17 years later and it's still the most masterfully designed platformer ever made

17 years later and it's still the most masterfully designed platformer ever made

Wario Land 3 was on another level. Nintendo need to return to the franchise.

4 was a better game

1 was the best.

That vine that pushes the rock up to the other screen in the Pool of Rain though...

My all time favorite game.

On an emulator, you can't climb up to the other screen unless you reset the game IIRC.

I just bought this game to play it for the first time. I have like a thirty hour flight starting tomorrow. I'm like on the sixth level or something.

Any advice? The game confused the fuck out of me at first but I kind of get it now with the no HP and using the different wario modes to solve puzzles. It's more of a puzzle game than a platformer so far.

>4 Better
Underage b&

VB = 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > Shake It

The cave you started at will give you an idea of where you can go next.

honestly the best game I have ever played, remember playing it on GBC as a first game ever

bought it recently on the 3DS and fucking still loved it

its the 2d version of an n64 collectathon

having to unlock moves that you started with in wario land 2 was some lame shit

Hey now, what's wrong with Shake It?

4 and 2 were better though. And Warioland 1 was a better Mario game than most Mario games.

Gave it a try half a year ago and dropped it around the second visit to Pool Of Rain. Way too boring and it's really tedious having to replay certain sections just because some enemy bumped you down to a lower part of the stage. I'd rather have them damage me instead of receiving tons of knockback. I prefer Warioland 2.

Has Nintendo purposefully sabotaged Wario to stop him from being more popular than the midget in the red hat? I call conspiracy.

Probably some of the higher ups don't like Wario because he isn't as family friendly as Mario. A shame since all the Wario games have been better than Mario's, specially in terms of level design and mechanics. They're just so much fun.

That depends, did 4 and Shake It sell well?

iirc, 4 yes, Shake It not really.

You couldn't die in Wario Land 3
That alone blemishes the game.

It's in Warioland 2 that Wario can't die.

>1 was the best