pheonix mode (yes, ive seen 3 faggots complning about this)
I get the feeling a fair portion of that is just shitposters from the heroes & "I love tharja!" generals
but honestly who cares, just enjoy the game while they whine about it all they want
no toilet helmet tank armor.
Are these new videos? Dont remember seening them before
Its from PAX East.
>those animations
It only took them 4 games but they finally made truly good 3D animations.
>wont like it
>because it doesnt play like modern FE
I wouldn't say I'm excited, but it can't be as bad as Shadow Dragon or Birthright so I'm still looking forward to trying it out.
some people don't understand that FE has always been changing things up and experimenting with different mechanics. I don't see why people are overly attached to pair-up of all things
Saying Shadow Dragon is bad is a meme.
> Cover has main characters on it
> Like almost every other game cover ever made
Fuck man I think you're right
>tfw i have no FUCKING GAMESTOP to preorder the SE
Is not fair!
>They are adding more flesh to the dungeons
>Supports are gba style and take place on the battlefield
>Archers and Mages are actually god tier
>Inventory system is more fleshed out from Gaiden
>Skills are linked to weapons and can be a double edge sword
>No MU
>No shoehorned children
>Best pega pony trio is in the game and they are murder machines
the introduction of activated skills learned from weapons is the most interesting addition to me. It seems like something that was toyed with a bit in Heroes and could potentially show up in future main games
It's not a bad game, but it's an ugly one and it went too many steps back and not enough forward. It might be a remake, but that doesn't mean it needs to abandon a bunch of the shit that made people like the series. Also side chapters that require character death. That's probably one of the stupidest things that ever happened to this series.
I agree, but the ugly art and gaiden chapters make me hesitant to consider it a particularly GOOD game either
>Supports are gba style and take place on the battlefield
Why the fuck do people want this so badly?
And i forgot:
>Fatigue system
>Mila’s Turnwheel for the ones that want to play classic mode but still fuck up
Mila's Turnwheel is such a vast improvement for new players over phoenix mode that I hope it replaces it permanently
>Supports are gba style and take place on the battlefield
This isn't a good thing though. GBA supports made no sense. Why would characters talk to each about random shit during the middle of battle where their lives are at stake?
>remake of a terrible game no one liked
Just imagine if we had a situation where the waifufaggots were playing 4 for the first time. God, it would have been amazing.
I would love that just for all the threads freaking out about their waifus after chapter 5
>No, it looks casualized as fuck and has a bigger focus on waifushit. Just look at the front cover.
>people responding to this obvious bait
Just finished chapter 23 of FE5
Why can't I use Ced in Chapter 24?
I talked to him with Leif and he didn't die at the end
>Hoping this is a return to their old ways
I'm sick of GBAfaggots thinking this is going to be some sort of return to form because it's a remake of an old game when in fact Gaiden is proto-Awakening.
Congrats retard, you're responding to bait.
Assuming he joined and not Cyas, Sety will be deployed by default in chapter 24.
It's because your party gets split up in ch24, he's in the middle group.
It looks like a much better remake than Shadow Dragon but I feel like FE1 had much better maps than FE2.
Honestly I just wish they had made a brand new game instead. It's sad to see all this effort wasted on FE2.
Oh by the way: Assuming you're using the shitty translation patch, turn off the HP map display in the settings or else the game might freeze when you hover your cursor over enemy heroes.
Are you enjoying FE5 so far? It's my favourite game.
I get the feeling that part of the decision to remake FE2 was so that the characters could actually be marketable/recognizable in Heroes, as Amiibos, etc.
>has a bigger focus on waifushit
U wot? Echoes is full otome bait. Waifus are actively discouraged in the game due to everyone being cuck bait.
cuck bait, you say?
>no shoehorned children
I wouldn't be 100% sure about that. This screenshot is mighty suspicious and had people gossiping.
that's most likely a surviving relative of hers that was added to expand the story
I think it would be quite a reach to assume that time travel/hyperbolic time chamber babies are making a comeback
I just want to make Faye into a knight, I hope it's not a male exclusive class or something.
I don't care if she's shit or redundant because of Lukas and Forsyth being on the same route, knights are finally cool again and I want to revel in the glory with Amelia 2.0
Is Conquest Lunatic really one of the best games in the series?
They did add a trinket that has time related powers. I don't want to count that sort of thing out. And even then, adding a whole new relative to Celica could have some repercussions on the plot as it is, and I don't trust IntSys to not cock that up, future children or no.
apparently her promotes are cavalier, cleric, peg knight, and archer
Mage, not archer
I prefer FE4 a bit more, but I can definitely see the appeal of this.
Leif is probably one of my favorite lords, only behind Ephraim and Sigurd
The character design is 10/10
Capturing is a neat mechanic, I never feel like I'm running out of weapons because I can always steal more.
Stamina is a bit iffy, but it's not intolerable.
I really enjoy Crusader scrolls and Skill books, so I can use basically anyone I want viably.
It's great how they do the little things, like Shannan's Imposter being a playable character, the end taking place during Chapter 7 of FE4, etc.
The only problem is that now that I close in on endgame, all my mounted units (50% of my army) are gonna get downgraded to using Iron swords.
I like the Idea of 1-99% hit chance, but I am missing a fuckton of 99% hits
I feel like some skills (Wrath to be specific) are extremely OP
Marita is too fucking strong (Luna AND Astra AND Adept AND Nihil AND PRF Sword)
Overall, my 2nd or 3rd favorite FE.
Yeah, that's kinda what I figured would happen. Disappointing, but I can't say it doesn't make sense.
That's weird though, don't male villagers have 5 branches: soldier, mage, archer, cavalier and mercenary? I'm kind of surprised that she can't at least bwcome a mage.
Even the shittiest part of Fates (Revelation) is miles better than Gaiden.
Conquest is unironically one of the best games in the series