Why did this die out so fast?

Why did this die out so fast?

It was supposed to be the next warcraft 3 but literally no one cares about custom maps...

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>warcraft 3
>everyone only wants to play dota
>dota 2
>history repeats itself
I hate it too, don't get me wrong.

wait, there's Element TD for dota2?

Is it really that hard to find someone to play with?

If it's not one of the top three played games you're gonna have a hard time finding a match.

Dunno, i was talking about custom maps in general, from my observation, dota IMBA is the only map thats people actually play from time to time

Yeah, i was so looking forward to mass meles in Footman Frenzy again, but i guess its not happening...


custom maps were a product of the time. it was much harder to build your own game and market it. if Blizzard put a lot of effort into StarCraft 2 custom map it would have been a massive failure as well.

Bad support by a shitty dev that expects the community to do all the work for them. Meanwhile WC3 is still getting maps.

Because it sucks and it's even more retarded than the SC editor.

why should I play starcraft 2 custom maps when I can get the exact same thing in wc3?

But Valve was once famed for their modes support, how could they fuck it up so bad
They have the potential to not screw up like blizzard did and own the "next dota", but they seem to not give a single fuck about the custom map community

Don't we already have Starcraft 2?

>tfw Starcraft 2's custom game scene would be so much better if they didn't implement an extremely retarded system at first
>tfw there is no way any of the nerds at Blizzard that played wc3 would think their original system is any good but happened anyway

No one fucking olays SC2 tho

>tfw I played 5 years of wc3 without ever touching the main multiplayer

I play custom lobby now.

Same, i had pirated version if war3 in my PC back before i even had internet and played shitloads of custom maps with bots

Fun times

>tfw I still just play custom games since 2003

we were too far gone

also: esports.

because this is not easy warcraft 3 map editor

Because the map editor was too hard to work with.

There was this map that me and my friends used to play the shit out of before DOTA was popular, it was basically Dota, but the map was a triangle and it was 3v3v3 iirc
That shit was my jam

so do all these folks

>be gamer in 2001
what can I do after I get bored of a game? well I can always watch TV...oh look the developer added modding tools, Now I can make my own video games and share them with my friends!!
>be gamer 2017
what can I do after I get bored of a game? well I can go back to watching twitch, youtube, any many other entertainment platforms that did not exist during my time...learning modding tools? that's boring


>be programmer 2001
well I cant make a new engine since it will take me a year or two...but I can learn these modding tools and make something in two months
>be programmer 2017
well I can use unity to make a game and sell it for 10$ to mouth breathing retards...or I can learn how to use modding tools and doom my work to never become popular

It also doesn't help that like most Valve projects they stopped caring halfway through. There's been a lot complaining by modders that Valve takes forever to fix bugs and problems caused by Dota 2 patches to the mods or modding tools, if they ever actually bother fixing them.

Valve loves to introduce something new to Dota 2, probably when some guy decides to make something as his little project. But when the guy can't be bothered keeping his project updated they quietly abandon it since no one else in the team cares to pick up the slack. Countless features have gone through this cycle already.

I hope people make custom maps again in Starcraft HD

dont see why not, they are still playing them now from what i saw on the ptr

Brood War/SC2 map dev here.
Dota's engine is ass and has a shitload of arbitrary limitations. There are a lot of different things that you simply cannon do. Some people in the community have even gone as far as to say it's LESS powerful than the WC3 editor. Which is ironic because mastering Dota's editor means you can also make an actual standalone source game.

Combine those hard limitations with a general lack of interest and advertising and it's an obvious flop.

If you actually want to play custom games, just go play SC2. The arcade is free to play, you don't need to own the latest expansion or even the game at all to play it. Maps come out regularly and get updated. The lobby system has been fixed for years now so even shit games can fill up. The only people who complain about SC2's arcade are people who haven't played it in years.


i just wish they would come out with a 4v4v4 or 3v3v3v3 map or something and that it would be reasonably popular

The last big source mod I can think of (Jaykin Bacon Episode 3) is moving away from source and to UE4 and I can't blame them. Unlike id tech, the engines aren't open source and they're not very well supported by Valve. They just got sick of finding workarounds for things and went to a better engine.

how many years they've been making that mod? must be at least decade.

Just checked and they haven't updated their page since late 2015. I used to play the Goldsource mod with some guys from Sup Forums.

Thats why today there are fewer mods than in 2001, right?

What's your favorite, lads?

Yes the mod community has gotten way smaller for games nowadays. Bet you weren't even around for all the failed mods moving from HL1 to HL2.

>Wc3 and SC1 map editor
>Literally so simple children made top tier maps
>Release Dota 2 custom maps
>Need to be a fucking programmer to get it working

Valve makes everything as difficult as they can

They released it and then, when people were starting to get the hang of the editor, Valve started to try pushing for the paid mods and the scene just killed itself over it, knowing full well that it would end up on DotA2 too.

how easy is the map editor to use in Dota2?

