Why would anyone burn a man, before throwing him off a dam?

Why would anyone burn a man, before throwing him off a dam?

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he was thrown off a cliff, not a dam

It would be extremely painful

to make an example of,brutal but effective

for you

He was a hothead



he got cucked by based Lanius

Would you, could you, with a moose?


Hes a burned guy

for you

New Vegas thread?

What the FUCK was his problem???

He's so far up his own ass he can see out his mouth

Reigning world champion in holding a grudge, 200+ years in a row.

Am I the only one who didn't like Joshua Graham? Why do so many people like him, he's so fucking boring and literally has no character.

more like WTF was his problem

Same, i was so hyped when i kept reading how Sup Forums loves him before i played HH, but it was such an underwhelming experience once i actually did.
I dont see how is he so iconic, you literally talk twice with him, he babbles about my redemption and thats it
Same with Elijah, pretty boring character in the end.

I liked Ulysses way more than both of them

In Van Buren, wasn't he hanged too? And didn't the console say he has more Damage Resistance than fucking power armor?

There is not a sibgle good villain in New Vegas, Sup Forumseddit should stop jerking off this game so much

Does anyone know the mod that hides GRA weapons around the world to find?

He's the second coming of Christ.

Won't stop my AMR with incendiary bullets blasting off his head and burning him to death a second time

Because he can

I've decided I'm going to have to side with the NCR in this playthrough. The most difficult part of this decision was knowing I'll have to kill Mr. House.
I've only played one other playthrough, in which I chose the wild card ending.
I started in Hardcore mode at Hard difficulty, and I'll switch to Very Hard after discovering New Vegas.

First one to talk gets to stay in Zion. Who paid you to attack the Dead Horses?

Killing House is the easiest decision for me in each playthrought, hes a fuckin retard

I always wonder if i should join NCR or leave NV independent tho

There's a mod that lets you spare the BoS from House, surely there would be one for House and the NCR?

If I pulled that off would he die?

The evacuation plan lists me, Doctor Daniel and the Sorrows, but only one of you gets to return back to the Mojave

It would be extremely painful.

Lotta loyalty for a hired courier.

For a spectacle. Legion took inspiration from Roman empire and it's army. There were a lot of bizarre methods in Roman army to increase discipline.

Just disconnect him from his control
You don't have to kill him

Where the fuck do i find a NCR ranger duster and Helmet/Mask if im doing a NCR playthrough and dont wanna kill any rangers?

that was a mechanical thing not a lore thing, he was supposed to be basically indestructible but turn every single fucking group hostile on sight

Watch one die

The Hanged Man is different than Graham. Graham is a total revision of the character.

Wasn't there a few places you could find dead rangers on the map?

>for you

ive always wondered why legate lanius wears the mask

yeah, thats my only option seems like it, but i still havent seen anyone die and im basically almost at the hoover dam battle, which will make aquiring one at the end of the game pointless anyway.

He got a fucked up face from killing so many of his fellow tribals. It just stuck when it healed.

Help the NCR in camp McCarran, they end up giving you the key to a ranger stash where you can find a duster and mask among other things. They're in pretty fucking bad repair state tho, so prepare to pay for one or get the jury rigging perk

Desert ranger armor is far superior if you have HH, and doesn't count as faction armor


>almost at dam battle
>still don't have the NCR safehouse
How can you fuck up so bad

Get "Liked" status in NCR, talk to the the head honcho in the airport, get Safehouse marker. Free set in the armory.

You're delusional if you think NCR are the good guys tho

There's a bunker that has some but they're in a bad shape. Also keep in mind it's faction armor.

you could just do what I did and change the skin of the remnant power armor to the ranger armor

You're a big guy

ehrm, i think i completed all the camp McCarran quest, but i dont remember this stash?
Are you talking about the NCR safehouse that they give you, cuz i think i didnt even check it if thats the one
>Desert ranger armor is far superior if you have HH

shit, i already played HH, but i didnt find this anywhere.
i think i fucked up in general with that DLC, i loved it initially, but for some reason it got extremely tedious halway and i just couldnt be arsed exploring at all and just wanted to finish it asap.then i understand that i've missed a lot, i didnt do any of those Randal Clark quests or whatever, i didnt got his gun which apparently was pretty good, and i guess ive missed that duster too
Really gotta replay it better on my next playthrough


That shit got old pretty damn quick.

>just leave him to suffer a fate worse than death

you can get Riot Gear if you havent done Lonesom Road yet, its basically the same


NCR safehouse, yeah. The ranger armor is literally sitting on a shelf there

You can revisit HH anytime and check the survivor's stashes for the desert armor too. Fallout wiki has their actual location

Or this, you can just go full edgelord and get riot gear

>edgelord and get riot gear

whats so edgy about it, its literally the same gear with different colored helmet iirc
ir are you talkign about the advanced riot geat with those ugly shoulderpands on top of it?

When he was a child he was forced to watch as a skill check raped his mother.

Reminder New Vegas is shallow SJW trash for nostalgiafags and teens looking for e-cred and has no redeeming qualities what so ever.
If you play it hang yourself.

He hated the fact that Sinclair was happier than him.

hes a girl

Literally did nothing wrong.
If you didn't side with Elijah, you're not playing the game right.

why is everyone complaining about Dean's speech cheks?

surely, you guys arent complete plebeinas who dont hae 100 in speech on every playthrought, right?

you can side with Elijah?

