Still angry.
Still angry
Added some necessary closures but the ending was abyssmal;I thought people were memeing.Felt more linear but the gameplay was improved.
Fellow angry user reporting in. Never getting tricked by EA again.
Play it with LIME (Less Is More Ending) and CEM (Citadel Epilogue Mod).
Your butts will hurt less than they do now.
> modded ending
Autism tier, friend.
very much so
Explain your reasoning, please.
>tfw somehow posts my copypasta
Andromeda makes it look like fucking The Last of Us
only just finished it recently
shot the stupid fucking starchild as soon as I could, what a joke
That pasta gets posted in almost every ME thread, if you wrote it you should be proud
>Modding is autistic
>1 & 2 were fun sci fi rpgs with great worldbuilding
>play 3 for the first time recently
>bombarded by gay npcs every several steps
So did the universe become more gay in between 2-3, or what?
Correct, especially story related modding
yup. still mad. my worst gaming experience in 22 years of gaming. after that ending hit, i got flashbacks to the way i felt when my cat died. that mixture of confusion, denial and sense of loss, of knowing things will never go back to the way they were. and the most appalling thing is that bioware are 100% sure that was a good ending and they did nothing wrong. everyone who hated it was an entitled shit.
I really feel that even if they added a shitty bit of txt at the end similar to DA:O there would have been a bit less butthurt. It still wouldn't have made up for the disregard for decisions of previous games, shitty sidequests and cerberus bullshit in general but it may have helped. Also the buy our DLC message at the end is the thing that annoyed me the most.
>that dumb kid at the start
>dream sequences (featuring Retard The Kid)
>shitty characters from books nobody read because they are bad
>Kai Leng because it bears repeating
>No color blind mode means some people can only get one ending
>Space station powered by The Kid (tm)
>Everything about the ending
>Ending fix DLC that doesn't fix anything
I'm sure I could find more if I could force myself to think about it.
Playing ME1 again then i'm gonna for 2 and then 3 with the EGM mod.
I love Mass Effect, stay mad you fags.
>people are getting butt mad about Andromeda being garbage
>I still haven't forgiven Bioware since ME3
Any loser that actually forgave them and bought Andromeda deserves what they got, casual faggots.
Exactly - ME3 was a warning. All we have to do is listen
just to make sure, you guys realize that's a different pasta from pic related, right
It was fine all the way up to and including the Anderson conversation and even the Illusive Man (in the updated ending at any rate).
As soon as Shepard started talking to the starchild it it's like they deliberately decided to troll the player into absolute rage. I know the reports are that a single person wrote the ending unsupervised but in a game this size that doesn't sound likely.
I'm usually the one posting it because i'm trying to force a meme
I know, that ones not mine. It's a good one too.
My autism was great during the time after the game released and I actually spent time on the now defunct bioware forums, rabble rousing and posting dumb shit.
I put way too much thought into it and finally managed to express my outrage in terms of literary denouement. Or rather, ME3's complete lack of it.
In classical terms, ME3's ending is a Deus Ex Machina, both literally and figuratively. Your efforts in all three games are rendered completely moot. It is revealed that all along your efforts were always futile, and it is only by happenstance tangentially related to them that events have come together in a way that will change circumstances. Within certain noir contexts this is appropriate, but it has a strong tonal clash with the themes and archetypes of Mass Effect, and arguments that it is a viable and appropriate conclusion are disingenuous at best.
Consequently, the story lacks catharsis. Rather than being left with a sense of satisfaction or at the very least, culmination, the participant/reader/viewer/whatever is left hanging, their tension 'unsprung'. The participant is left feeling unsatisfied, unsettled, and upset. This is why the ending sparked such a visceral outrage among the publics, particularly those with investment in the story: once you 'work people up', you need a place for that charge to go. Typically this tension is diffused by the catharsis inherent in the denouement. But because the story LACKS that, people are left with unresolved tension. THIS HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE. People don't just 'stop' being invested. And jaded as you think you are, these psychological levers often work without your knowledge or input - you were probably invested.
did you write it in relation to me3 or something else?
I haven't seen any mods for ME3. Are they really that bad?
Andromeda makes ME3 look like ME1
Indoctrination theory is canon and fuck everyone who claims otherwise.
There's a few holes in that theory but nothing like the plethora of lore breaking shit we got in the RGB endings.
That is why I was pissed. That is why everyone was pissed. ME3 was a failure of storytelling by precedents set in the BRONZE AGE. Fucking ARISTOTLE wrote about why this was a bad idea.
This issue has and forever will overshadow all the other problems with the game, making it impossible to have a genuine discussion for years to come. There are lots of these problems and how much they add to the issue is a matter for debate, and can be seen listed in various other replies: It was specifically about ME3.
I can confirm I felt the exact same way. I was totally hooked and willing to overlook the games plethora of problems until that EXACT moment with the Starchild
but totalasscancer said it was okay
The kid and Kai Leng are the things that irritate me the most about ME3.
Why does Shepard, regardless of whatever personality I've established him having in previous games, feel bad to the point of nightmares about this one random kid that refused his help? It's not like he made a conscious choice to ditch the kid to die.
Kai Leng in general was just fucking awful.
>introduce character in a comic
>pretend he's a 'great threat' despite only getting about 10 minutes of screen time over three games
That's terrible writing.
I wouldn't have minded if they made Kai Leng a legitimately difficult boss fight, but he was a complete fucking pushover that only survives due to plot bullshit, and his personality is basically Coldsteel the Hedgehog without the slightest hint of irony.
Green and blue endings were quite obviously tacked on. They should have just left Destroy.
Dragon Age II was the real warning. Hell, maybe ME II was the real warning because it showed how far they were willing to go with removing features and "fixing" others.
Regardless, ME III pisses me the fuck off, but that's what I expect from vidya these days. But people unironically defending Andromeda and calling it a great game need to be fucking shot
>tfw for months after playing the game, whenever i got shitfaced i'd watch the destroy ending on youtube and cry
Me too. I don't even understand how.
Jokes on you, I've been mad and refusing to buy anything from BioWare/EA since Dragon Age 2.
I watch those where shepard gets dissolved and turned into a robot and laugh
Also the one where Shepard gets dissolved and everyone in the galaxy turns into a robot
fucking kek
Haven't finished ME3 and will finish it today. I won't read any further to get spoiled. I only know that there are three endings and that everything you did is unimportant.
I know enough to not get pissed about the ending, but I still don't know enough to not enjoy seeing how the ending is.
But the kid is just retarded. Why having flash backs about a random kid I would have probably killed anyway for the survival of the human race. But I will soon find out.
I don't even care anymore
I am too user.
>MFW everyone has been shitting on Andromeda
Who gives a fuck about him? Hes not relevant.
>"Hey PeeBee, you're going to be in ME:A2"