Name 1(one) reason why you aren't playing GameCube and Wii games at full speed on your cellphone right now
Name 1(one) reason why you aren't playing GameCube and Wii games at full speed on your cellphone right now
Can I use my Switch controller for the emulator? I got mine to sync with my phone.
Yes, if it connects to your phone you can use it on Dolphin(and you can remove the ugly ass virtual buttons from the screen too)
Okay. I might try it out if my shitty ass phone runs it.
This is the latest Dolphin build right?
Don't see why anyone would want to play on a phone.
At least a tablet doesn't have the buttons cover half the screen.
Because I can afford a tv
>Playing anything that requires analogue movement on a cellphone
I just use it to read visual novels.
Because touchscreen controls are shit
That's Wind Waker Link
No, he's called AXONI.
Touch controls are shit and I don't want to buy another controller just for playing on a fucking phone.
I dont have baby hands
Im replaying skies of arcadia with hd texture pack what a time to be alive
Because batteries don't have infinite capacity
ill run out after like an hour
Seconding this as a pretty good reason
It's not really a battery hog at all, and my phone doesn't get hot while running it
Because that's fucking retarded.
>I just use it to read visual novels.
How? Only few VNs are compatible
That actually looks stupid
On screen controls when I can play it on the real thing with the proper controls
Can I run it well on my S7e?
>touch screen controls
I vomited a little. No thanks, you can keep it.
I stream them from my PC to my phone and read them while tucked in my bed.
I enjoy my phone lasting more than twenty minutes
Because my cellphone doesn't have buttons.
But I can use the original control AND on a screen that isn't miniscule
I have a Windows phone and the only way I know to do it is with KinoConsole.
You may laugh now.
So playing a 3ds in public is autism tier, but attaching a giant controller to your phone to play emulators isn't?
Most phones today have 5.5+ inch displays, which is bigger than any handheld console except for the Switch
Did they have a new update or what?
I don't have or want a switch
tee hee
Why the fuck would I play it on my cellphone when I could emulate it on my PC?
Is it impressive they got it running almost flawlessly? Yes. Is it practical to play any of those games on a fucking Cellphone? Hell no.
Those controls you disgusting pathetic fake gaming fan
good now try to play melee on it
No tactile feedback.
Also my phone is trash garbage.
Touch controls to emulate a controller are utter shit and you're a lunatic for suggesting I use them.
Playing a game on a controller that it wasn't intended for is always uncomfortable
Sitting on longue looking at TV > Squinting at my phone that is laying on a tabletop OR proped up with something
>touchscreen buttons
that's why mobile gaming will ALWAYS be trash
touchscreen controls.
i like having my phone not die out in 10 minutes
This 100%, who fucking cares? It's useless
This is impressive in the same vein that getting Doom running on a calculator is.
Cool? Fuck yes.
Handy if it's the only single way you can play the game? Yeah I guess
Practical? No.
Touch screen controls are garbage. Attaching a controller to your phone is retarded.
>whole screen is taken up by buttons
are you taking the piss?
Can i finally play "the clone wars" and "rogue squadron" with normal fps?
because I'm not a retard to play shit on phone, not to mention shitty touch screen controls and because I'm not a faggot and actually have consoles to play those games on?
I have an S7, does it work there?
Doesn't seem to run great based on some videos on Youtube, might just be an older build though
I think perfect hell would be being forced to play all vidya like this.
Android had audio lag issues, and you need a beefy phone and compatible controller.
Here goes nothing. Hope it works on my Note 3.
I can't find it on the play store
>Android had audio lag issues
Well, all Dolphin emulation has audio issues if you're running below the game's normal framerate. The game itself slows down instead of losing frames like you usually see on PC and consoles. This problem can be solved with frameskipping, which Dolphin for Android doesn't support yet unfortunately. However Wind Waker has been running at 25-30fps, so it's really not a big issue. I've yet to test other games though, I'll give Twilight Princess a spin later.
> and you need a beefy phone
True, but those really aren't terribly expensive these days. My Axon 7 was $400 off contract and it's got really top of the line specs, even better than Samsung's flagships from the same year in some respects(Samsung phones have better cameras, for instance)
You need to get the .apk from Dolphin's website right now since it's still a development build.
So can anyone who could afford a phone that can pull this off, I'd assume
Because my autism won't let me use HLE emulators. LLE/Cycle-Accurate or real hardware only.
where is the iphone version for non-poorfags such as myself and not you
Wont install on my Note 3 :(
Unfortunately there's no way it would run anyway. Try PPSSPP for your emulation needs, it's on the Play Store and quite well optimized.
No you're wrong actually lol
Can't install on my z2
Needs Arm8 CPU to run I guess, my HTC M8 has arm7 so I can't even install it
>Xperia Z2
What are you, living in a shithole country where a price of a new phone is equivalent of 90% of your monthly wage or more?
Xbox controllers connect to your phone too. Anything Bluetooth I think.
Yup, anything Bluetooth but the 360 Pad uses infrared. Don't know about the Bone controller.
Not the guy you are replying to, but if I wanted a game on a go I would take 3ds or PSP. You are not expecting me to carry a huge-ass xbox controller so I can play games on my phone?
I am aware of smaller controllers for phones, but most of them are either stupidly expensive or lack shoulder buttons which limits the games I can play. Not to mention I already beat most of the NES and GBC games already.
>360 Pad uses infrared
No, they don't.
I'm playing a fucking AAA smartphone game with better graphics than whatever you're playing. It's also got no microtransactions.
You're right, it's not infrared but it's not Bluetooth either. Apparently it's a proprietary protocol, but the point still stands that you won't be able to hook it up to your phone.
Sadly, JIT is currently fucked on iOS. So this runs like complete shit since its running off interpreter only
>better graphics
Maybe better textures, resolution and a higher polycount, since that's really easy to achieve with Unity. Those mobile games still have shit for production values though, the art looks awful and the animations are clunky.
Nope. It's AAA.
Game's got a free trial if you don't believe me. It's $9.99 for the full game.
Looks like a low budget Unity game to me, also the gameplay couldn't be more generic if it tried
Try it before you shitpost. It even controls great, which is next to impossible on mobile.
>Game's got a free trial
I meant the xbone.
What about ps2 emulators? can I run games with shitty graphics like Ar Tonelico?
nothing that I know of, would be cool though
Because touch screen controls are utter fucking shit for anything other than puzzle games.
Click on Implosion: Never Lose Hope. You should be able to install it and play, then unlock the full version in-game by paying $9.99.
Because I just got a GPD Win and I'm trying to setup my emulators there.
because smartphones are for teens
Because I don't hate myself.
No tactile feedback.
I want buttons.
>You should be able to install it and play,
I can't. It tells me to buy it. I'll just pirate it and I'll pay for it if it interests me. I guess the trial is android only since android users are a lot less willing to pay for apps along with it probably being a DRM scheme
whats a decent portable that doesnt require a always on internet connection and has buttons and can run emulators for gamecube,wii or ps2?
Because I have the actual fucking consoles.
An Android system with buttons is pretty much the only thing that fits that description(no PS2 emulators though)
Yeah. Try it. Only reason I'm shilling this shit is 'cause I want real smartphone games.
I was just stating that Bluetooth controllers work on phones. What other people do with that info is none of my business.
Moto X play cant run it
But PPSSPP runs fine, so I just play PSP RPGs