If you have a poor reputation with the NCR, you can propose an alliance in your final confrontation. It leads to a special ending but the game ends/reloads afterward

>gets new home city destroyed after some random guy delivers a package
>decides he needs to die for his actions
>see he's the next one up to deliver another package to New Vegas
>think he'll be killed by the Mojave
>lets the next courier take the job
>he gets shot in the head on his way up the Long 15
>fuck this
>goes to wander the wastes
>happen upon some crater
>meet some old dude
>he wants to know how to destroy a nation
>tell him to go to some casino with poisonous fog and post-apocalyptic cloaker former construction men who kill everyone with martial arts and cool spears
>heh, pranked
>meet some hot chick
>trying to kill the old dude
>lol aight
>she gets fugged by robots before she can kill him
>o fuk
>take her to my cave
>nurse her back to health
>find out she's with some technology hoarders
>that's pretty gay
>she still wants to kill him
>aight he's going to the Sierra Madre
>lol she gonna die
>wander the crater more and paint walls and doors
>find some weird floating robobrains with eye and mouth monitors
>tell them bullshit about how nations fall and rise so they give me Science! secrets
>lol cya fags
>old guy starts breaking shit
>crashes some trains and escapes
>escape myself a bit later
>alright I'm getting pissed off about that courier again
>hmm, maybe if I make him come to me
>set out elaborate plan for courier to follow
>make him nuke a highway to my temple
>deathclaws, frog people, and ghoul marksmen who's sole purpose is to kill trespassers
>he survives it
>didn't think to start my nuke timer until he was at the front door
>he comes in, I think of some cryptic shit to say.
>umm, bull and bear
>he wants to reason with me
>is very persuasive
>a-alright, I'll kill these marked men with you
>we finish off the last guy
>notices that I was going to nuke the NCR
>at least he's going to stop the nukes, right?
>decides to nuke NCR and a Legion camp
>uh, o-okay
>he leaves
>decide to sit on some rock and think about how badly I fucked up

>courier returns on his way back to the Mojave with armor from that centurion from the 87th Tribe
>says he's going to I-15
>tells me to give him the secret recipe for bitter drink
>thanks, fag
>he leaves


huh, i replayed Dead Money at least 3 times and i dint even know this, thought he always tries to kill you whatever you do

this is why i love NV, i have prolly around 250-300 hours in that game and i still keep finding new stuff


what did Ulysses mean by that...???

Any idea what T6M body pic related is using? It looks like the only decent fem abs body around since it doesn't have manshoulders or crazy muscle tights and I can't find the mod for the life of me.

yeah, i was just reading on that, apparently i can return to Zion now.
Thanks user, ill just do that, i do have only Lonesom Road left, so ill go and get this Desert armor now and eventually switch it in Lonesom Road if i like the other one better

>start new game
>walk to mojave outpost
>leave and move on with my life

name a better ending

Best of luck, man. Could always post more qts as a thanks

I never understood this line from the movie.

Why would you shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane?

Well you should shoot a guy because you want him dead. Now I understand the point that throwing them out of the plane would also make them dead. But shooting the guy is fast and nearly-instant death, while throwing them out would be an utterly terrifying fall that would last for a minute or more. So that's pretty horrible, and maybe you are a tough dude willing to kill a terrorist but don't want to stoop to ruthless torture. So that's why you would do it. And then throwing the body out gets rid of it.

Tell me about the burned man?

>leaving the most civilized area in whole of USA to live in some bumfuck wasteland

say no more senpai

literally a hothead

its кинo, i doubt plebs like you would ever understand it...


>believing Caesar's bullshit
Lanius has been a Legionary since he was 12

>leaving the most civilized area in whole of USA to live in some bumfuck wasteland
If he's leaving through the Mojave Outpost, isn't that heading west to California and the significantly more civilized NCR territory?

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.


The Legate... The Burned Man

yeah, makes sense actually, i mgiht be wrong

tho, iirc LA and the are was pretty civilized in the times of Fallour 1&2, but im not sure whats the situation nowadays, are there any refenreces to those location in NV?


I'd assume that since the NCR still exists that the Hub and such are super-civilized after the span of time between FO2 and NV

werent NCR soldiers saying that they've never seen a place like New Vegas, from what i understand, nothing even compares to it, so i guess even if its peaceful and civlized land, its not on the level of Vegas

The NCR is thriving in California, it's basically back to pre-war standards. Pic related was nothing more than a tribal camp in the beginning of FO2.

Who /permadeath/ here?
I'm only using 1 save file so I can't go back if I mess something up, and I'm siding with Legion so I have to fight NCR everywhere.

Are there any NV mods that actually add new locations and content in them like quests and NPCs?
And if so, are they playable?

Alright faglords.

Who is the best husbando and why is it Arcade?

>FO 2

that shit is fallout 4 cancer, those retards had no idea what were they doing when they were making this game

>All the NV threads made me want to replay it again, this time modded beyond just bugfixes
>Read the Fear and Loathing guide
>all the shit I have to install and all the steps i have to go through to get them working
>immediately lose interes

at least i can still shitpost

Or maybe they could be talking about how nothing in the wasteland remotely compares to the sights and sounds of Las Vegas

Not even New Reno could compete because New Reno is built on ruins and doesn't have the resources to be a gaudy, neon soaked nightlight for the entire Mojave

>So that's pretty horrible, and maybe you are a tough dude willing to kill a terrorist but don't want to stoop to ruthless torture. So that's why you would do it. And then throwing the body out gets rid of it.

I'm pretty sure there is a movie where the villain says exactly that. Shoots a guy after throwing him out of a window "so he wouldn't feel the fall", or something like that.

Maybe Die Hard?

Mostly because New Vegas was never hit by the bombs due to House's defense system. When they say that, they're referencing to the fact that it's basically a preserved piece of the old world, almost untouched by radiation and the nukes

bit gay lad

>I don't like it so it is not canon

>Fear and Loathing
There's the problem

t-that was the guide i was given when I asked for one. Which one should I use then?