>you are given the option to name something such as a object, team or character for instance
>when that thing is addressed to by someone else, they will actually say it's name
ITT: Little things in games please your autism
>Shotguns aren't needlessly pumped on a tactical reload
>When empty, Player character either loads a shell straight in to the ejection port, or loads up all shells minus one, pumps, then adds another shell
Only example I can think of where the latter is true is CoD3. Most games do the ejection port reload now.
>can earn xp and levels by doing solo content, not just multi even if the game was designed for multi
>Game does that simple texture trick to make it look like clothing is moving, getting wet, dirty, etc
sequence {
· · "Thanks for purchasing the horse!",
· · "What will you name him?",
· · textPrompt(name, "Enter horse name") {
· · · · globals.setHorseName(name)
· · }
· · globals.getHorseName() + "? What a nice name for your horse!",
· · "Please take good care of him!"
sequence {
· · "Oh, you and " + globals.getHorseName() + " sure are getting along well!"
>first major villain comes back to help the heroes
did you just assume my horse's gender!
>Far away corners that you are not required to explore are well detailed.
>Find and eliminate %PCname%
I hate when they fuck this up
>homing projectiles track secondary/other targets when the primary target is destroyed
>fire last cartridge from shotgun
>character reload a new magazine into it
>remshit 870 ejection port load
I wish they'd make the animators handle the guns first. Guy gets chewed out for breaking an extractor and he won't make that mistake again.
You DON'T have to re-prime your gun if you've already done it. CSGO is shit purely because I have to spend a full 2 seconds cocking the gun instead of firing it.
>Game's debilitations/debuffs/status effects are actually useful against most enemies
>The seemingly joke junk weapons in the game have inherit poison/slow effect making them very effective
>Being weak but inflicting debilitations is viable
>You can even upgrade that weak weapon further to something statistically powerful
Around terrorists, safety first
>You are given multiple choices for answers to questions/quests
.>these get progressively more evil as time goes on
>allowed to betray former allies all for power, and Silk Fox
Fuck man, I really want another game like Jade Empire.
>"Thank you for playing the game!" -dev team
This pleases my autism
Are oiled weapons worth it?
>tfw you get to name your character, but other characters will call you by the preset name anyway
Oh man, after Halo: Reach with Bungies goodbye. Felt sad man.
>Inventory has a sort button
>Sorting has a satisfying sound effect
I've started naming all my characters "Whatever" in any game with a predefined title/last name.
For pawns no, for Player character yes, I usually carry an oiled weapon of some sort while going through BBI. Mostly because Garm are the stuff of nightmares for me ever since the first time I ran into them and they tore me a new asshole.
When wolves (including garm) get doused in oil they'll just stop what they're doing and try to shake it off. Griffins and a few other fliers will land because of it. All in all not a great status effect but useful.
wtf does the sorting do in botw
I still don't get how someone can spend so much time making a game with guns in it and still not know a damn thing about them.
Garm protip: Fuck the fire, use electricity. That electric whip attack all magic classes can use FUCK them up. I main Mystic Knight and I never unequip it.
>There's a way to kill an enemy in one hit rather than going through a long process of killing him
If the enemy is weak to fire and the burning effect, and many are, Aneled weapons that inflict Tarring basically give you a very powerful one-two punch. The next fire attack that hits them will be amplified significantly and they are almost guaranteed to be set on fire if they weren't killed.
Aneled weapons at three stars also hit them with Blindness, another really unexpectedly good effect even against dragons (except on a few monsters which go berserk and flail about).
A player carrying an oil weapon and some powerful fire attack/weapon to follow up with is devastating. Of course, a Pawn doesn't have the cleverness to exploit such a feature.
Fuck yeah, Brontide
PC centric user interface. I'm sick of simplistic console UI
>shotguns can actually do a decent amount of damage to anything outside melee range
>lock on targets first
>shoot multiple homing projectiles then
Sanctum 2 and Ratchet&Clank did this
This is no place for a horse.
I have to go alone.
>Special Thanks: YOU!
>game doest have a sort option and looks like a clusterfuck of a mess
>bolt-action sniper
>you're not forced out of aiming to work the bolt
Because your character is an experienced shooter, not a fucking toddler, and shouldn't have to look.
