Is it worth it to buy a PS4 just for this game?

Is it worth it to buy a PS4 just for this game?

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Not really unless you're a die hard Mikufag
But there are other decent weeb games and good exclusives so it's worth it for those

I'm not a weeb though so the ps4 library does nothing for me.

Don#t listen to this fag. The game is a fucking masterpiece.

>I'm not a weeb though

That does not compute if you're interested in OPs game
I mean, if what you want is a rhythm game, there are normalfag alternatives, like Guitar Hero Live, Amplitude
hell even Superbeat Xonic and DJmax are coming to the console and they're better games.

Look dude, I'm not here to argue. I'm just asking a simple question.

Depends how much you want the Miku game as there's no other way to get it.

You could always import an arcade machine...

You actually can't. Sega doesn't sell those to private people.

i want to lewd miku

You could start up an arcade and buy one.

how much do you love Miku?

Project Diva machines start at $2.000. I've never seen a Mikufag go to this extent before, much less a dude who says he isn't a weeb.

I bought a PS4 for this game, mostly worth it. I'm really into rhythm games and am a huge Mikufag so it works out. Haven't played it at all lately since I got the Switch though.

All of it.

I've always wanted that giant Hori Project Diva stick, it sucks Hori gave up on the giant version that was pretty much a 1:1 replica of the gabinet to make smaller not-so-cool ones.

Well yeah, I will, if it doesn't come to other platforms. You can also Get Project Diva X on it.

And there are other non weeb exclusives too... I think.

I bought a PS4 in 2014 and regretted it for years until EDF (pre-PC) and this game. So yes, get it.

I have one and it's a beast (the game is there for size comparison.) To me, it makes the games harder because it requires more movement to hit the buttons and my stamina depletes much quicker.


One game is NEVER a good reason to buy ANY platform.

I got a PSTV for 20 bucks and played P4G on it. The game itself was also like 15 bucks so it was worth iit.

Nope, Im right, you're wrong.

>Project Diva machines start at $2.000
Maybe the broken ones or the old pre-Future Tone. New Arcade cabinets costs $15000 or so.

Make your own.

How the hell is an arcade machine fifteen grand

I did the same. Then I made the mistake of buying an actual VITA.

That looks honestly horrible and would probably make the game harder than a regular DS4 controller.

That's on the low end.

But that game is shit.

You can keep your god awful opinion to yourself.

Why are they so expensive

Judge yourself:

Why would I need to watch a video on how to perfect one of the easiest songs in the game. Come back when it's sadistic music factory or some other 10 star song.

I thought you asked if it worked well, but now I think you are just jealous.

>would probably make the game harder than a regular DS4 controller.
I'm pretty sure that I said it looks horrible and would make the game harder than a regular DS4 controller. But now I think you're actually mentally retarded.

>decide to play last night after about a month break
>perfect Gothic and Lonliness on first play
I forgot that Miku is one of those games where you get better by not playing.

It's kinda cool how it looks like he's making the music himself. Like some sort of instrument or such.

Honestly, I'm very impressed by this. It uses the arcade layout and ever sense my locals picked it up, I can't go back to ds4 because it's so much more fun

>Miku game
>Not weeb
For what fucking reason do you want Miku? There are plenty of dudebro games on PS4 though.

The only thing they do is generate revenue. You want a popular game hundreds of people are going to pay, you have to shell out a hefty price for that privilege.

>harder than a regular DS4 controller
Totally not possible unless you are abusing of macros.

It's a shit game. It would only be good if it was on PC.

Yeah because having the d-pad ontop of regular facebuttons sure doesn't sound helpful at all. Must be macros.

New Mirai game when?

Why would they make a new mirai when they can just add all the songs to the arcade and port them to future tone?

When SEGA finishes the arrangement to license Soap Lagoon.

So, never.

Yukari game when?


She already has one, and it's not available to the public...

>Project XX
Soon, user. Soon. VOCALOIDs are already dying, so it's bound that Miku starts doing JAV to sustain her expensive life.

Because I don't really like playing using the PS4.

Why is Yukari so big into porn? She has the most lewds out most Vocaloids. She is practically subscribed to the porn industry. Already marketing even.

Most people doing adult doujin games are using Yukari to voice the female character

Unlike most of them, she's >17

[citation needed]

Who cares about what you like and what you don't like.

Miku is old and busted. Get a new waifu OP.

If anything Mirai is more a good smile product than sega.

After all, good smile got GUMI license for it. Gotta sell those nendos. But Mirai issue is easy charts, fix that and it going be fine and dandy spin off.

I do. Because I don't like the PS4 either. Not until it gets piracy at least. Soon, soon.

You know what else should they fix? The nendos. Those plump, child-like figures won't arouse me, and I need my dose of adult legs and hips and breasts and so on.

And how exactly would your opinion influence sega to make another mirai game?