Go to party

>go to party
>everyone's in a good mood
>nice music, people dancing
>from one corner in the room
>bing bing!
>1 up 1 up
>music drops
>heads turn
>ugh user, did you really bring your toy, what's it called, gameboy switch to our party?


Party is to pussies

>posts on Sup Forums
>goes to parties
sure ...

>op larping as somebody who's ever been to a party

>he still thinks vidya hasn't been a normie hobby for years now

mama mia!

Not OP, but I throw ragers all the time at my house with actual women, live music, etc. Usually get around 50 people.

Yes, because I'm sure that your neckbeard stereotype would be attending such a party in the first place.


The girls in that photo are disgusting

Woah you're so cool dude!

Quality shitpost Op

Fat women

Whats this lesbian meet?

>go to party
>whip out my switch
>heads turn
>heads start rolling
>whip out at the party
>wahoo bong
>Whip out
>Nintendo Switch

>what is copypasta.

>only 50 people

I'll bet you don't even do cocaine faggot

I really, really like this image

>implying that I would ever bring just a one player game to a party
>implying that I wouldn't have the common decency to use headphones or turn the volume off if I were

Your meme wasn't funny the first time, and it sure as hell ain't funny now

>>nice music, people dancing

Lol that this is what you think parties are like.

exact same thing i was thinking, probably drinking natty ice his older brother got from a QT.

>gives joycon to outgoing black kid
>starts duel game thing
>Alright, make sure to look into my eyes and when it says fire, quickly shoot me by pressing the trigger button here.
>Uh.. okay.
>Looks back at his friends with a face of amusement and slight worry.
>Both joycons go up seemingly at the same time with a rumble the outgoing black kid had never felt before on his 360 controller back home.
>Results are up on the screen.
>0.256 vs 0.231
>Outgoing black kid wins
>Everyone is cheering and Outgoing black kid laughs blowing the imaginary gunpowder smoke off of the joycon.
>Everyone wants to try
>Wow, user this is really cool!
>Spend an hour passing the joycons around.
>You made your presence known at the party without a hitch, user. Good job.

Honestly, with Jackbox coming to Switch, it actually might be a viable party game device.

what are timestamps?

>then the baby rocking minigame comes up and people get weirded out and leave


I always have to laugh when I read this desu

Pretty much every party I've to in college and post college has had some kind of game.

Drinking games, board games, card games, video games, parlor games. Drinking-card games, drinking-video games (Kario Mart/Drunk Wii Sports), Jackbox, charades, Cards Against Humanity, Things, Apples to Apples, Rock Band, Smash Brothers, Beer Pong, Civil War, and so on...

Who goes to a party to "dance" to "nice music". That sounds fucking lame.

this thread would be hilarious several years ago. kill yourself Sup Forumseddit.

You have 10 seconds to name a better party game than the guitar hero/rock band series.

you forgot some things

>gives joycon to chad
>chad loses the duel
>chad is slightly drunk
>chad gets mad
>chad throws your joycon at you
>joycon breaks
>lol user it's just a toy, you can always buy a new one
>spend $80

>nice music

pick one

>gives joycon to outgoing black kid
>black kid sees it's an expensive piece of electronics and runs out the door with it

Jack Box or Wii Sports I'd say.

Rock Band is great but it's kind of got a barrier to entry. The guitar with five buttons or the drumset can kind of be intimidating to someone who isn't even that comfortable with a controller.

They can always do vocals though I guess. Everyone can sing lyrics off a karaoke prompt.

Mario kart

duck hunt

You are clearly going to the wrong parties. Try hipster rooftop parties my dude. Me and my attractive, racially diverse friends all bing bing wahoo together.

> gameboy dual
> Gameboy3d
This vapid bitch makes up better names than Nintendo

Oh and

Gameboy swap


Cool! Where do you hire them from? I use PartyGuest.com but I read they're really rude about hosts when they leave the party so I dunno if I want to go back there. It's a shame cos there's one girl who works there who's really cute. She's expensive to hire but she seems like she's really having a good time.

>racially diverse
>no darkies



he looka like a man

she has the look of a girl who needs a good fucking

>everyone's in a good mood
that's your mistake: they're not. parties are wrought with tension and misery as the young attempt to attract the right mate. the idea that they're "fun" is social control and peer preassure

You didn't even play the game


This is why you are never invited to parties

What the fuck is a rager
I'm not underage, so I wouldn't know


Small parties are chill as fuck. Big parties are the ones with a shitload of pressure and stress, unless you're on drugs.


why would you throw away your life like that?


because drugs are cool, you friendless faggot.


bite me

>cringing at the memory of that one time you brought your switch to the ONE party you were invited to
>wanted to impress all the gamer girls with the new zelda
>turns into a disaster
>everyone hated you at the party
>at the girls scoffed at you
>decided to go the the next party because your "friend" said that I should come
>at the party
>just standing there with my head looking down taking sips of my cola because I don't drink alcohol
>sudden hear it
>bing bing!
>where is that sound coming from?
>see everyone crowded around the couch looking at something
>step closer
>the black kid is playing his switch
>two gamer girls peering over his shoulder watching
>entire crowd cheering as he beats ganon on level 9
>good thing I brought my switch
>go to the corner and start playing
>everyone still ignoring me and watching the black kid instead
>turn off switch

that's the power of BBC for ya


You know that it's your fault, right?

smash bros for sure

I'm gonna live longer and be happier than you

Smash WiiU

i hate going to parties with normies.. i love the weirdo parties tho.

>weirdo parties
Can you elaborate on this one?

He means those parties where people roleplay as puppies and owners.

Now I'm happy I didn't buy a switch

>shit that never happens for 500$

who is this qt?

Literally me.


>live longer
>be happier
What do you think drugs do user?

>*record sractch*
>*freeze frame*
>yup, that´s me, you are probably wondering how i got here, huh?

>What do you think drugs do user?
make you stupid?

It looks like you are the one who has taken the drugs user.
because you're stupid

fuck u

O shit, has that black guy always been there?

Elsa Jean