ITT : videogame movies not one fucking person asked for

ITT : videogame movies not one fucking person asked for

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It hasn't even become a game yet

All of them

>make horribly forgettable game
>No one plays it
>Hurr movie time!!

Why though?

Wait, did this game come out?


But how?!

All of them. Who in their right mind would EVER ask for a video game movie?

>Make a game ripoff of the movie Equilibrium
>Then make a movie version of the game that is a movie ripoff

>Early access game becomes an early access movie

>12 hours ago was still April 1st

Isn't there a Mighty No. 9 movie being made as well?

Retarded developers usually think their game will be hot shit and start planning ahead for movies, comics, tv shows etc. all before their games come out. Then the whole thing falls apart because they didnt focused on the game.

See Hawken and Firefly.

It would probably work better as a movie than a trash open world survival game.

No matter how hard I try to come up with one, no movie concept will ever be dumber than Battleship.

its a joke you fuckin spastics

Firefly fell apart because Fox are retarded. Serenity and comics were made as Plan B.

They never made a movie adaption of brave new world? Pretty much the same thing

No it isn't.

I wouldn't place the blame on the developers, but rather the publishers coming up with these marketing solutions.


Was that supposed to have derivative works?


It looks like it would have made a better movie than it would a game.

they still haven't made a halo movie

for what purpose

even if you hate gaylo you can't deny it would be a good movie

Yeah, I really play Halo for the plot, writing, themes and characters...

Come on Sup Forums give We Happy Few a break. It is looking pretty good after the maidenholm update.

Haven't they though

it got an update? really?

>even if you hate gaylo you can't deny it would be a good movie
I don't hate Halo and I think it would probably be a bad movie. Not because it's not interesting but because I have absolutely no doubt in my mind it would fail to translate. There could be a compelling movie set in the Halo universe but it would need to have it's own plot that's made for the movie and not just be an adaptation of the game.

As I understand it the tried it with a TV show. How did that go?

I can imagine the quality plastic suits of armor now.

Didn't it fall apart because fox randomly canceled it?

Any Halo movie at this point would use the 343 Halo 4/5 era designs and characters and would completely suck ass

>movie gets finished before the game

Yes. Take a look:

didn't they try, and then said something about it being impossible? or am I imaging things

Lemme guess.

I remember talks about probably a decade ago. I think it was around the same time they announced the Ender's Game movie was.

Knowing how shit the latter turned out, I'm fine without a Halo movie, especially now that 343 would be doing it instead of Bungie. They've already raped the original games hard enough, haven't they?

>Trailer for the movie shows it as an action/psychological thriller with high production value
>Go to see it in the theater
>It's an Adam Sandler style comedy filmed with a smartphone and most scenes are replaced with pic related

It could probably make a good horror movie

I feel like this actually could be decent movie, even if it's just jumpscare brave new world. Or at least, it could potentially be a better movie than a game

It'll probably be better than what the game ended up being. At least a movie might actually take advantage of the interesting setting.

Greed got in the way. They had Peter Jackson and Neil Blomkamp involved, but everyone wanted too big of a slice of the pie. Weta even made a Warthog.
Neil Blomkamp made Halo Landfall to showcase his style. When the project got axed Jackson funded District 9 instead
would have been godly desu but greed got in the way as per usual

We Happy Few could be a decent movie though. The scene with the pinata early on would be a great shock scene worthy of being in a movie trailer.

Comic-Con: How Halo Became District 9

Overkill would make a fantastic movie with a few creative liberties. Hospital stage is basically a movie already.

That cant be real

not a movie

I think it was a cartoon

>someone thought this was a good idea

Why, is it a bad concept for a movie?
It sure is bad concept for a rogue like game.

It was first posted on, a major site that's not strictly video game related, and it was posted there on March 31st. Not one site that has posted the story has come out and said "APRIL FOOLS!" yet, and it's noon the day after.

There's literally nothing indicating that this is an April Fools joke.

>the storytelling of a Bioshock game
>but in a movie
This is genuinly fascinating.

