When I saw this burger dating sim meme a few years ago, I expected someone to actually make it by now

When I saw this burger dating sim meme a few years ago, I expected someone to actually make it by now.
I can't write, program, or fund it myself, though.
Anyway, how would this game work and does this thread belong on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dating Sim theorising
I don't know if it belongs on Sup Forums but I certainly hope it doesn't belong here

Bacon Burger best girl.

Cheese a best

Avocado girl is top tier

Where is the Triple Bacon Cheeseburger Queen?

And do they have little friends modeled after regular fries, curly fries, or onion rings? These are important questions.

Their pets and little siblings would probably look like sides.

These are the important little details that compose a masterpiece.

At least someone designed another burger waifu.

Would their parents be drinks?

crop out the second post

If you don't like Avocado you can fuck off.

If there's a quaterpounder can I quaterpounderher

Like this?

Avocado looks like a manipulative bitch.

All burgers are.

Not hamburger! She is innocent and perfect!

>McRib-chan is a hidden unlockable waifu once certain conditions have been met

The most devious of all. The hamburger can be turned into anything.

>McRib is a seasonal Waifu only available based on what date is being read on your respective system


She'll be my waifu.
McRib could be some vagabond girl that you can't permanently get with.

Marriage isn't a condiment

We got distracted

She will have no condiments because she's innocent and must be protected.

She'll be protected inside my belly.

Bacon-burger is cute. CUTE!
Chesseburger is :< CUTE!
Avocadoburger is a used up slut for people with no taste.

>being a pedofile

This is a Veggie Burger. You buy this if you are in a fastfood shop as a vegetarian. You don't belong in the store you're in.
The Veggie Burger's a dude.

Veggie-trap is a great idea.

Can the veggie burger have a disorder, like autismo or the gay

People who buy this shit don't understand what's wrong with the burger in the first place. The worst part of the burger are the shitty flour based simple carbs, not the meat.

But it's fucking true. It's sad how autistically you faggots have to turn everything into animu women to jerk off to. Not even Sonic fags are that bad.

It should be a obvious trap with downs.

trap veggie burger with a massive dick

There are VN engines available, so you basically need artists to draw character sprites and backgrounds, a writer, and someone with basic programming knowledge.
I would help, but I specialize in 3d.

>Sup Forums
>every thread is either SJW Hate Thread: #12123251, food metaphors for video games or talking about tits and ass
>thinks Sup Forums is the only board that does this

Console tans? Katawa Shoujo? Fucking, this thread?

Truly the patrician choice.

>that food girl thread on /cock/ the other day

he's right you know.

>american VN's

The veggie burger is the one with the most meat when personified? that's quite the take.

I want to fuck a cheeseburger

>draw a burger
>call it a vegetable
How does Japan get away with it?

Personality types
>genki tomboy
>tsundere into just dere

I now want to make a dinogirl pet-raising/breeding sim where you have many different cute species of dinogirl to cross and pass down traits from to breed a strong girl and use it to compete in sporting events and battle with other dinogirls. Like Monster Hunter and Operation Genesis combined with seasonal moe. Who is with me?

For me it's the McChicken.

Isn't ren.py really easy to use?
>get more drawings of the girls doing various reactions
>plan how each of the routes play out
>make vn

So it would be vore right? I don't see how you can have a dating sim about burgers without it ending in you eating the burger, cute girl or not.


>milkshake is milf tittymonster

fund it

No, don't. "sock-fucking weeb" is insult of the month, March 2017

When it ends and you walk away into the sunset with your waifu, it cuts to an overweight version of the main character ordering from a fast food menu.

This should be the easiest route.

get "take-out" by eating their ass

Have a good ending where the waifu breastfeeds the MC burger milk until he's overweight and i'd play it.

>breastfeeds the MC burger milk

Not a milkshake or Pepsi or something. Burger milk.

gimme a hot mess

Burger a best. See that tooth? Auto-best girl, doesn't matter what

>avacado burger

People actually order those?
She's basically insta-locked into the pure hearted creep girl archetype.

just post the actual pic.
the sticky is still on /cock/

>Big Mac-chan is just two lolis on each other's shoulders in a raincoat

Now I'm actually considering making a gofundme to pay for art of the characters and to pay a good writer to make the story. Couldn't cost more than a grand.

Its just a regular burger with some avocado inside.

Avocado basically tastes mildly salty and when sandwiched between a bun and a meat patty it has no recognizable texture of its own.

Stop being such a child, getting put off by a thought of a color or some shit.

t. Someone who puts avocado in sandwiches.

I don't think he was insulting it, it's just somewhat of a niche thing. As a burgerlander I don't see too many places offering it even though I don't mind the idea.

Will we finally find out what 'burger music' sounds like?


It might be regional
I live in california and I see no stop advertisments for california burgers which are covered in avacados

>You will never cover fries-chan with your 'mayo'
As a european, I am saddened by this.

>I don't think he was insulting it,

He might not have, he might have, either way, there is a very specific connotation associated with the phrase "People actually ____ those?" And its generally a negative one.



>Lizard girls that are just anime girls


Dating a girl who has some other dude's cum constantly dribbling down her thigh.

>Avocado with beef

Avocado is for chicken. Avocado-chan and McChicken-tan lesbian porn when?

>no spicy tendercrisp route
>her sister acts like she never existed

You can request it on the /u/ drawthread

I didn't even think of the price of making an OST or buying the rights to one. This could be more expensive than expected.

Hamburger is for marriage.

gibe archive


Best girl is burger with everything on it

I bet these sluts are into vore.
Fucking degenerates