Pc gaming

>pc gaming

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I remember this mod being pretty decent the first couple of versions. What the FUCK happened to it?

enjoy your "exclusives" that we will eventually play in the end no matter what. We always in the end loser. We got Breath of the wild and demon souls and soon we will get bloodborne too

needs more ferns


Star Citizen is never going to release and if it does it'll be a buggy mess that kills playerbase in less than 2 months


This is cold hard fact, actually, their current netcode is a fucking mess

bannerlord will be on consoles






Imagine being in Civil Protection and having to deal with a constant stream of graffiti artists stenciling porn everywhere in the city and beyond.



Won't compare to pc version, less units on screen, stuck with game pad controls, and no fucking mods




Didn't the prototype for that get stolen at some trade show?


>a nigga force-feeding a bitch with some burgers





>Scam Citizen is a mess and will probably never be finished
>Camelot is just another shit MMO
>Bannerlord will probably be decent if it ever gets released, but it's getting a console release as well so whatever
>Quake Champions is a joke

>Not Rising Storm 2

But seriously, fuck this mod. The Creator is a huge fucking pervert has some huge fetish over some Brazilian model and keeps making Alyx a slut to the point in which he puts dildos and dickbutt grafitti all over in a Post-Apocolyptic environment.

If you have a PS4 alongside a PC with at least an Intel HD 4000 and want to play HL2 with remastered graphics, play pic related. It retains the visual style of the original, characters don't look like shit, and all of the weapons remain the same all while not visually raping your eye with the graphical overhaul abomination that is Fake Factory's Cinema Mod.

if it's as shit as warband...

I love this shit so much.

what the fuck the PS4 have to do with this?

Why are there so many flashes of light?


>someone might make a post like this unironically someday

>someone might bang your mom like this unironically someday

I fucked your mom and am going back to give her a 'real deep dicking' tonight, if you know what I mean.

Don't forget to bring your """console""". I may have pity of you and show you what is a real pc.

What's that?Looks like an edf mod.

your mom is never going to release lmao.

I was wondering this, I'm pretty sure Half-Life 2 was never ported to PS4.

I will 'console' your mom's sadness over her insatiable lust for my 'penis' as it is 'thrust' in to her 'vagina' repeatedly.
She loves it when I give her my penis for sex and I love her boobies and cumming on her boobies.
She loves it and I don't ever wear a condom when I sex her hard and good.

>soon we will get bloodborne too
PS4 emulation is a decade away, I'd rather just pay a few hundred bucks to play good games now. Life's too short to wait years just to save a trivial amount of money.

Or the PSNOW.

If you had every used the service you'd know it's not worth using. Horrible input lag and shit compression.

She won't stop screaming while I am fucking her right now.
I am giving her so much hard dick

That looks like one comfy pupper

>Horrible input lag and shit compression.
>unlike any Souls game

What's this?

>exacerbating already evident issues doesn't matter
Fucking die you dumb shit dumb gas fart.
I fucked your mom.

New Retro Arcade: Neon.

I'm sure it won't get hotter than the sun 3 minutes after booting it up.

>muh Souls game
As if there wasn't enough of those kusoge games.
>b-but it's le epic! Only a le true game can master a such game. Also, what is le Dark Souls of the Snes??

Not an argument or even relevant to the point I made you dog fucker.
Execute yourself with dick.

my dick deserves to know what is this game

Honey Select.
It's a Switch exclusive.

Orange Box was never ported to the PS4 so any Sony to that wants to play it can at least play it for free on a low-end PC assuming they have one with a decent Intel iGPU.

So, the same could go with a xbox fan or a Nintendo fan.

*ps4 exclusivity

>p-pc masterrace r-right bros?

Which is what pretty much every Sonybro told PCbros about playing on PS4 when Persona 5,Bloodborne, Horizon, and Nioh were not getting ports to PC.

Who the fuck care about Horizon: Zero white?

The improved textures were nice, everything else was shit.

A shame really.

>15 years old
>better facial animation than most AAA games
how they DEW it?

Normie attention is directed by flashing lights.




>He broke Alyx facial animations
She is suppose to be smiling there, not look angry.

This mod looks so fucking bad.

source pls


>this is a PC indie game


Fucking reptilians

Insurgency is underrated.

I agree.

I want to play Day of Defeat, it looks great, but I will wait a bit while it gets more players in my region South America.

who the fuck needs 3 bluray players?

audiophiles. For 3x better sound quality.

>You will never be this comfy in the lap of a grill.

Was it kino?

Gotta comfy fast

It's actually amazing a such thing can actually work.

Was that graffiti literally drawn by ThePit?

Are there places that can demo these things, like, you bring a usb with a flac file on it or something, and you can see if it really makes a difference?

I'd pay money to rent time to just listen to an album that way.
Would demo the gear as well, if you want to buy it and bring it home.

I think there are clubs you can join and they'll let you listen.

Sonybros who wave it around in Console war shit-shows as their flagship of this year


The hacking scene for PS4 is dead dude. Just give it up for now and be happy we can at least play Persona 5 in a couple of months.

At least it's not weebshit.

it's literally copy pasted pic

>happy we can at least play Persona 5

I've never understood audiophiles fascination with tube amplifiers, so are they going for accuracy or a... richer sound? Tubes certainly aren't going to produce accurate sound, that's for sure.

The bait is strong with this one

Let's get this shit started.



As a PCfag Ic an't imagine why someone would make this image.
