Good post.
>Cant kill criminals
>But you can grab them, sling to the Empire State and go all the way down and smash their heads on the ground
Good times
It's Spider-Man, not Spiderman!
*blocks your path*
superior version
jesus, remember the last level where you have to swing all the way up those platforms to lady liberty, and at the last one there was a big brain with a spinning blade underneath it and if it hit you once you go down but you can't get back up again quick enough so it constantly hits you and you die.
I also remember when I first got it being so shit at swinging from buildings that I got frustrated and just ran everywhere instead
>Something else
well now it has to be something else
That wasn't the last level. That wasn't even the last level against that villain.
So what's better, Spider-Man 2 or Ultimate Spider-Man? Also why didn't any of the other games keep that amazing web slinging?
Yes! I love piledriving the scum, but I also used to throw them from roofs and follow them as they smack to the ground below
What's with all the Spider-Man threads as of late? This is just like when there were 30 Big Smoke threads a day.
Not complaining though.
Overall, probably Ultimate.
What was the best Spider-Man game and why was it Web of Shadows?
Probably marketing, either movie or game related. Expect them to showcase that QTEfest again very soon.
Why are symbiotes so cool and why was Spider-Man 3 such a shit film?
Damn, I remember it being really hard, what level was that. it was against some alien thing or something right?
this game was so FREAKING good
>dat open world
>dat huge world
>dat Bruce Campbell as the tour guide/voice of the green clues
>dem moves
>dem fights
>dat pizza
>dat massive amounts of replayability after beating the main game
What a good game.
>Go back to play it on PS2
>CONSTANT samey sidemissions
>Fuck all incentive to actually explore
Remember when Venom ate a child? Good times.
There should be no other incentive to explore but quality level design. Stop locking good stuff behind collectibles, you incompetent western shits.
t. casual
Right, but NYC isn't good level design
It's basically just blocks.
There's nothing hardcore about looking at arbitrary nooks and crannies of copy pasted buildings, you mongoloid.
>almost every Spider-Man game is limited to being in Manhattan
>no whacky Rumble in the Bronx esque side stories
>Symbiotes with female hosts and they're fully covered
The best.
>tfw you don't give a shit about anything at E3 this year as much as Spider-Man
Please be good. I just want to swing around and stop bad guys. It's not that hard.
You'll get your little Bamham clone with DLC black suit and you'll enjoy it.
Ever notice how all western studios capable of executing good combat go out of business?
It's bat-man not batman
>Bamham clone
C-Could be worse.
Friendly reminder Spiderman did the Arkham formula before Spiderman.
>That web of the shadows ending with black cat becoming symbiote queen
my dick
Yeah? Like what?
Pretty sure that game didn't allow you to mash Square to Spider-man, nor had you slide all the way to enemies with a single input or was designed around contextual dodging.
Honestly I'm not even sure.
I don't even really hate Bamham combat. Yeah. There's really not much to it. But still.
Thoughts? I remember borrowing the PS2 version from a friend in 08 or 09 and it was a pretty average beat em up. Blade was cool though.
That was nowhere near the last. That was only like the 3rd time you fight Mysterio and the level right after that is some creepy clown maze shit.
>when I was a kid i thought the distance gauge was a timer
It felt like an intense race the entire time that I won with .1 seconds to spare
Is pic related going to success?
>Spider-Man 3 such a shit film?
but I liked it.
>Sup Forums
>filled with intellectual film critics
Pick one.
also ur gay and so is your opinion lmoa
Why is that?
only if it has momentum based webswinging that isn't moonswinging.
Web of Shadows had moonswinging and still felt great to control.
gonna be a miracle if those pizzas are even recognizable anymore
>with white power comes great responsibility
Jesus Christ Activision
Josh Keaton is /ourguy/.
Ultimate lets you play as Venom and finally give balloon kid what's coming to him
>people can't discuss a game they loved that came out nearly 15 years ago without being accused of shilling
That part legit had me shook as a kid, goddamn.
You can tell these threads are artificial because they barely have any discussion. I know my Spider-man threads.
