Why did it take game devs so long to perfect melee combat?
Why did it take game devs so long to perfect melee combat?
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man that game looks like it'll be really fun
Looks puke inducing.
I wish my character wasn't an Owl and could rotate his eyes to focus on something rather than having it rotate all around making me puke, specially with all that motion blur.
Does Sup Forums even like video games anymore?
Yeah I don't like that fov either, you can set it higher. That was filmed on 110 max is apparently 130
older version of the game but less motion sickness at the higher fov
That looks literally no different to Chivalry or Mount & Blade with better animations/collision.
Dark Messia looks better than that shit
>I haven't played either of those games for longer than 30 hours, the post
Why would anyone want to?
Why would you post in a thread for a genre you don't like? Are you a retard?
Chivalry I couldn't stomach after 10, Mount and Blade I certainly have, but not for the fucking atrocious combat.
Seriously though, this looks like nothing new, mannequins sliding around on the ground, irrelevant foot work, same old swipe left/right, thrust/overhead swing and respective blocking directions.
Disappointing as fuck.
>irrelevant foot work
umm no sweetie try again :)
Characters are literally floating around and able to change direction instantly with no inertia.
And inertia as part of canned animations doesn't count.
It's the same old shit.
looks like it will be a latency mess in Multiplayer and have the exact same problems as Chivalry.
Don't be offended when I say this but you clearly don't have any idea of what's going on in these fights as I suspect you haven't played chivalry at a high enough level to recognise the mindgames/evasion/pacing at play here.
Wrong. Chivalry was client side, Mordhau is server side so we can expect less laggy animations.
>I suspect you haven't played chivalry at a high enough level to recognise the mindgames/evasion/pacing at play here.
You mean the exact same shit that Rune and the like had 17 fucking years ago?
Hate to break it to you kid, but there's literally *nothing* new here, it's more of the same old shit.
This is the same old shitty mechanics we've been seeing for over a decade.
>Mordhau is server side so that means there will be zero hitbox and collision issues ;)
you know fucking nothing dude.
I guess to moves themselves look correct, but the movement looks floaty and cheap and thus it doesn't give a more realistic feel than things we've seen already.
>first person melee combat
LOVE this meme.
not an argument
the players are sliding around and can move omnidirectionally like they're on hoverboards
i fail to see how this is different from chivalry
wtf are you talking about gramps lmfao maybe when you get on this level of skill you can brandish your old man opinions in these threads but until then sit down coot
>hitbox and collision issues
What did he mean by this? When was this an issue in chivalry?
Why should I bother explaining obvious differences in game mechanics when you're clearly a dolt with no experience in Chivalry? You're clearly some ignorant rank 10 that quit the game after you got torn apart so what makes you think you're entitled to an opinion here?
But that's not for honor.
>level of skill
>team deathmatch against literal who's and not 1vs1
You must be 18 to post on this board.
Nah, For Honor managed to get it right. Shame everything but the gameplay is shit.
>still no argument
Hey man I'm trying to give you an opportunity to shill here and you're really dropping the ball
>What did he mean by this? When was this an issue in chivalry?
it wasn't an issue in chivalry, because chivalry never boasted having realistic weapon collision. mordhau does. enjoy your shit hit-reg in multiplayer.
how the fuck can people play with FOV this wide?
his swords viewmodel is tiny compared to it's actual hitbox
This looks fucking awful.
This is what I was trying to imply.
If it was made by anyone that wasn't Ubisoft, it probably wouldn't be such a shitshow.
It's getting better as of now, but it'll take a few months. I just hope it pulls an R6.
I'm aware.
The perk nerfs we're wrong though. Who in the shit gets hit by her dodge swing? Like seriously.
They need to slow the lights down, but at least they acknowledged the lights.
Sweet Lawbringer buffs baby. It's still not enough. Fucker needs a way to open people.
What the fuck this looks insane
Are you false flagging?
i think its funny how the match ups in the video were CLEARLY meant to poke at for honor
This looks like prettier Mount&Blade gameplay
It's a team objective scrim, that's what comp chiv is played on
Ok old man
You want me to lay out the differences between chiv and Mordhau?
>No reverses
>New engine
>Better customisation options
>First hit flinch
>No classes
>New game modes
>Better animations
>Server side over client
>Parry-able projectiles
>Competent balancing
Since when did Mordhau aim to be realistic?
THE LAW should be straight up immune to stagger from light attacks, period.
you are fucking retarded. how about watch the developer video about combat just to see how wrong you are.
all I see is a Mediaval Warfare imitation.
Am I wrong?
What the developers have to say is utterly irrelevant, all that matters is the end result and the end result........is nothing special at all.
Floaty movement, canned animations and limited directional combat.
That looks like total garbage, For honor is still way better
Umm try again sweetie :)
>sweetie :)
Is this the ultimate "I don't have an argument"?
>Link me to where the characters float? This isn't Mirage: Arcane Warfare dolt
>canned animations
What did he mean by this?
> limited directional combat
? I'm at a loss, you can attack from any angle. Man you're dumb
It looks exactly like chivalry.
And how is having 4 attack and blocking directions "perfecting melee combat"?
