what is the best mechanic in games?
What is the best mechanic in games?
Airstrafing/Strafe jumping
Grapple hook.
player sprite blinking after taking damage
Save points instead of autosaves and being able to save anywhere.
respawning/lives. can you imagine how retarded video games would be if you never respawned? just play the game, die once, and be forced to reset the game?
found the casual
The ability to save, rather than restart from the beginning every time.
Being able to have input and control what you see on the screen.
That depends on the genre.
Double jumping is a shit mechanic, because it offers the player safety and security, without a significant increase to complexity. Meaning that it's essentially a casual mechanic.
weapon durability
Depends on how it is executed. For example in Smash Bros it can be used for mixups or following someone or dodging attacks to get into a better position.
>Knocking enemies off the map
I recognize there are exceptions to the rule. I am speaking generally however.
For me, it's the McChicken.
What's wrong with Double Jump... ?
Bunny hopping
Szechuan sauce
I want that Szechuan sauce
>without a significant increase to complexity
Nah that's bullshit. It increases the complexity by a lot. The amount of variance in your jump arc, height, length skyrockets once you add a double jump into the mix even in games with a very simplistic jump like Super GnG. You're mixing up the devs inability to capitalize on that additional depth with a lack of depth.
Dynamic music that changes accordingly to your actions
ummm... kindly kill yourself sweetie, thanks. :)
An invention system
Non contextual wall climbing
Bunny Hopping
reload cancelling. combos in fps like shock combo.
Nothing. The fault is usually in the level design of games that use it since they don't build interesting challenges to take advantage of that double jump and instead give it to the player as a crutch.
That's feedback, not a mechanic. Unless you mean temporary invuln after dmg.
No game has ever been made worse with cancelling, and only cuck devs like Blizzard go out of their way to remoce cancelling from their games. Jap games embrace cancelling, which is why they generally feel better.
Limited lives when you can earn more by taking risks.
And quick time events are hardcore when you're playing games like beatmania or osu.
But if no one is actually making proper challenges for the mechanic, then it's casual shit.
In many games, the double jump is a placebo. Because the mechanic is so gimped, that you can't really do anything mid-air. It's really just for show. They could just have easily made it a single jump, and the game is 100% playable.
And then in other games, the double jump is essentially a key. Where you were locked out from an area before, the double jump now permits you access. But beyond that use, the game is 100% playable without it.
And then in some games, they might give you these minor challenges that require a double jump, but it's typically well buffered so you don't need to be precise.
Everyone loves the doublejump, because it gives them the feeling of security.
Aiming, specifically mouse aim.
The worst mechanic is quick save.
Pc fags are the worst. Savescummers should be shot.
Real impressive how you beat that game after hitting quicksave every 10 seconds my bro
dashing and dodging
I wasn't talking about difficulty. Difficulty and depth are not the same thing. You can make easy games with really deep mechanics and difficult games with practically no depth (rhythm games are a good example). Fact is that double jumping in itself allows for more variation in your jump than a single jump ever could, and a lot of challenges that you can make for double jumps simply can't be made for games with a single jump. Of course if you're looking at platformers made for kids you're not going to find any good use of double jumping, but if you take a look at something like Dustforce you will see a lot of levels take full advantage of the double jump and require you to pull some pretty crazy stunts.
>Implying Dustforce isn't a kid's game
I see what you're saying. But ultimately, complexity breeds difficulty. As the only way to demonstrate mastery over a mechanic, is to test the player's ability to handle it.
Rhythm games do have complexity. The complexity is when there's 2 dozen button presses in a cluster, and you have to process how to press all those buttons in the perfect time. More button presses = more instances to process. And that's a complex task.
The problem with how doublejumps are most often implemented, is that adding the jump often reduces the amount of tasks the player has to process, since the double jump offers a nice safety buffer.
Hmm, I suddenly have an intense craving for a hot n' juicy Big Mac® and some crispy World Famous Fries®, paired with an ice-cold Coca-Cola®, from my local McDonald's®. Odd.
i did this with serious sam and never even occurred to me i was save scumming
Imagine being so fat you look at renders and see food.
Infighting or location based damage (including destructive environments)
You do know that rhythm games aren't played on reaction right?
>adding the jump often reduces the amount of tasks the player has to process, since the double jump offers a nice safety buffer.
Again, you're assuming this because you're taking level design from kids games or metroidvanias which are known for bad level design or are made piss easy on purpose and using that as your example. This is not true at all. Imagine if there's two platforms that span almost the maximum length of your jump. With a single jump all you have to do is time your jump so that you jump off the very edge of the first platform. With a double jump you have to do that, and then also judge when to best jump during the arc of your first jump to maximize your jump length, otherwise you will fuck it up. It's a far more deep mechanic.
