Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
No incest.
I'm really enjoying it, 40 hours in and i'm just taking my time.
The teammates are not anywhere as near as good as ME1, PeeBee is not nearly as annoying as Sup Forums was sperging about. Cora is literally just Ashley, but with the hots for your dad. Liam is shirtless in every conversation and the push to have his cock is literally in every conversation. Krogan is sterotypical Krogan. woman Garrus is annoying. the new Knuckles guy is alright.the game is us pushing me to have sex with the engineer too.
Gameplay is good tho, its a solid 7/10 - better than ME2 and 3 in my book.
Its hard to say because we didn't work on it. But I'd say it feels like the team wasn't experienced. It feels like they made a Mass Effect: The Animated Series spinoff.
They were too ambitious trying to replicate ME1, they should have just made another 10 hour linear corridorfest with chest-high walls like ME2 and ME3.
mass effect 3
>making a relatively newbie team take on a beloved franchise
>EA ownership
if they cut their teeth on a new IP it would have worked better, or if they kept a lot of the vets around
unfortunately, a lot of the vets saw the EA acquisition, realized what that meant, and turned tail and ran for good reason
I actually feel bad for the devs. I think the only thing they did before was ME 3's multiplayer. EA threw them in the deep in of the pool by making them responsible for a flagship AAA title. Making RPGs is way more complicated than a off multiplayer hoard mode.
Now that they sunk EA is probably going to do some major restructuring/laying off.
Pretty much every failure comes down to one thing: size for its own sake.
Animations weren't touched up by artists because they tried to include thousands of completely meaningless conversations.
Writing is subpar because they were trying to jam in thousands of meaningless conversations, datapads, and filler subquests.
Squadmates and important characters are underdeveloped because they tried to make thousands of ancillary characters.
Awful planet travel animations are included purely to make you spend more time playing to make the game feel big.
Why, for example, after I fix the monoliths on Havarl, do I need to leave the planet and then come back to talk to Addison on the vidcom? And then, why do I need to talk to the Russian/Scottish xenoanthropologist, three biologists and an asari engineer. I have like five conversations on a planet that I've completed, but they gate me getting 100% viability on the planet behind having those meaningless conversations. The effort that went into writing those five conversations and animating would have better served fleshing out conversations with my squadmates, or fixing Addison's fucking face.
Why, when I talk to SAM Node and unlock a memory, do I need to leave the Node, run to my dad's room, find a memory, then run back to the Node room to watch them memory (SAM's in my fucking head), then run back to my dad's room to listen to unlocked audio logs. All that running back and forth is literally time wasting filler in order to make the game feel bigger.
Forbes brings up other points along the same lines:
Poorly made characters (that are either underdeveloped, boring, or just retarded) , terrible voice acting, bad animation (BioWare is known for bad animation, but it's like they went out of their way to make animations worse than ever), mediocre plot, and lame exploration mechanics.
Oh well, still a better romance than Tali and not nearly as cringeworthy.
what EA did was basically take a highschool football team and put them in the Superbowl
It's reviewers' fault for giving DA:I good reviews and fucking goty awards. I don't blame Bioware for not trying their best if mediocre shit still sells.
I get that sing-along mode is cringe, but literally every conversation with Peebee is sing-along mode level of cringe. Her writing is what I expect from a sophomore creative writing major who writes primarily fanfiction on her tumblr.
When they announced the game they could probably have achieved their high ambitions with the team left from ME3. But after five years, a looming deadline and a raft of leavers and new staff who had to learn the ropes they simply didn't have the skills in-house to perform the miracles they used to at the 11th hour.
>sophomore creative writing major who writes primarily fanfiction on her tumblr.
So, Mass Effect?
fucking leafs
I loved that, it was so corny, exactly the same tone as the soap opera and totally in keeping with the lightness of the DLC.
Niceb8 m8 i r8 8/8
That's a great screenshot, if the rest of the graphics are like that then I'll definitely check this game out.
Ain't referring to the sing-along mode, Tali was always the worst even before ME3 and the DLC happened.
They're great, a few characters faces are busted but you don't see them very often
>better than ME2 and 3 in my book.
Ah so I can throw your book away in the trash with confidence.
