holy fuck is this game boring
Holy fuck is this game boring
holy fuck is this thread bait
I couldn't disagree more
Not OP.
Op is not wrong.
I got to the just after the proving and that hacking bot and could not bring myself to play again.
Sony honestly makes the dullest games. At least Microserf has Halo
>Sony makes
Sony hasn't made it's own games for a long time.
They pay other people to do it for them.
Why does Sup Forums hate this game?
Is it because the muh stronk womyn meme?
Sony's first party output this gen and last gen have been awful cinematic experience trash. Literally only Bloodborne and Demon's Souls were good.
All these non-critism, yeah yeah it's completely subjective but the game is objectively entertaining in it's moment to moment gameplay.
It's boring as fuck but look at these graphics, no doubt its the best looking game atm
oh wow i shoot arrows at enemy that doesnt move
im so excited
That on the Pro?
Didn't realize how much of a difference it made.
Too bad those moments are too far between themselves for me to justify continuing to play it.
yea its on pspro
its the best looking game ever
I was agreeing with you.
I enjoyed it greatly, and I couldn't play Fallout 4 for more than four hours.
Gonna try BOTW on Cemu this week, but it looks pretty childish and simple from what I've seen.
damn that looks fun
"best looking game ever"
>not battlefront
you should play zelda instead, climbing 120 identical ubisoft towers is far more exciting
please be bait
Holy fuck is this game boring.
I know, these Tallneaks are boring.
But that's not Kingdom Come Deliverance.
Though Battlefront is a close second.
Tried playing this after BoTW and it just felt dull as shit. Going to leave it for a few months so I won't constantly compare it to BoTW
This is where I am too.
I don't find the world interesting, and none of the characters are likeable plus it doesn't help that they immediately killed off anyone who had a chance of becoming likeable.
The boss battle after waking up just felt unfun. The camera is zoomed in too much to see what was going on around me, doesn't feel like I can react fast enough and just felt like an all around clusterfuck. Like it didn't feel as if I was getting hit because of my own mistakes or that I was learning anything from failing, just making the whole thing unsatisfying, as opposed to BOTW where every time I get hit I know it was my own fault.
Does it get any better past this point or is it just more of the same?
>bow meme
like 5 years late too
I was already tired of bows by the time they showed up in the Tomb Raider reboot.
Are you unironically having trouble with the combat on what I presume to be normal difficulty?
Maybe you should go back to BOTW then.
>play horizon
>oh its kinda cool i like the world
>play botw
>why the fuck was i even bothering with horizon holy shit
name 5 games with a bow as weapon
>Saying unfavorable things about a Sony exclusive
Now you've done it, engarde!
How DARE you insult lady Sony!
I am beginning to see a pattern here: The most progressive it gets, you lose.
But eh! that's not why you buy them right? It's about telling something about yourself to your friends on tumbler and Neogaf! That's what count right? Signaling!
>120 towers
Crysis 3
Tomb Raider 2013
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Far Cry 3
Far Cry Primal
Black Ops 3
Rust (let's just include every early access survival meme game with bows for the sake of brevity)
And that's just off the top of my head.
>blatant bait threads against other games stay up
>blatant bait threads against Zelda get pruned
I kind wanna guess that jannies are biased but in reality Nintendo kids probably just mass report everything they don't like
What the heck are you talking about dum dum? I can play Horizon for hours without seeing a single cutscene.
Your Lady? An angel? You're lucky the Darkside Whorekeeps aren't bashing down her door for stealing their clientele. Why just last night, I saw her out back warming up the stable-boy.
I only played TR2013 out of that list and I enjoyed Horizon. Did you actually play all those games like an autist and ended up having bow fatigue? What a dumb fag
horizon doesn't even have decent bow
it can be a rifle for what anyone cares, just straight shots all day
just shitty tps
>system literally "upgrades" graphics when you take screenshots
>slaps a handy trademarked filename on it so potential consumers will know what to buy
Too bad the game itself looks pretty unremarkable in motion. The smoke clouds in and look like something a cartoonist would draw. Why are graphics still hailed as such a selling point when A.) the leap from last gen isn't even that great, and B.) it's only good for making bullshots so fans will advertise the game for free?
this one
shadow of the colossus
tomb raider reboot and its sequel (i'll count those as 1 game because why not)
far cry 3 and 4 and primal (same as above)
crysis 3
the last of us
every elder scrolls game
thief series
mount & blade series (kind of cheating)
some of the zelda games
ass creed 3, probably others
oh wait you just wanted 5 lol
Speaking of exciting new strong female Viking games, has anyone heard of HellbladeTM, another original SonyTM title? Big difference is she wears blue paint and doesn't have red hair, so it's an entirely different sort of game.
>that water
What the fuck.
The title in the screenshot mode is optional and customizable. You don't have to have it.
Does this mean you have no idea what you're talking about?
I wanted to like this game SO much. I really did. But I'm with OP, I got fucking bored 6 hours in. You do everything that you're ever going to do in that game within those hours, and the eyecandy just wasn't enough to draw me back in.
There is no such thing as objectively entertaining. Either you accept that these people have a subjective opinion that differs from yours or you prove them objectively wrong to cement your own opinion to be the objective truth. You can't have it both ways.
You could find watching paint dry to be entertaining, doesn't mean it is objectively entertaining.
>i didn't play the game: the post
It's only fun in 1 hour spurts.
And I fucking hate that I cant use spotify while playing.
>including decade old games
>including RPGs
This is like complaining about games having guns in them. But that other user's question was fucking stupid anyway just like your stupid answer.