I could easily create a FF map, I made them for wc3.

>tfw never knew what Used Map Settings were on SC1 for 2 years
>Friend says just switch the multiplayer game mode from 1v1 to used map settings
>Life changes forever

Line Tower Wars. Emergent, fast paced and just fucking fun.

I wasn't "that kid" who would starve you of income and just sit on my maze, I'd make capital and oh boy when I had my shades ready you'd just see X PLAYER HAS LOST A LIFE!!! spam the whole damn chat

I liked hero line wars too but when they added the "gods" or whatever it went to shit, ended up stacking tomes then rushing to port over and kill enemy heroes before they had a chance. Little skill involved. But wave based hero clearning line was fun as shit

Because Valve can't make games or market anything for shit.

They don't give a fuck and neither does the community

Footman Frenzy was always my jam, i fucking loved those huge fights
Loved Trolls vs Elves and other similar cozy usemaps where you have to hide and fortificate against some other overpowered player and do some teamwork
Tower Defenses in general
There was some point i played Tropical Tower Defense as "hardcore" as i did DOTA, i knew all the mazes and tricks

There was this not very popular TD that was just for 4 players, the map was basically a big circle(square actually, but the mobs were circling around the players), all the waves had to pass through each players and i remember that there were very different and interestinc builders/races to chose from.It was called Burbenog Tower Defence or something similar, dunno if anyone here ever played it
And Green TD ofcourse, the classic, but it had so many different versions that always made it fresh

enfo's and all of the mauls
but where's legion td?

Winermaul and whatever team survival was "in" at the time. I remember there was a resident evil themed one.

i doubt that its that easy, considering thats there is a demand for footman in DOTA, but no one has ever made one yet

Dota2 map maker is more powerful as it allows you to make anything.

WC3 map maker was limited to a certain mold

I remember back in 2001 neopets let you "mod" your home page

oh damn nigga, enfo was the shit, completely forgot it

i really miss all those PvE games where you have to play as a team vs compiter with bigger odds, seems like this type of gameplay is completely gone nowadays, not in dota/custom maps/etc, but im gaming in general, nowadays everything is about players vs players and dank skillz

>Burbenog Tower Defence

my nigga

how do you access the map editor?

-God fuck awful editor, hammer might be the worst game editor still in use, practically ancient by any standards
-Shitty, hard to use file format
-Engine limitations, source 2 is a glorified update to source 1 with too few changes to make it a viable modern engine
-Blunder when it comes to finding and setting up custom maps when it launched
-Paid mod fiasco
-Valve pissing off modders by paying them 25% now 10% for custom items

Its dozens and dozens of problems piled upon each other that mostly come from valve just not giving a shit.

Even in actual WC3, DotA was immensely popular. It's not very surprising that in DotA 2, a free DotA game, people want to play DotA as opposed to something else.

Our saving grace has to be another title. The DotA(+clones) market is served well by dedicated games, we need some other place away from DotA for custom games to flourish. Everyone who wants a DotA clone will probably play one of the dedicated games, so DotA clone maps hopefully won't swamp another title. Maybe a WC3 remaster, I hear that's a possibility for the future.

not sure, try the dota 2 test client?

Uther party with friends was always a blast

PVP fags murdered PVE in everything in general. But nothing will kill custom maps faster then all the faggots that play one map forever and ever.

Source is out dated as fuck
Hammer is shit
Steam community is shit
Valve treats everyone like shit

WC3 was ez to mod. Unreal is ez to mod. Source isnt.

what are some good maps playable with 2 people?

i think thats the main reason why MMOs died out, pvp was always dogshit in every MMO, and people simply dont wanna play PvE anymore for some reason

>everyone claims to love custom games
>all custom game services are completely dead

Because I still have warcraft 3 for that. I mean most of the customs maps are buggy as hell in dota 2 not to mention the maps that haven't yet been ported.

>Pyramid Escape
>Hero Line Wars
>Line Tower Wars

Additionally, AoE II had custom maps and a fucking awesome DBZ rpg

i dont think there are any, dota custom maps always bet on the "muh lots of players" liek 10v10 and shit

i think actually, there were some of those RPG usemaps from wc3 ported to Dota that you can play solo/with a friend tho, not sure about that

my bad, i meant wc3 maps

Being valve they simply hoped to get the editor out and the users will do everything and, eventually, see how to make extra money without putting any effort.

It probably did not meet the expectations and didn't look profitable in the end. So, they stop caring (never care in the first place).

Guild wars 1 got it right with what they did. if they just kept PVE and PVP separate or at least found a way to award PVP shit from doing PVE shit MMO's would actually have decent PVP that doesn't revolve around who wasted their life more and spamming skills out the ass til something dies. But that will never fucking happen cause MMO's for the most part haven't bothered with having actual combat that isn't click or spam 1 of thing to die.

