Slpoosh-o-matic is confirmed to return

>Slpoosh-o-matic is confirmed to return
>Luna Blaster will return
>E Liter 3K will return, and already got a buff
>Carbon Roller will return
>They will remain unchanged like the Splattershot and with chances to get an even more bullshit-tier special
>Stacking has been confirmed to become easier.

And I just thought that with the removal of Kraken and Bubbler the sequel would become less cancerous than the original installment

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People actually used the sploosh?

All 3 versions of the Splatling are all solid weapons on their own, though.

>Splatoon will never look that good in action

sploosh is meta

Was it actually? It always struck me as a shitty roller that was better to use on skatepark and... just skatepark. It didn't help that I never saw anyone else use it.

It never was.

The sequel was always going to be cancerous. They took what should have been a content patch for the first game and decided to charge 60 dollars for it plus whatever the monthly fee is. It's not like there are any other Switch games to play online.

>what should have been a content patch
It literally couldn't have been, retard.

>Inkbrush will come back and remain unchanged

>New Hub level
>New Maps
>New Single player mode
>Local Multiplayer
>Customizable hairstyles.
Yeah, totally something that can be just a content patch.



>carbon roller will return

This isn't a bad thing.

If the netcode doesn't improve any, it will be.

>Jellyfishes will return
Those fucking manlets never learned

>>Stacking has been confirmed to become easier.
Whats the problem here?
Now it easier for you to do it rather then just some tryhards with no life.

The stress test REALLY put me off buying the game, I went from excited to zero interest in one session.

The map they used (for the first session at least) was fucking horrifically bad, and the gameplay felt exactly the same with zero innovation. The only new addition that sounds appealing is local multiplayer.

Gear editing is ezpz.

>Luna blaster returns

aw shit yeah

>rate of fire has been adjusted to be nearly unusable

At least that's the only way I can see it returning.

brushes were the most fun weapons in Splatoon so really don't mind that they weren't changed

Just nerf it(and all one-shot blasters) to have less splash damage to encourage and reward directs.

I just want them to make brushes Speed affected by the speed gear, if it doesn't OHKO with the roll then I don't see any issue on making the player able to make the brushes go faster, after all, swimming is more viable than running with the brush.

>Luna Blaster returning
I honestly hope they nerf it or Tower mode is ruined from the fucking get go. I'm glad the Carbon is coming back since it's my Rollerfu, but I'll be the first to say I got free, easy kills with it. Hopefully the roller reworking makes it a little less braindead.
It's possible for them to remodel a map like they did with Urchin Underpass and Arowana Mall though.
> gameplay felt exactly the same with zero innovation
It's a shooter sequel, I hope you weren't one of those idiots who wanted them to add vehicles or something else ridiculous. Splatoon's base gameplay is so solid I can't imagine them throwing in a wildly new mechanic that would feel perfectly at home.

>with the new fucking vertical flick
Holy shit, WHY.
That's going to function better than a fucking charger, jesus christ.

>I hope you weren't one of those idiots who wanted them to add vehicles or something else ridiculous

How do you read that from what I said?

If the game felt like Splatoon 1.5 that would be one thing, but I honestly felt like I could have been playing the original and missing out on nothing.

This. I had high hopes for Splatoon 2 because the first felt like a tech demo but all signs point towards this being another tech demo and not a true improvement. Guess we will have to wait for 3 to shake things up...

I'm more concerned about the E-Liter3K now being able to easily move in squid form

>bring back moray towers
>buff snipers
What were they thinking?

>Eliter 3k

And what he's saying is that shooters are always going to feel the same
Only way to change how it feels would be to add something bizarre and ridiculous

It covers ground, which is kang. The accuracy is garbo, but that means jack shit when your opponent can't move and the other team can't keep up with your coverage.

The Sploosh has so little range that any gun in the game can stop it from advancing and being able to paint. You might as well use a Tentatek or Splash.

Moray Towers was picked as the most popular stage in the last Splatfest, you can thank the Muricans and Europeans for it's return

We'll see how the new weapons break the old ones though. The Dualies dodging could be lethal in capable hands.

I don't even know why people would want to play that map in Turf War. It's so linear it's not even funny.

the sploosh can rush in pretty well if I remember, aiming straight, jump and then aim down while shooting. the sploosh was pretty great but I forgot which set up I used or what the set ups even were.

That's what makes them like it, it's so linear it can easily be painted by chargers. While in the other hand is a huge stress for those that uses brushes

Rollers legit have more range and mobility.

But any other weapon can do that better. That fire rate means shit when even a .52 Gal is going to cuck you out of range.

>You may as well use a tentatek or sploosh

Not if you want to cover ground in the same way. It's almost like a support weapon in its coverage, which gives your team an easier time. You can still get kills with it too.

T. Tentatek user. I've seen a lot of Japanese players main the sploosh with big results.

I don't even use Tentatek, but there really isn't any reason to use the Sploosh over that or just simply a roller.

huh? I checked SplatNet and I used the sploosh fairly often, I thought it was good.

Sploosh main here. It's a niche weapon that is only good in solo. Because of its spread it's really good at quickly taking turf, so flanking and taking your opponents by surprise is really easy.
Unless you are in squads or pb. Then you get called out and your shit range leaves you widde open

Try again

The bucket is a lot of fun, but I can only personally use it well on certain maps.

