So why did they axe Free Radical when they were in the middle of making Battlefront 3?

So why did they axe Free Radical when they were in the middle of making Battlefront 3?

What happened to all the devs?

Apparently they took the whole "planet-to-space" tech with them to the grave which really pissed of the publisher.

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Clone Troopers were the most operator futuristic design ever.

Genndy is a god

>search for the good drawn clone wars
>all I get is the cgi garbage

just end me

Search Clone Wars 2003.

literally just smooth white plastic.

how is that """"operator"""" at all.

>A combatant is deemed an operator based on what he wears instead of his fighting prowess
Fucking CIS scum.

Post in question mentioned design, dipshit. Design is not fighting prowess.

Design is not just looks, fuckface. It's functionality.

You art student fags think it just means being pretty-looking and nothing else?


Clone armor had camouflage patterns too dumbass.


>I'm so fucking stupid I can't admit to being wrong on an anonymous imageboard.

fuck the original trilogy. The clone war setting are way better than rebel vs empire.
also fuck Disney for killing the prequel trilogy setting.

>The clone war setting are way better than rebel vs empire.

Is this bait? CGI hordes of faceless robots fighting CGI hordes of CGI clones over trade negotiations is meant to be better than rebels fighting for freedom against a tyrannical galactic empire?

It's okay if you think clone troopers are cool user, I did too when I was twelve. But let's not get silly.

>rebels fighting for freedom against a tyrannical galactic empire
Generic as fuck.

God that Clone Wars cartoon was so fucking good.

I remember hearing the publisher wasnt happy for some reason. Free Radical was truly too good for this world.

Yes because it was based on real life, it was space World War II.

It had characters, ideologies, and motivations that were all vivid and much more compelling than throwing endless armies of boring plastic toys against eachother as with the Clone Wars. No Clone Trooper, whether they've got red stripes or blue stripes on their stormtrooper armor, will be as interesting as the characters in the OT.

The only thing that could perfect this Sup Forums as fuck contrarian bait is if it said "The Mouse" instead of Disney.

>World War II
>WWII was a rebel incursion against an empire
Holy shit american education.

The clone wars depicted the consequences of being led to believe you were fighting for was a good cause without ever questioning authority, even if it is corrupt. It touched upon the concept of being usurped and the conflict of free will, as depicted by the clones and their officers.

You really didn't pay attention to anything.

>Holy shit american education.
Not American and I didn't mean it literally you fucking mong. The idea of scrappy American fighters battling a uniform, fascist hyper-authoritarian war machine with literal "Stormtroopers" running around with actual World War II guns plastered with Sci-Fi bits should show you the obvious influence, but you're baiting so I think you already know that.

>it was space World War II.

>The idea of scrappy American fighters battling a uniform, fascist hyper-authoritarian war machine with literal "Stormtroopers" running around with actual World War II guns plastered with Sci-Fi bits should show you the
Genericness, yes. It's been done a million times in fiction before.


>Not American
>The idea of scrappy American fighters
WWII was fought mainly by European countries you fucking retarded amerilard.

Are you autistic? Can you quite literally not differentiate between intended purpose and reality? Yes, the IDEA of scrappy American fighters. Whether or not it reflects reality, it doesn't matter. The audience Star Wars was intended for held that perception of WWII and that was what George Lucas used as inspiration for the conflict between the Rebels and the Empire.

>Genericness, yes. It's been done a million times in fiction before.

The irony of a Clone Wars fanboy talking about genericness.

>Clone wars were generic
Show me one historical instance where an emperor usurped his people and then killed all his most prized warriors to establish a new government.

I don't have to do anything. Faceless droids and faceless stormtroopers running at eachother in greenscreen is generic and boring enough to make my point for me.

Lucas Arts went through like 5 CEOs during BF3 development. this lead to a lot of cancellations and rushed games. TFA 2 was also affected

>I don't have to do anything
More like you can't. Thanks for conceding.

>moderate rebels

The extended universe proved how good the galaxy fared under a new corrupted republic.

buut they had to ax that too because it was the only good SW left.

Conceding what? That the Clone Wars aren't based off of historical elements? Well gee whizz it's almost like I didnt ever make that claim.

Still doesnt change that the CW are boring as fuck and the OT is way more interesting lmao

Conceding to me because you're a retard who doesn't know history, much less what you're talking about.

Bet you only watched the movies.

>Conceding to me because you're a retard who doesn't know history,

As I have already explained but since you can't read didn't understand, the world war II comparison was a cultural inspiration not a literal 1:1 adaption.

>much less what you're talking about.
The Clone Wars are boring crap. I don't need to know much more than that.

>Bet you only watched the movies.
Yes because the vast majority of EU material, especialy prequels era stuff, is garbage because the Star Wars setting as a whole isn't that interesting or varied.

Holy shit you're autistic
>Clone Wars is an actual war with both sides equal with real battles and numbers
>OT is retarded, poorly armed terrorists that allah akbar and sucker punch never fighting fairly because they suck shit and run away whenever a battle happens

Now neck youself you stupid cunt.

It was a Galactic CIVIL WAR, not an all-out formal war between nations. Dumbass.

The fact that you judge the quality of both settings purely by power levels and how many lasers are flying past the screen rather than by narrative or characters tells me everything I need to know.

The rebels ran away at every major combat in the original trilogy. It was more like sandniggers running away and doing suicide attacks (Death Star) on the empire.

They were shitty guerrilla at best.

The OT was about rebels fighting against an "ULTIMATE POWAH" emperor that was just evil for the sake of being evil. The actual ideologies were introduced in side material for the prequel trilogy, as it turns out the separatists didn't want anything to do with the corrupted Senate.

>space WWII
>scrappy American fighters battling a uniform, fascist hyper-authoritarian war machine with literal "Stormtroopers"
>thinks this is what WWII was like
Jesus christ some people are retarded


>Says earlier that Empire era was so good because it is based on WWII, a real life conflict
>Now says that its not necessary to reflect reality
Can you please make up your mind about what retarded opinion you want to represent

Do you know what the funny thing is? The clone wars was also based on WWII, and it did a better job than the original trilogy. Palpatines rise to power mirrors that of Hitlers rise to power, a charismatic leader who seizes power by using a threat to give himself emergency powers, while transforming a democracy into a dictatorship. Then it is also a formal war between practically equally powerful groups that escalates into a gigantic conflict. Your entire point is wrong from the very beginning.

Since the publisher was EA and Lucas

They can quite literally go fuck themselves for the way they treated some of the best game devs that ever lived.