>older sister told me the only way to get to the next level was to jump off a building and land on a taxi
Can someone explain moonswinging, haven't played another spidey after Ultimate
It did? I haven't playd WOS in years and I'm sure the webs stuck to buildings.
Is the movie going to be good?
Realistically, what does the new Spiderman game NEED for it to be good? All I can think of is:
>SM2 webslinging or something similar
>funny side missions
>writing for Spidey that doesn't make me want to pull out my fingernails with pliers
>decent combat
What else?
I thought so too until someone posted a video showing it.
Moonswinging is well the webs don't attach to the buildings.
what the fuck raimi
What's the actual release date?
>What's your name, kid?
>The Human Holocaust.
>Jesus Christ, kid. You're pretty fucking smart, you know that?
How the hell did Raimi get away with this?
July 7 for burgers, July 6 for everyone else.
If i fip the pizzaz Mr.Aziz will flip out
>thread on Sup Forums has little discussion
You should become a detective
It's going to be better than anything Sony ever produced.
Epic meme, my dude.
Not having to fight Rhino for the umpteenth time waiting for him to get stuck into a surface
>played the first one on ps2
>fucking hated it
>figured the second game was just as bad
>find out years later it was actually good
>Hating the first one
Maybe it's because I was so young, but I fucking loved it.
I wish I knew about the playable green goblin at the time, young me would have creamed his pants about that.
Now a days they'd charge you $15 and it would only be a skin and no new move set or glider.
Its objectively a bad movie but its fun to watch
Do you guys ever stop complaining about modern video games and making up situations that'd never happen?
I actually thought the first game wasn't that bad. Honestly, I think the quality of the games matches the movies. The first is decent 2 is fantastic and 3 is mediocre at best.
He's right though.
How many games now have free unlockable costumes let alone entire new characters just thrown in for the hell of it?
Last game literally charged for the black suit, marketer-kun.
Not many, I'll admit, but that's due to video games costing more money to make and less content being able to be implemented with certain budgets.
I'd imagine a newer Spider-Man game would only have Spider-Man playable in it, but that's only because tie-in games have smaller budgets and smaller development time, meaning that devs aren't able to throw in extra shit like they used to.
And no dev would charge $15 for a skin. Not even Valve. Nowadays DLC costing that much would have the character, a new move set, and a few missions.
Yeah, but did it cost $15?
>pizza time.
Ok we exaggerate the price but you get what we mean.
And ya there are reasons behind it, but it just sucks that we were kinda spoiled by stuff like this in the past.
I would do this for literally hours
I get you, and I'm not trying to defend DLC, it just annoys me how pessimistic everyone is on this website when there are legitimate reasons for most bad things in the industry.
>but that's due to video games costing more money to make
Oh boy. Will this excuse ever die? The only thing that went disproportionately up were marketing budgets for the AA and AAA market.
>Yeah, but did it cost $15?
It was 8 bucks. Let me guess, that's okay.
No it couldn't
Not him but when the economy went tits up in 2008, things did cost more to make. I agree with you though, it brings my piss to a boil when so much money is spent on marketing as opposed to making a game better.
Fite me, famdongus.
>The only thing that went disproportionately up were marketing budgets for the AA and AAA market.
Spider-Man games aren't made by indie devs, user. The recent titles also aren't movie tie-ins, so they're going to be given even less money to make.
>It was 8 bucks.
Really? What game? I feel like there's something you're not telling me.
Pc version was dreadful. Ridiculous how different it was from ps2.
God. Josh Keaton was a great Spidey. Spectacular Spider-Man Season 3 never.
>Spectacular Spider-Man Season 3 never.
They should include quipping minigames.
Spidey is savage at quips.
>The recent titles also aren't movie tie-ins
Yes, they were. And this one is a western Sony exclusive, budget won't be a problem.
Apparently I looked up the wrong Amazing Spider-Man, its DLC was on Amazon for 8, this one is 7.
Nah, even the goddamn comic writers have trouble getting his quips right, imagine game writers. Insomniac is no Neversoft.
I literally beat it in an hour. Too kiddy-like, plus the combat was repetitive and dull.
>Too kiddy-like
Pretty sure that was the demographic.