I fucking love the rocket launcher and heavy assault rifle alt fire in NuDoom
>enemies can fight among themselves
It's actually funny you talk about autism because today it's Autism Day.
in dmc4se lady can do that
also the magick archer in dragon's dogma
>I like it when a game's UI is a clusterfuck
>Kill an enemy or boss
>take his signature weapon
I like opening three sub-menus instead of pressing an hotkey.
>Shotgun does shit past melee
>Single pellet hitting the head is nearly always a one shot
Fucking Payday 2, it's still so satisfaying.
this so god damn much
>you can change the appearance of your equipment
>When not engaging a target characters keep their finger off the trigger
>As the game progresses, the gear you get is added to your character model
>Your character gets bloodied and cut/dirty/clothes are torn
Honestly this is one of the things that kept me going through Shadowman.
>character slaps his mp5 when reloading
>you're not forced to fight low-level enemies anymore
>health points are portrayed as a bar instead of just "167/243"
The Division has trigger discipline in their animations. I love it.
>health points are portrayed as a bar instead of just "167/243"
I honestly prefer the numbers so you can know exactly how much health you have left and how much damage each attack does to you.
>each character/group has their own logo
>combat and magic system forces you to make your own abilities
>you can walk
>you actually can't run infinitely
>using globals
Wouldn't it make more sense to have a horse object with a name field?
>your walk speed matches NPCs
>NPCs pick up speed or slow down to match yours so you can walk/run/ride alongside each other while talking
It's really autistic that you know it and noticed it
>your walk speed is slower than NPC's walk
>your run speed is faster than NPC's walk
>2D game
>Changing your equipment changes your sprite
I always wondered why the fuck devs do this shit, it's counterintuitive as fuck. I just can't imagine being in a dev team and coming up with an idea "hey guys, let's just, you know, make player's walk, like, slower than NPCs', and running faster".
>if you hold a button down your character automatically matches speed with the NPC for as long as you hold the button down
It often happens when devs set the speed of the NPCs before making escort missions.
The only idea I can come up with would be to make sure that the player could easily catch up to the NPC they must follow, or something. But even that sounds retarded and missing the point. Shrug.
This. Witcher 3 did it, and IIRC RDR did as well?
Siege reloads has that.
If they want the player to catch up to the NPC if they somehow get ahead just make the NPC stop and wait for the player.
They do both which is even more retarded
>Let me get ahead of you and then wait for you
>You are way too far ahead of me, I'll wait for you here
>use healing magic on an undead
>it takes damage
>The Prince in Sands of Time getting increasingly naked as he tears off his clothes
>use healing magic on undead
>brings them back to life
>they thank you
got the two replies i wanted
>bump into AI allies
>they move put of the way
>There's a casino with really overpowered items behind silly betting minigames
Too bad that shit today is just sold as dlc.
>bump into AI allies
>"You're in my way, Sir."
>They don't do it fast enough
*grenade beeping*
>you can sit down without having designated sitting chairs
>bump into AI allies
>they turn hostile
>Dialog options
>Character says the exact thing listed and not a rough outline of the choice
>squad-based game
>if you are downed or knocked out your teammates can save you
>they're actually competent enough to cover you while someone picks you up
>option even says the tone your character will say it in
>character is actually stepping on individual stair steps while walking up the stairs instead of walking up a stairs textured slope
Then what's the point of having the line be spoken aloud at all?
>Armour/weapon/spell is bad or worthless
>Quick read of the item description explains why and it makes sense in context of the world
What game?
>game has weapon degradation
>The final level has you return to the first area
>Punch AI ally in the face.
>They salute and thank you.
i've been baited for the last time!
Thanks boss!
Thank you boss!
>game only has weapon degradation displayed only in numbers or a bar while weapon looks always stay the same
Player characters turn their head toward objects of interest or interactable objects.
Also, unique messages for trying to combine wrong items in point and click adventure games.
>enemy projectiles can damage other enemies
This should be a must in all games. The fact that enemies attacks seem to be immune to other enemies is just downright retarded.
Inverse Kinematic foot positioning seems pretty commonplace now. Are there any modern games that don't do this anymore (and I mean bigger budget ones rather than one man projects)
>dynamic music
Layers or chunks?
>Don't have to kill NPC to get their gear