Oh boy, Sup Forumseddit now defends Gears of War with dialogues.
Too little time and a lot of people on the team were unqualified or plain incompetent.
At least they had dialogues.
The B team studio made it who never made a full release in their career
So did Andromeda, and like Andromeda, they were pointless.
No, he most certainly attacked andromeda.
>Too little time
>5 years
Meanwhile polaks made literally the greatest game of all time in a matter of months.
Leafs are constantly stepping up their shitposting
Now they're shitposting entire game franchises
Falseflagging is getting creative.
Not really, but whatever.
Everything, including EA.
W3 was made in 4 years and it was bigger, better and way more polished. The characters look and act way more fluently as well.
Time constraints were a good excuse for ME3 but with Andromeda it's really not.
It's still an RPG though, so it can only amount to a 6/10.
>not one black
>Manveer "Kill all whites" Heir is blocking a white male and smiles
This picture tells more than a thousand words
>Peebee not annoying
>Comparing ASARI HUNTRESS to Ashely
>Remembering Liam exists
>Not liking Vetra, the only character with actual depth
>Wanting to have sex with Gil
All this shit taste, Jesus Christ. So this is the kind of person that thinks Andromeda is anything more than a Korean-style time sink
Found the casual.
>60 people
>6 women
>0 black guys
Welcome to the diverseness of the 21st Century
>having any depth
No shit you think the original ME games were good.
They're canadian, there aren't any black people in Canada
What is your point?
Sudoku puzzles
Bad dialogue
Uninteresting characters with nothing interesting to say
Story is the worst of any Bioware game to date
Role playing mechanics are actually worse than ME 3
Dialogue options are worse than Mass Effect 3
Can only use three abilities in combat
Game is a technical mess
That about sums it up.
The game has problems, mostly stemming from traditional Bioware jankiness as well as the fact it's clear the Studio hasn't really found a voice since the Dr's left. Their last few games have been somewhat floundering and directionless, they're trying to make the traditional Bioware game but it's clearly not their style. Those people are all gone. Bioware as it was known doesn't exist anymore.
Most of my complaints about the game aren't really about how it's BAD but how it's MEHdiocre. It's paint by the numbers from the plot to the characters. The gameplay tries to innovate to... varying degrees of success. The new form combat takes lacks the polish and tactical satisfaction of the original trilogy, mostly thrown out the window to serve the Open World god. Not entirely unavoidable, but they managed better in Inquisition of all things, so i'm not sure what happened there.
It's a 6-7/10 true scale. That is, fuck your bell curve, 5 is average. The game is GOOD. Not great, not amazing. Not bad, not terrible. Just good. Luke warm. Passable. Certainly not worth the cash and hype tagged onto it.
If it was the first in it's series i'd say it was a promising if clumsy beginning. But it doesn't hold up to the pedigree, and I suspect the expectation of the previous games is going to crush Bioware under it's weight. They're a new rookie company, and they can't handle it.
>re-using the Dragonage 2 Convo system
what on earth possessed them to do this?
It was actually the C team
It's really got some really good design choices if you can look past the animations.
Bioware put their b team to work on the game.
A group that had never done anything except make the multiplayer on me3.
Ruined by Feminists and SJWs. This has been confirmed by inside sources.
>"the same bioware source speculated that Biowares reluctance to modify the cyberscans (facial animations) much could be part to sensitivities within the company and Electronic Arts at Large about creating more realistic looking characters, the artists described the corporate culture of political correctness inside the company that has bred sensitivities about characters, especially female ones, being unrealistic or too attractive"
>"they want to represent real women and are doing the best to not alienate them"
Remember when redditors claimed that SocJus doesnt ruin games? If someone on Sup Forums defends SJWs he is without a doubt from reddit.
they didnt get out of my swamp
Why does your game look like shit?
Because my PC is a toaster
>what went wrong?
EA got cheap, that's what went wrong. I was tempted to suggest infestation by SJWs, but it's becoming more and more apparent that they were just a smoke-screen to drum up controversy and see if they could shame people into buying/defending a trash game with a shit dev team of rookies in over their head working on a shit budget. It's basically a Ghostbusters 2016 marketing ploy, except by the time it was clear that that marketing strategy was a complete bomb - they were already in too deep.