AoE II has custom maps? Do people play alot of good shit online? and does the remastered AoE II have that shit as well?

battlenet is dog fucking shit tho, literally only bots and chinks hosting the same map 24/7

wish Garena was still alive ...

lots of tower defenses scale to the amount of players that play them iirc, Green TD to name one

you'll just gotta pick the right colors because of the location where you can build, so check it out

I liked to play LOAP

Sup Forums user map gaming night when???

no need to even give bl*zzard 20 euros for a 15 years old game, the kikes they are, there are shitloads of free battlenet keys around the internet anyway, anyone can get one

If custom games are so """fun""" then why does nobody play them

shit, didnt mean to quote

Is that a sword? Luxury!

Overthrows not that bad. I always have fun with custom games, i just wish that 5v5v5v5 map had players, I was so damn excited for that. I think it was called quadroside

I "played" the WorldEditor more than I did the game itself. The interface was easier to use and comfier than many Tycoons

>playing meme maps

3k mmr shitters out of my board

Because games are easier to make than ever. Why use a hammer or galaxy editor when you have full featured game engines that are currently in use by large devs available for free via a noncommercial license?

>endless modes for Halo Forge
>only a couple servers with unranked TDM

>SC2 custom maps literally free
>dead on arrival

>recent Doom boom
>brutal doom epic coop 3/64 players and a bunch of empty servers

>But Valve was once famed for their modes support, how could they fuck it up so bad

WC3 engine was made from the ground up as an RTS engine, while source engine (which runs dota2) was made with FPS in mind.

wc3 map editor was made primarily as an RTS map making tool with powerful script support. using it to make neat custom games was extremely easy and satisfying because of the existing RTS framework that you could built upon. the dota2 editor (hammer tools or something?) is a lot less accessible and a pain in the ass to work with. granted, it is potentially a lot more powerful than the rather limited WC3 editor in some aspects, but those aspects aren't what people want or need in custom games.

tl;dr something that takes 5 minutes to make in w3edit takes 2 hours in dota 2, and the wc3 version of it will still feel better than the dota 2 version. it's a result of the vastly different engines.

hero line wars and castle fight were the best

I've been waiting for too long for someone to make DBZ Tribute for it, I'll just go learn how to use that shit and make it myself, for fucks sake.

Obviously Run Kitty Run
>i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter 10x

>spend an hour every day the past 4 years trying to get aram games going
>literally get 1, maybe 2 games going a year
>boot up the league client
>literally an ARAM queue button
>get a game in 10 seconds
Fuck Dotards, they have no idea how to have fun.

People don't want to make all the custom models that the game would require to come even close to all the different shit wc3 had in it to use

Generally only the older adult, core player demographic of PC vidya veterans give a split rat's ass about custom games and game browsers, they just want to be tossed into a queue of randoms and dropped into a vanilla game by a computer algorithm just to kill time doing the same thing for the umpteenth time.

>game customization tools are standard
>matchmaking is run 100% by the community, allowing you to pick games with rules you like and player bases you can get to know

>games release without mod or server tools
>matchmaking is 100% automated and the only way to know people you're playing with is to queue with friends you've already made, provided they own the game and want to play at the same time as you

That's just the trend that we've all been coming to terms with.

there are shitloads of wanna be artsy nerds making useless items for the ingame store that never even reach it, they should just focus their skills on making models tb h

>playing meme modes

league is your place indeed

theres no money to be made in making unit models for custom maps

its also a lot more work

Reminder that the basic footman model replica doesnt even exist yet

Good to hear SC2 fixed their lobby system. I might actually reinstall and try it out. I've only played since Wings of Liberty but god that fucking lobby selection was fucking extremely frustrating.

The tools aren't as good

they dont make money from their shitty items that never see the dota store anyway, kek

also, that type of thinking nowadays is why there arent any good new game modes

the guys who made counter strike or icefrog who made dota did it just for fun and are now gajilionaires

It has about 2% of the total assets available to it that the wc3 editor had, so people can't just place a shitload of premade stuff and be like look I made a minigame

The map editor is a pain in the ass to use and the lobby system is poop

the level editor is shit and there is very few things to actually use because no one is making them

>meme scripting language instead of event editor that's easier to get into
>said scripting is also need for everything else, from items to units
>fuck all assets, all the units are just heroes with different cosmetics, like 2 tilesets
>all this results in no worthwhile original custom games, just ports from wc3 and EPIC Z0MG WTF MODE DOTO XD

It was doomed to fail.

>Dota 2
>calling anyone else a shitter
l m a o

Uther Party
Pudge Wars
Pyramid Escape
Castle Fight
Azeroth Wars
The Black Road

Of the ones listed.
Fuck me I'm buying a copy of WC3 and TFT tomorrow.

That troll tribes game is fucking great

russians are pretty much why might and magic still has a modding community

t. league subhuman

all ASSFAGGOTS are for subhumans