Fuck that shit at the bottom of the stairs.

with better actors, director and writers.
Max Payne would be a awesome movie

current industry

>make a half finished procedural generated game
>abandon it on release, collect as much money as possible before people figure out it's just like everything else
>with no intention to fix the game, use excess money on spinoffs and adaptations that won't even target the same demographic
>finally when the well dries up completely, vanish or start another kickstarted early access game and pretend the other one doesn't exist

>comments are disabled for this video

Portal, although I'm sure it will stay in development hell.

He's just updating his journal

The company making that movie is also apparently making a Sleeping Dogs movie and a Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

They tried to make a movie a while ago but it got canned, they re textured the elite model they had created for the District 13 movie

The Punisher is a better Max Payne movie than the actual movie.

>movie adaptation of a game the publisher deemed dead

Eidos has always been retarded, but I swear after the buyout from Squenix they're even worse than before.

This is genius, now they will have an excuse to not add a real story into their game. I hate my life

Did they ever make that live-action Halo TV show they announced years ago at the Xbox One reveal conference?

It's on netflix


There was a Halo movie in production back in the mid-2000s, when Halo was still the talk of the town, that was going to be a huge deal with a lot of money and production power behind it (Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro were both involved) but it got stuck in development hell because Microsoft was being greedy as fuck and wanted everyone involved to take all the risk and hardly any of the gain, so people kept leaving mid-production and then Microsoft got super impatient because Call of Duty was slowly replacing Halo as the next big thing by this point, to the point that they actually wanted all the big names involved to cease their other work and focus soley on the Halo movie. They all refused, and left, and the movie got canned.

tl;dr Microsoft acted like a spoiled child and killed their own cash cow movie production, pissed everyone involved off into vowing to never work o another Halo film again, and they all went off and made their own movies with the shattered remains of the work they did on the Halo movie (Jackson Make District 9, Del Toro made Pacific Rim).

Yeah, it's on Netflix. It's kinda shit.

But that game is actually inspired by a specific movie - Clockwork Orange (movie name).

you mean
>make a game ripoff of the movie Clockwork Orange

>Equilibrium rippof

You can't be serious

>Announcer unironically says "in a world"

i'd be ok with this tho. the story concept is interesting. i mean yeah its not completely original and has been done before, but at least it hasn't been done to death. and its not like its a beloved franchise that anyone cares about fucking up if the movie bombs.

besides, the gameplay is the least interesting part of the game, it should have been a movie from the start

It's a bummer.

Halo had some ebin live action trailers.

I would have loved a high brow sci fi show on HBO. At least we have the expanse

Equilibrium is shit anyways. only faggots that think trench coats and fedoras are cool like it.

made me smile


The aesthetic of it would make a pretty compelling film.

Would likely work much better as a movie than game too.


Never played it but the trailer was cool. Was there something wrong with the game?

Landfall was fuckin' awesome and I don't even like Halo much at all.

The whole ad is a joke just like the game itself.

Another genuinely interesting concept that fell for the "procedurally generated roguelike" meme.

Nothing's gonna top the Street Fighter 2 anime film.

Kinda sad there wasn't a proper Halo film consider how well the art design would translate into live action. Is District 9 any good?

name a better game adapted to film

oh what's that?

you can't?

can't say i didn't see THAT one comin'...

>We're thrilled to announce a Halo television series!

Whatever happened to that?

>Street Fighter: the movie: the game is a thing that actually happened

Wasn't this shit aside from the atmosphere?
I think it became the side story on Netflix with the same dude who played Luke Cage.

Imagine if a vidya adaptation had the same love put into it as the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

They got the visuals and the music right, but they dropped the ball on the story so damn hard that I can't even call it the best.

It was alright until it turned into a music video


The only similarly is Soma/happiness
Its more a ripoff of that episode of The Twilight zone, which was a ripoff of Brave New World.

Mortal Kombat

The actual only thing wrong with it was the story.
Like using Heather instead of Harry looking for her daughter in Silent hill.

Wasn't the second film starring Heather or something? Never saw it, only heard it was worse than the first film which I haven't seen since like 2008.

>Live-Action TV series

I don't get it, it's already a movie


I'm aware of plenty of dystopian media but nothing previous to Equilibrium where people take happy shots to keep them servile

Starring Dwayne Johnson