Not to mention the complete lack of interactivity with the environment.
Not even the grass can be cut/burned.
stormbird fights were always awesome.
>all games must cram additional gimmick physics in because I say so
Thanks for the stupid reply you piss goblin. All he asked was for 5 games with bows, I think i provided them.
If he asked for 5 games from the last 5 years, i have also provided that.
Functional physics at all would be nice.
>upscaled 4k totally looks the same as native guys
You mean just from the last few years, and only including games where it features prominently?
Horizon, Zelda BOTW, Last of Us, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider reboot, Tomb Raider Reboot 2: Electric Boogaloo, Cawadooty, all off the top of my head.
There's nothing WRONG with bows, but it's fucking piss-obvious that it's a "thing" because those Hunger Games books and movies. The only game I listed that can justify it is Zelda because bows have been a traditional weapon in that series for decades and the games also take place in a medieval setting. In all of those other games, which are set in the present or future, it's a meme.
Having more fun with it than Zelda desu
No, because it's something that has been possible since the N64 and there's not reason not to have it.
Or at least real physics on objects.
Or hitboxes on animals so fish don't swim right through the character.
But it looks pretty.
>It's okay BOTW has simple combat for children and bad graphics because it's by design!
>It's NOT okay other games don't have more physics because uh-hmm-yeah
>putting graphics over gameplay
Are there still neo-Sup Forums deniers?
I guarantee you that Xenoblade 2 won't have"muh physics"like BOTW but Nintendo owners will defend it saying it's okay because not every game has to.
I only like bows when there's hunting animals involved
>not gameplay
Don't you have some movies to watch?
>this game sucks
I mean shitposting is fun and all, but at times I wonder what if some of you dumb faggots are serious.
I have like dozen games for each 7-8 gen systems, and Horizon boring as shit. I'd won't even waste time playing it, not to mention buying it
Neo-Sup Forums? I think you mean Sup Forums-Shitendo. What a shame there won't be a containment board for that cancer.
It gets better as you go on but never really gets truly great.
After playing botw it feels really limited on all fronts that isn't graphics.
I hate both horizon and zelda!
No, I don't have a ps4 anymore :(
I'm strugglin to finish this game
I guess I felt for the meme
This has to be one of the worst looking AAA games of this gen.
I've never seen such a low res, blurry, badly textured piece of baked in shit.
I didn't like it either.
So much walking between missions and it isn't fun to travel at all. The climbing is garbage and I didn't really enjoy riding the dinosaurs much.
Also the combat is ass. It gives you tons of cool tools to fight the dinosaurs but then every mission has like 4 hordes of human enemies and the only thing you can really do with them is shoot them with a bow.
This board would be a lot happier with Nintendo gone.
I don't know why they didn't do that when they moved Pokemon off. Should have shipped off the entire Nintendo crowd in one wholesale so they can talk about their games made with 8 year olds in mind.
only reason horizon threads are still happening is cause zelda shitposting
no one cares about game itself anymore.
Funny considering how much of the shitposting comes from sonybros.
If you like games like Far Cry 4 you'll like this game.
Though if you liked FC4 there's a 70% chance that you have shit taste.
>that low as fuck quality of geometry
The game has it's moments, they just aren't plentiful enough, the first time you fight any of the robot dinos is pretty cool, but only the first time really, the game was a really cool idea with 90% boring shit in between the cool shit, it is definitely getting a sequel though, so hopefully they can take the little good and expand it to make it better next time.
This picture is kind of fucked up, like didn't her killer take that right before he raped her, then shot her dead in the middle of nowhere?
My problem is the shading.
Whenever I see some Sonyfag praising the shading I cringe because it's obvious that they don't go outside.
A lot of the vegetation shading in this game is genuinely worse than games from 2014 and earlier.
The game is a baked in, undynamic piece of shit that has less fidelity than Crysis from 2007.
You literally can't have Horizon threads without the same Zeldafags jumping in every time. Then a hundred posts later they turn around and say "See? Your thread is bad!" even though they themselves shit up the thread.
Reminds me of Republicand and Obamacare.
You could always fuck off back to neogaf if you want Horizon threads.
>its the best looking game ever
>water not reflecting anything at all
>clearly just "reflection.png"
>no shaders or distortions on submerged geometry
>fog rape to hide garbage distance textures
Fell for the meme.
that's because we had enough threads before release and now there is literally nothing to talk about.
anyone who have seen or played this game knows that there isn't anything to talk about aside of beating dead horses
cause only decent thing about this game is enemy monsters designs, that's about it.
>moon covered by fog
>still somehow provides more light than the fire
Jesus fucking christ, this is Bethesda levels of nonsense lighting
It's because the developers cast the widest net they could to appeal to as many people as possible. The result is a game that doesn't excel in any particular area (especially not the melee combat) but isn't a total shitshow either.
I tried to warn you the games mechanics are going to be made for potatoes
I tried but you still bought they hyper causal garbage parading around as a real game
You only have yourself to blame
>all those game
>over the course of 5+ years
Clearly he's the autist
heh, fukken gottem
and hours without doing anything at all.
>objectively entertaining
same goes for sonybros. Though they seem to be stuck in their own little la-la land.
I platinumed it. I thought it was a lot of fun. Turn the HUD off and play it on Very Hard.
yes, yes he did.
>He fell for the Horizon meme
What the fuck are you doing?
So you won't tell him if it is more of the same. Leading me to believe that it is more of the same.
playing video games and not shitposting on Sup Forums about games i dont play