personally, I prefer the mat
doesnt feel like I can get a good placement of where my feet are on the metal
personally, I prefer the mat
doesnt feel like I can get a good placement of where my feet are on the metal
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Metal, to the point where I used to have one of these fuckers.
how much do they usually cost?
How are the redoctane pads? Is that an old set or did they do a rerun of them? I used to have a cobalt flux and it wasn't that much better than my cheap knock off metal pad, didn't have proper sensors or anything which I thought it would have had
rip blueshark
They've been out of print (or whatever the term is for a peripheral) for ages since redoctane died a long time ago and they're quite a specialized item so resellers charge through the roof.
Pic isn't mine but I got mine around 2005/6, never tried a cobalt flux but the redoctane pad didn't feel too different from the arcade. It also survived an extremely fat drunk man both dancing and vomiting onto it so I would say it was built pretty damn well.
>Here's your controller bro
>I only have one dance mat, you'll have to use this
I really want to make my own pad using arcade sensors, but it seems like people only draw schematics for shitty touch contact pads, and I've had enough of those.
I mean, it's shit but you can absolutely wreck your bro with it.
Having the mats are terrible, even with putting rubber bellow the match you can still slip from time to time. The metal ones are pretty consistent so you ca make a look of different things.
It's a shame I feel too old to lay those in public, I can't even enjoy it in my apartment because I don't want the neighbors to know about it.
What was the hardest song you cleared, Sup Forums?
I still have this thing standing behind me.
Used it like 5x and that was years ago.
Doubt it would sell these days.
Max 300 at the arcade, once, with like a C
fun chart tho
Healing-D-Vision Challenge with a B.
2 pad max unlimited at arcade on heavy, B I was 15
I like mine, got it for $100 during black friday too.
Stepmania packs seem to be very hit or miss. Most of the Vocaloid stuff is good, and I was pleasantly surprised by Tachyon Alpha, but most of the vidya or animu packs aren't so good.
Are there any good hard pads that are available nowadays?
Breakdown by Be4U on 7/10 step. Was usually my finisher. Could have done harder songs but I only ever played after bowling and beers so 3 or 5 songs a session was my max given how tired and out of it I'd be
>Little did he know, I am a master at playing DDR with a controller.
I can do just about every song in Extreme (PS2) on Heavy, as well as Max 300. I'm a loser, I know.
What are your favorite songs in DDR Sup Forums?
This is the one I have:
I personally like it a lot, though not being metal makes it noticeably different from an arcade machine. Still leagues better than a pad, and worth the money imo.
the original is good as well, eurodance is probably the best dance music
Thanks, I'll check it out.
>That chub black dude in the arcade who would fucking wreck every teenage girl who dared stand on the other mat and then heckle with his group of boys until they were about to cry.
Literally the only reason I got into fighting games was because I still had LOS from the Street Fighter machine.
I remember playing xepher at arcades on like medium and people there being amazed thinking I was an expert, lol
DDR Singles >>>>> PIU Singles
PIU Doubles >>>>> DDR Doubles
you're retarded if you believe otherwise
The mine shit is the worst thing ever, what introduced that?
In The Groove
I could be wrong, but maybe X?
Either I'm really fucking bad, or like half the Stepmania packs that say they're intended for mats aren't actually intended for mats. I feel I'm approaching the limits of the human body just playing on easy.
The difficulty rating seems to be all over the place. I'm able to handle most of the Tachyon/Vocaloid songs at around 7-9, while other song packs are of comparable difficulty at like 10+. Seems like the more well made a step file is, the more you can rely on the difficulty rating.
Are you SURE you're downloaded pad packs?
So Deep (Heavy mode)
Did it on a soft bad
Well, some of them are hybrid, so I guess it makes sense that the higher difficulties are more for keyboard players. But even then, there's songs that start out at really ridiculous difficulties, and too often the jump from one difficulty to another is a jump from so simple it's boring to holy fucking shit a million arrows every second.
I always hate when there's a song I really want to try but the difficulty rating goes from like 5 to 11, no inbetween at all.
Also, I'm seeing a problem with Stepmania where sometimes songs are in my playlist/in the folder but there's no audio or no steps or both ingame. Anyone else seen this?
I agree.
This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. It's from a hybrid pack, and the lowest available difficulty. No matter how fucking gud I git, there's no way this would even be physically possible.
What BPM is this? You might have some luck just increasing arrow speed so it's more readable. That helped me a TON on songs like that where all the notes were crammed together but the BPM itself wasn't altogether that high.
Readability isn't the issue, it's needing to have my legs in 8 different places within a single second.
That looks nice. I wonder how much it would cost to make your own.
I like the mats since they respond better in my opinion, but they tend to move all over floor.
It was some harder song on Standard difficulty. I was working my way up to Heavy at the time I was really into it.