>I was tempted to suggest infestation by SJWs,
See , this actually was confirmed by Bioware Devs themselves. People volunteered to fix the mess with facial animations in post-production but the management was against it due to political correctness.
I've hated that filthy, space jew, hypocrite since day one but she's still streets ahead of a retarded tranny Hamburglar
What went wrong is that EA forgot to bribe the reviewers, Bioware games have been on par with Andromeda for 10+ years.
Because it's Mass Effect: Andromeda.
because he's cheating with the rendering scale to run the game at native resolution
shit's probably at 70% juding by the jaggies
Nah, played it through on PC with ultra 4K settings and it ranks up there as one of the best looking games to date. The environments, shading and detail all have that frostbite magic to them.
Which is probably why the faces look extra rough, they really pop out from everything else, they do not belong to this game at all.
they were not dumpster fire like ME:A.
Also technical stuff aside, writing is so bad it blows my mind. No, they were not on par.
ME series got gradually worse with every part.
4k seems pretty rough even with 1080 sli, wich is what i play with
so i go for 1440p, this game tho is really fun cant put it down, but i was always a sucker for star trek star wars shit not much out there
ME1 was a clumsy, buggy mess just like Andromeda.
ME2&3 had tumblr tier fanfiction writing.
You first.
Yes they were, the three games are fucking awful in every single way.
ME3 stood out for having some of the worst textures of any game of the 7th gen.
also it was rushed as hell to make it before end of fiscal year.
Fuckng EA.
Runs smooth for me, it's just that the game has shit loading in the background constantly, especially in Tempest/Nexus.
if only star wars battlefront had a single player story mode
"But why can't we get married...? I love you."
yea that bugs me drops my fps to like 40 for a couple of seconds
Liam is easily one of the best crew mates
If it was anything like Gears, I would have liked it a lot more.
>wanting to fuck the genetically perfected specimen of autism
sjws and faggots too over
Daily reminder we lost raptor lewds because of literal dykes
Fuck xenos, you should be making babies with Cora.
fuck cora I rather fuck a rock raptor then a tranny
Everything except the Lego Princess. She was perfect.
>fuck cora
That's what i'm saying.
I'm only imagining alec ryder rolling in his fucking grave because both his kids are degenerate xeno fuckers
that must hurt, guess you'd have to use ALOT of lube
Too bad she turned out to be a slut.
This is not how you should look at your father.
3/4s of that video is just reiterating what I've said... EA got cheap. That was the prime motivating factor behind the shitshow. Ideological pressure from within management just added a layer of confirmation bias to their decision to be cheap - which doomed any hope of improvement. Why spend the resources to fix your game, when you can just blame anyone who criticises it as a misogynerd and use that to spin the backlash into a case of victimization. If anything, I bet they banked on the reaction from fans - but midjudged just how badly the game would be received by the press. Again, likely a case of EA being cheap and not cutting enough checks to buy good reviews.
Quarian DLC officially gets announced in 2 days and it will fix the game.
t. taliban
Guilty as charged.
dam forgot about quarians
cant believe i forgot about them
Why aren't they in Andromeda? I read a synopsis a few days ago and it stated that the Quarians were participating in the Ark project, so where are they?
In-game explanation is that their ark needed more time to accomodate Hanar and Drell.
Real motivation is that devs needed more time and budget to make the new models and sell it as DLC
their flight got delayed
the more I play this fucking game the more I want to fuck the space raptor STOP IT BIOWARE
Their ark is also carrying Drell, Elchor, Hannar and others.
Due to how they must be treated during cryostasis, they delayed the ark's launch.
At the end of the game, you receive a message from the ark telling you to stay away from them due to something.
What is "sing along mode"?
>not wanting to take care of her and give her a kiss every now and then
They left a little later, in the prologue of Andromeda you get a voice call from them saying they ran into some trouble.
That DLC will be dope and they don't need to worry about facial animations either.
In Citadel DLC for ME3 you watch some gay girl-flick with Tali and all of a sudden she activates sing-along mode and starts singing the song from the movie.
Don't look it up it's the worst.