So, now it's all over.
What was the best ending?
What was the most fitting ending?
So, now it's all over.
What was the best ending?
What was the most fitting ending?
Other urls found in this thread:
The First Flame quickly fades.
Darkness will shortly settle.
But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.
Like embers, linked by lords past."
snuff the fire
lord of hollows is for edgelords who want to rule over a pile of ash
Is there just a video of the lore laid out that can be watched yet now that the series has concluded? I'm nowhere near autistic enough to have followed it completely while playing.
Agreed. Just letting go is the best possible conclusion.
>There are people who think Lord of Hollows is the "Secret true" ending
You can do Lord of Hollows very easily accidentally and it's laid out to you pretty clearly. I imagine most players run into it, not so for killing the fire.
It's all pieced together speculation. There is no comprehensive lore or story aside from the fact that everything is an eternal cycle one way or another
I would say Lord of Hollows, but the lack of story clarity for Londor kinda fucks it up. Plus Ringed City has changed my perspective of the Abyss: It is clearly evil.
So, I'm a fan of stepping on the Firekeepers Head and taking the fire for myself.
So what's Vaati gonna do now that he can't mooch off of donations of shitty pseudo intellectual lore videos about a god damn video game?
Doesn't the Ringed City invalidate all the endings anyway? Since it's in the future you know the inevitable result of all endings.
Shows that Lord of Hollows really didnt change anything at all.
This. 95% of all the "story" people talk about, is just theory made up of the pieces of worldbuilding From put in the games.
Its especially prevalent when people talk about "plot holes", in their fabricated plot.
Wait till From releases their next dark fantasy game which will effectively just be a DaS spinoff like BB.
>So, I'm a fan of stepping on the Firekeepers Head and taking the fire for myself.
Same desu. It's the most fitting to me.
"Ash seeketh embers"
Hopefully, kill himself.
>just be a DaS spinoff like BB
Lets hope
Ashen One, hearest thou my voice, still?
When does dark souls 3 get fun?
Betrayal ending is the best ending because it's the only one that returns the world to its natural state instead of fucking with nature
It legitimately doesn't.
High Wall and Undead Settlement are the peak of the game and it all goes down in most aspects from there
What the fuck does this ending even mean.
nice thumbnail
The world began without knowledge, and without knowledge will it end.
Dost not this ring clear and true?
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.
Nigga what are you talking about? How is finding the eyes of the firekeeper harder than following the obtuse as fuck Lord of hollows questline? I can't imagine people, for example, meeting Horace, killing him, intentionally not saying anything about it and then killing the chameleon statue on the first playthrough.
It's the same as the betrayal ending. You've robbed the world of the first flame but instead of it being snuffed out by the firekeeper, it'll just fade away in your hands, albeit more slowly.
>How is finding the eyes of the firekeeper hard
well it's in a secret area for starters
killing the statue is for continuing anri line
ignore statue for lord of hollows
The secret area is behind two of the most obvious fog doors I've ever seen. Not exactly subtle.
To be fair, most people, when seeing the false wall hiding the area, would remember that there's meant to be something behind it, and instinctively attack it, revealing the area.
Oh shit you're right, my bad.
Untended graves is the secret area, dude
I was referring to untended graves
Yes, but you're talking about inside firelink shrine
I'm talking about the fact that untended graves is behind a fog wall
A not at all obvious wall. I killed Oceiros on my first (blind and offline) playthrough, but didn't think to hit the wall at the back of the room. Beat the game without doing the untended graves or the archdragon peak.
Right. Cute. Now, is there videos for that?
the end of fire is clearly the canon ending
no you retarded faggot
>Link the fire
Neither of those 2 matter because regardless of which you choose the outcome won't last.
>Lord of Hollows
This is the most interesting ending as it could be the path that leads to breaking the cycle, however it could just as easily not and you're just waiting for someone else to come and kill you, continuing the cycle.
The message the series puts across is that nothing lasts forever, so it doesn't really matter what you choose as it's only for the benefit of your personal RP taste.