I guess that's where our viewpoints differ. I usually only ever play this game in squads or for PBs. Solo isn't fun to me.

Oh no user I think you've mistaken. I completely agree with you. There is no reason to use a Sploosh over a Tentatek.
Through poor judgement and an obsession with beakons I decided to main Sploosh. No one should subject themselves to that suffering

This is literally the only thing I ever used.

Sometimes would switch it out for a Roller in Turf Wars, but I truly tried every weapon and type in the game but this is the only thing I found myself enjoying.

Good taste, user.

Splatoon 2 seems like an improvement from the specials alone.
Plus the roll on the duelies saved me from quite a few braindead roller ambushes.

I'm a Sploosh main, and no, it isn't good. It offers nothing over a Carbon or even an Octobrush.

I mainly picked it up because Sploosh dancing is fun and you can get away with using non-mta weapons in solo queue.

Thank you user.

I use sploosh because I'm a hipster. Also I suck at aiming, but you don't need to aim when your weapon forces you to be at point blank.

why did it feel like every weapon in the game sucked?
>burst weapons are slow
>blasters slow and didnt have nearly enough range to justify, not to mention need to hit multiple times to kill
>brushes cover small areas and while speedy you have to smack an enemy too many times for a kill
>buckets seemed unreliable
>squelchers fly in random directions

You have to git gud. Also I don't see you saying anything about any splattershot or gal

You sound like you aren't very good at the game, honestly.

Nah N Zap is just the best weapon :)

>an obsession with beakons
Not the person you were replying to, but I can relate to this immensely. I picked up the Custom Dual Squelcher because of it's Beakons and it's overall support-ish role.
>Camp Triggerfish rainmaker
>other team has the RM and is pushing the rope bridge about to get the lead
>tfw my team uses the 2 Beakons I placed and stops them
There's also nothing quite like dropping a Beakon down behind enemy lines and jumping to it while the other team is distracted.

It's trash

It's not bad in a vacuum, but every other weapon in its range class is generally better. It's fine if you want a splat bomb on a close-range shooter.

>n-zap player
So you are bad then, got it.

I'm starting to get an attachment to the Point Sensors and Disruptors, I hope that they turn more common in future weapons if they come back.

Which N-Zap?

>blasters slow and didnt have nearly enough range to justify, not to mention need to hit multiple times to kill
CRB and GRB both have sufficient range with the latter being able to do combos

>brushes cover small areas and while speedy you have to smack an enemy too many times for a kill
Octobrush can kil in 2 swipes

>buckets seemed unreliable
Vanilla bucket has a combo and the deco version has the best sub special in the game

>squelchers fly in random directions
Confirmed to never have played a squelcher

Splatoon 2 is coming so you have a better chance to git gud with all the shitters ariving

85 a best
83 a okay
89 a shit

user what do you mean by combos?

>E Liter 3K will return, and already got a buff
Kill me if Moray Towers is in, it's already over. They might have fixed the slot machine gear rolling but this will kill my hype.

You can throw a burst bomb at someone then burst cancel into a shot and kill them instantly.

Sorry kids, but based N Zap got me to level 50 and rank S+ :)
I knoe you silly little meta fools can't handle it but that's ok.:)

How do you cancel in Splatoon of all things

"But I go 15-2 with the Krak-on in S+, how can you say it's bad?"

It's not really a cancel, it's just a combo. It doesn't save frames, but it is an efficient way of killing something.

No, there is an actual technique called burst cancelling that cancels a burst bomb's recovery frames.

It doesn't work like that on any non-Carbon weapon.

Never used them, inkpill me on them please user

I don't remember there being a poll for it. also where ther fuck is the Rig, and the Port

It does, the Slosher was even showcased in the video.

How does everyone feel about Aerosprays?


They're good when you're on a new account and need to level it up real quick. Useless for anything else.

Weapons it works on

The PG (the one with the kraken and burst bombs) was fun to mess around with in turf war when you didnt feel like playing with any effort.

A fun weapon.

I made it to S+ with a Sploosh
Solo queue is full of shitters

The ability system in Splatoon makes me upset

I wanna wear cool clothes and I don't have enough sea shells to change an ability and hope it lands on the one i want


Judd gives snails to you every 30 wins

>A version of the ELiter3K will have burst bombs and Splashdown


I know, but that's slow and tedious. Splatoon 2 really needs a needs a new ability system, it's almost impossible to have a loadout you want.

>it's almost impossible to have a loadout you want.
Well there's always

I wonder what type of changes will they add for the inkbrushes

cheating is wrong consider yourself reported

Were the slosher ever any good? I remember having a build with ninja squid and absurd amount of ammo up and i could fire 15-20 times without having to reload. It felt pretty strong but i'm curious if it actually had a place in the meta

I dont think you can swim through enemy ink

In all fairness every weapon could work if you had the right team support. The meta really revolved around gear

When it defines the meta, It's not cheating.

I suppose using glitches is a reportable offense as well?

There is a new one though.

I just hope the .52 Gal comes back, I loved that gun.

They added a new one for Splatoon 2.
You can remove abilites from clothes and turn them into chunks.
Collect enough chunks and you can put that ability on a different piece of clothing.

Yes. The default Slosher, deco variant, and Tri-slosher ar eall meta.

All weapons are coming back, though their sub and special may be altered

>.52 without a wall
I don't know how I'l live