Oh I can explain to you all day why For Honour flopped due to the p2p servers, shite balancing, lack of updates, 3rd person limited footwork ez 1vx mode etc but I did that enough pre-release. Everything I said would happen happened essentially
The game sure seems popular though
>And how is having 4 attack and blocking directions
That's wrong you fucking retard. That isn't even how chiv works. Honestly drill a hole in your skull maybe some logic and critical thinking can sink in, fucking DOLT
Wow, you're getting awfully mad over a video game.
>overhead on up
>stab on down
What did I miss?
parry, feint, swing. Exact same to me.
>Link me to where the characters float?
You mean aside from the entirety of every video you've posted?
no, they like cinematic shit.
Looks pretty bad
there's about 236 more attack directions than mount and blade
also blocking works by height (high, middle, low) and direction, you have to look at their swing
>it's your standard block, parry, slash combat
zzzzzz next
That game you described sounds really simple. You must have won several tournaments as you clearly have perfected your understanding of the game's mechanics.
Everyone was on the ground, or are you just a DOLT that uses the term "float" to describe anything that confuses you?
>there's about 236 more attack directions than mount and blade
>Why did it take game devs so long to perfect melee combat?
TPS and FPS dominated the industry and still does. I would be hyped for more swords & shields games in general but it probably won't happen until some mega-hit comes along and proves there's a market.
>I'm a retard that spouts misinfo to make myself feel cool online!
>about 236 more
Just like Borderlands 2 had bazillion guns?
Only 8 direction, tops, matter.
>tfw backed it for 60 dollars because I want in alpha
it's okay, in due time everyone here will be complaining about how it takes no skill to play while they get their faces pushed into the dirt by players using SOUPERIOR TACTICSK
then theyll cry into their sippy cups and go back to overwatch
>Spend all this time making a combat system.
>Some tryhard is going to find an exploit that makes any kind of reflex or school moot.
It happens literally every melee game.
Even if it was 8 that's double what you just described gramps. I hope they cure dementia in your lifetime :)
I'm actually really excited to find the excuses shitters will make to justify why they're terrible. Now they can't blame backswings or the servers what will they resort to?
No, I use the term "float" to describe movement that's completely independent to the players legs.
They may as well look like pic related
>use wasd
>legs move
>player moves
>player is now a sphere in user's mind
same, it's my favourite genre of games so it was getting bought anyway, no ragrets
>Some tryhard is going to find an exploit that makes any kind of reflex or school moot.
The difference is Mordhau is basically a backlash by disgruntled ex-Chiv players who were sick of all the funky bullshit. Hopefully they will patch out any nonsense instead of endorsing it like the Chiv devs did.
That was my first post in the thread, retard.
I reacted because you said "236" directions, sounds like something scam devs would market their game with to get retards like yourself to invest.
>First person melee combat
When will they learn?
good lad
But that's the thing, the players movement doesn't follow their legs at all.
Thanks for proving my point.
I didn't say that, I wouldn't even try and speak reasonably with some senile old dolt online
Puke inducing
if those angles don't matter, by all means limit your control scheme to 4 or 8 or whatever
Please link me a specific timeframe in the OP video where the character legs move in the opposite direction of the player? I won't wait for you to complete this request because I'm fully aware you're a random shitter that doesn't have a single clue what he is talking about
I hope you get paid well for this.
>slashing at plate armor with a sword
>perfect melee combat
Nah. It looks bland and boring, I have to admit.
I do it for free, dolt
>muh realism
OK l
How small is your vocabulary?
If you are not going for realism at least use your creative freedom and make it fun, kiddo
>I do it for free
aka. I invested a fortune and now I need to defend a literal pile of shit to feel good about myself
This thing looks literally identical to Chivalry, why exactly are you guys surprised?
But it's not out yet!
How long before I can end people rightly with secret ballerina-fu?
About as small as your pee pee :)
Go play Mirage then
I wouldn't call $200 a fortune but OK. It's a lot for a game but I'm not at Star Citizen levels of autism
>60 buckaroonies
>a fortune
if you're still getting paid in pocketmoney maybe
this game isn't going to be casual friendly is it?
combat looks very complex compared to chivalry.
That combat looks fucking awful. Not even meming
>I wouldn't call $200 a fortune but OK.
Oh wow.
One of the more educated opinions posted ITT
There is supposedly ranked matchmaking so noobs will have a place to learn in relative safety.
U poor dude?
I don't think so, no. You aren't going to be thrown into a scrim just by joining a pub. Although alpha players will probably be griefing and destroying all new players on release.
Ranked matchmaking is just 1v1/2v2/3v3 which they haven't even reached the goal for on the kickstarter.
>get hit once
wow super exciting gameplay
>Chivalry with more in-depth combat and no ballerina exploits
Sign me up
>U poor dude?
U post purchase rationalizing dude?
>what is armour
I suspect that will be added in post-launch regardless of whether or not the goal is reached, providing the player count is high enough to warrant it
>sword just whooshes across the screen
Is this a fucking joke?
I haven't been charged yet bro you can try to convince me to invest my money better
Incoming retard uses more jargon to explain things that confuse him. This time with "whooshes" instead of "floats"
>ranged classes
Fuck off.