>"Piracy isn't stealing, it's just making a copy!"
Ummmm no sweetie, that isn't how it works, mkay darling?
>"Piracy isn't stealing, it's just making a copy!"
Ummmm no sweetie, that isn't how it works, mkay darling?
>mfw my thights looks like hers
But it's still true tho piracy isn't stealing
mmmm post pics thicc boi
I don't give a shit post more thicc
same, i'm otherwise thin but I have a serious case of the thunder thighs
post pics
Nope. You're wrong.
s w e e t i e
thank god i'm not the only one
>mom to cheap to give me a ride to school so have to bike it
>too dumb too not cook high fat foods so I get fat
literally ashamed of walking in shorts.
lardasses, go jog and do squats
>cropping the rest of the image
missing out on deepest lore
Prove it.
It's stealing but the "victim" doesn't lose anything. And since it's a victimless crime it's ok by my moral standards.
That's a girl?
fake, they didn't have games in 1975
The victim lost money.
You are enjoying their product without paying for it.
Nice try sweetie :)~
>lost money they never had
How do you think I got these?
They're almost all muscle.
I can easily press 220 at the gym.
Sweetie posting is the first thing since the flood of ponyfags that literally triggers me on the internet