*teleports behind you*

*teleports behind you*

Is it even worth talking to NPCs on the side of the road when they're almost always one of these fags?

What? You don't like free bananas?

They're funny so yes

Of course you should talk to strangers, Hero!

They drop kinda good expendable weapons for very little effort, and they die quickly so why the fuck not.

The scythes are pretty good weapons early on.

Also bananas.

Paya joining the Yiga and trying to kill Zelda so she can win the Linkbowl when

DLC 1: Paya goes bananas

I want Paya on my banana

They're a pretty good way to get some rupees on the side too.
Unless you knock them into a river or lake.

>blow up ore deposit
>bounces into a pond

It kinda annoys me you can't dive down for that stuff.

Quick and painless source of some pocket change, ballin' bananas and cool-looking weapons. Sickle and its upgraded version are night, Windcutter is weebcore and bow at low to mid game is decent.

Plus, they are so charmingly incompetent, especially the girl who can't get over Koga's tummy.

>Star fragment "lands" on the side of a cliff
>rolls down into river when i get close

Ooo, I haven't seen that girl.

Don't worry, user!! Soon you won't have to talk to anyone anymore...

>post yfw you found out they murdered the twin's mother in Kakariko village

before that I thought they were just big scooby doo villain goobers.

I've never seen a shooting star in the game. I thought they were a myth.


Master Kohga is the best boss and most Zelda like boss in the entire game 10/10

>expendable weapons

You mean literally every weapon?

>ha ha ha

>Should have never have come here Hero

I get a very Skyrim vibe from this game. Too bad you can't kill the dragons.

Also, a Yiga Amiibo when.

Yeah. The conversations are pretty funny, they aren't very difficult once you understand their basic patterns, and they drop some pretty decent loot. No monster parts (they ARE human, of course), but you do get free rupees and a stat buff ingredient that's pretty damn rare in early game. Weapon drops are decent too

>Ganondorf's shadow is looming over Link


The ancient arrows will disintegrate them just like any other enemy. Link can kill people if he wants.

Demon Carver and Wind Cleaver are actually pretty useful. Sucks that Wind Cleaver breaks really fucking fast though.

Fuck now im sad

>fighting Kohga basically removed every interesting traveler instance
>now they just show up and fight
It's not even fun anymore. Their weapons suck ass and they don't have enough attack variety.

>Wind Cleaver breaks really fucking fast though.
I heard from one user stated it was a Glass Sword. I didn't get that from ingame description or game guide, but I'll accept that head canon.

Oh look, it's more of the game's wasted potential

Nintendo literally confirmed that they were inspired by games like Skyrim.

Do you actually kill the yiga? They don't turn into ragdolls, but they come back with the bloodmoon.

I'm glad Nintendo took a very strong anti communist stance by making the bad guys red clothed sickle wielding villains.

They're Sheikah who worship Ganon, not Monsters (magical constructs) created by Ganon.

But the ones who wait on the road disguised do come back from a bloodmoon.

they also stand back up and disappear ninja style and drop their rupees and banana

>DLC comes out
>they add more Yiga type
>a Yiga Goron , Zora, and so on.
>They an Yiga Sheik, who has all the moves from Smash Bros Sheik

Can you get a Yiga outfit in the game?

So, kind of off topic, can anyone who has the guide tell me if the following is true. I heard that the elemental weapons get a damage modifier that isn't show in the damage value in game. Further, I heard the thunder modifier is +20 damage modifier to all thunder weapons, meaning the spear has a damage of 42, not 22, and is one of the best spears in the game as a result

can you not test this out with the Champion's tunic?


Yigas were probably the best thing in the game until you beat Kohga and they spawn outside of the ambushes.

I would prefer that they could actually take the place of "normal" NPCs as upgrade instead of the random spawn, it kinda ruined their gimmick.


He killed one in a flashback

Cold blooded killer

Good thing he only killed one, any more and the master sword would have been useless for 10 minutes

Yep, under damage calculation.

>Critical Hits: Damage 2x
>Thrown Weapon: Damage 2x
>Sneak Strike: Damage 8x
>Shock attack: Damage+20
>Freezing attacks: Damage+10 (Instant Death on fire imbued creatures)
>Fire attacks: Damage+10(instant death(Instand Death on Ice imbued creatures)
>Ice-Shattering Attacks: Damage 3x
>Upgraded Bombs Damage 2x (24 instead of 12 per explosion)

But you need to remember teh modifier only applies when the weapon is actually imbued (IE: Glows) with the element.

Ther real question is if it is added beofre or after the multiplier, and im guessing after, whic does screw with teh status of (Ultimate) spear,a dn the guide does have errors, like not mentioning Lynels can drop star shards.

I can't believe how mediocre this game is.

>Link defending with shield shadow is over Zelda
>Zelda's shadow is over Sheik

I thought they were pretty much harmless comic relief until it was revealed they fucking murdered Dorian's wife because he defected, and left their two kids without a mother. I didn't want these feels.

>three hits
>free bananas

you know what the worst part of this game is?

never have enough arrows. and for some god awful reason you can't craft them

Just do a fast travel run around all of the inns and cities buying all of the arrows in each. Also, the lizalfo's in that area near the zorons drop loads of arrows.

Hard agree. Not sure why they made them so hard to come by.

That sounds like the most boring shit in the world.

He might be doing a NO FAST TRAVEL run though and if that is the case the basic is basically finding Arrow enemies and since they have like 90% chance of dropping a bundle of 5 and you can pick up whatever they shoot and miss, im pretty sure they are always the ones that are last to "upgrade" in a cluster meaning you should only need to waste one arrow to headshot and instant kill one. and you usually can use boomerangs for hunting instead depending on the geography.


Is that....