I know of no other games with grapplan as complex and satisfying.
Ninja Five-O is the only thing that comes close
Bionic Commando nigga.
Imagine being so un-American that you oppose our Corporate Overlords, who want only the best for us and our children. You're not acting like yourself. Eat a Snickers®. You're Not You When You're Hungry.®
Bionic Commando is a good game but the grappling hook physics are way too simple
>You do know that rhythm games aren't played on reaction right?
Yes they are.
>With a double jump you have to do that, and then also judge when to best jump during the arc of your first jump to maximize your jump length
Which, in 99% of games, is a brain dead task. Not hard to do at all.
Pffft, you aren't serious, surely?
Depends on the game. This could really give you a kick because every minute can be your last, but:
>if a bug kills you
>if a bug prevents progression
>if you die because of some retarded reason, like making a quest where you die if you finish the quest without mentioning it
>if you die because of some random shit like falling in The Witcher 3 could kill you if you don't press the role button at the end of the fall
>if some one shot spell hits you or other one shot bullshit
For a game with bugs/or as huge as rpgs, save options are a must or you lose too much time for random shit
>tfw Brawl and Smash 4 remove everything fun about 64 and Melee
>I s-sure do love down throw u-u-up tilt c-combos.
Fucks sake even the tiniest bit of hitstun in 4 would make it a better game.
Timed parrying and reversals
>really want to enjoy Sayonara
>everything looks way too clean and generic and thus less dream-like, in comparison to the first game and even the DS game
Feels bad having shit taste man.
You're not. Savescumming is a term from roguelikes (which typically features permadeath) that refers to manually making a copy of the save file so you can copy it back over in the event of your death (wherein the game automatically deletes your save).
Saving and reloading constantly in a game that allows it isn't scumming, it's just cheap.
>implying we haven't all been brainwashed over time by corporate bullshit
our world is run by advertisement
Throwing a lit cigarette to confuse incoming heat seeking missiles.
>Yes they are.
No they aren't, they're all about improving your execution via endless repetition. You can only play the easiest of games and tracks by reaction, otherwise you have to memorize and then practice until it's muscle memory.
>Which, in 99% of games, is a brain dead task.
I'm not talking about 99% games or difficulty, I'm using a hypothetical example to demonstrate that there's more complexity involved in double jumping than single jumping. Both scenarios are fairly easy but the one with the double jump is far more demanding because it requires more awareness and can produce very different results based on the timing of your second jump. Or what, do you define the complexity of an action by how difficult it is to pull off? Consistently getting sub 100 ms on reaction time tests is difficult but there's nothing complex about the mechanics of it.
Worm you fucking casual weeb
Dodge roll tho
almost unlimited upgrades
Muscle memory = predictive reaction timing. Knowing something is coming still doesn't guarantee you'll execute the maneuver with enough speed or precision. Actually developing the muscle memory requires the player to press the buttons at the right time.
>I'm not talking about 99% games or difficulty
Then you're wasting your time talking to me. See
>not going for 1024 crowbars
Witch Time, I consider Transformers Devastation an 8/10 solely because it has Witch Time.
Combo chains, preferably with multiplier bonuses.
Best examples I can think of off the top of my head are Tony Hawk's Pro Skater's trick combos, Frequency/Amplitude's track switching multipliers, and Burnout 1/2 & Dominator's burnout chaining.
I don't get this dank meme but it's probably a /ck/ thing
fuck man I've been craving a chicken sandwich for like a week now.
Well I mean if you just want to say that games with double jumping are usually easy and dont use the mechanic well youre not wrong. The way you framed it makes it sound as if the mechanic itself is the problem because it lacks depth, which is what I took issue with.
The dual stick shooter control scheme, whether it's simple 8-way, or fully analog.
The mechanic incentives casualization. Because it's easy to please players with a double jump, without making the mechanic worthwhile.
Just like how quicktime events aren't inherently casual, but they are used as a gimmick.
Perfect dodges/parries followed by meaty counters.
Fun for 30 mins until you realize it takes all positioning out of combat.
I assume it's because the image in the op looks a bit like the McD logo.
The only game that I've seen it done properly is DMC since counters moves you around
Think you got your cause and effect mixed up senpai. Dont think devs make their games mindless because they have a double jump, they add a double jump thoughtlessly because their games are mindless.
I still don't understand why the middle bun. Sure you can request not to have it, but what kind of fantass focus group wanted that on top of everything else already in a Big Mac?
The bread is just a vessel for the burger contents, and you're already wasting some calories on the 2 required pieces. For me it's the McChicken anyway
It's a gimmick more than anything
Holy shit this. Grappling hooks are the BEST movement mechanic in any game. I even installed a fucking grappling hook mod on my minecraft server.