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>option to buy a case of 30
What the fuck
Probably a supplier for mom and pop game stores in middle of nowhere, America.
You can provide a BADASS experience to all your friends!
Just please buy them, there are so many in storage.
I almost feel bad for them.
>tfw in 30 years time there will be rumours of millions of "Battleborn" discs being buried under the desert somewhere in New Mexico
>There are more people playing Red Alert 2's multiplayer than people playing Stillborn
Feels right.
Its almost dead
There are more people playing some trashy Naruto BYOND game than playing Stillborn.
Who the fuck are those people? Why they keep playing it?
I saw that four of my friends had it on steam today. They have zero hours played.
I laughed at them
maybe so they can justify spending money on it
More people played Homefront the revolution which had even less sales than fucking BB. Thats embarrassing.
They like it. Honestly 185 people is enough to have games going
Only the most hardcore bad asses remain!
im stockpiling this game and ill sell it for 2000% in like 30 years
30 games (without a bulk discount) sounds a bit pricey. Which website is that OP?
Five below
Five below is a (high end?) dollar store type place so it's hilarious they got battleborn now.